
Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Idoor im not coddling you ok? U got slapped in lascanod when u tried opress people ok? Instead of crying about 1980 go ask urself why your being targeted through out history you’ve been on ethiopians and other kafirs nxts its ur legacy gaalrac. only one who is weak n pathetic is you grown man crying about the past 0 testo in you.

Fhkin hell dis people never give up everyday they wanna cry🀣 like goo? Nobody will miss u go to oromia with hargeisa burco berbera.
What are you on about? Isaaq have always been on the frontlines during wars against Habesha. Futah Al Habash ring any bells? Was one of the largest divisions of WSLF not led by a GX man? Hell most of the nationalists songs of that Ogaden war period were produced in Hargeisa. Very odd post.

Btw its the rest of you that have an attachment issue with SL lets call a spade a spade. Who was chimping out over the MOU deal again?


runta ayaan kugu qarxin
What are you on about? Isaaq have always been on the frontlines during wars against Habesha. Futah Al Habash ring any bells? Was one of the largest divisions of WSLF not led by a GX man? Hell most of the nationalists songs of that Ogaden war period were produced in Hargeisa. Very odd post
The isaaq hate is real, and they complain about why we want nothing to do with them. Even that puntite girl wants beef calling to annex sland lol


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
The isaaq hate is real, and they complain about why we want nothing to do with them. Even that puntite girl wants beef calling to annex sland lol
At the end of the day its better to be a united block of muslims with the same language culture and blood against the 100 million+ Christian highlanders breathing down our necks but damn do some of these Darood niggas make me want to reconsider having that position.


runta ayaan kugu qarxin
The only 'real solution' is for normal Hawiye to dethrone Damul Jadiid, and discipline SNM. But hell will freeze over before that. Every clan has their thugs, but no clan has a more deep-rooted thug system than Hawiye. And the proof is in the pudding (the chaos in their deegaan).
You speak like slanders aren't willing to fight for their lives lol Do you understand the complications of war?


runta ayaan kugu qarxin
At the end of the day its better to be a united block of muslims with the same language culture and blood against the 100 million+ Christian highlanders breathing down our necks but damn do some of these Darood niggas make me want to reconsider having that position.
Tbh it's weird really, they on some massive power trip as if slanders are some traitorous ingrates. And then they act confused when we double down on sland


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
You speak like slanders aren't willing to fight for their lives lol Do you understand the complications of war?
Idk why people online make it out like Awdal would open to any attacks on SL. Our longest president in office was literally Samaroon. They get far more representation in SL then they'd ever would in the barbaric 4.5 system having to compete with Isaaq Suure & Bimaal for representation in parliament. Not to mention Darood teaming up wtih a Dir subclan to attack another Dir subclan? πŸ’€

Its a net negative on all fronts for Samaroon to be up for any of this nonsense.


runta ayaan kugu qarxin
What are you on about? Isaaq have always been on the frontlines during wars against Habesha. Futah Al Habash ring any bells? Was one of the largest divisions of WSLF not led by a GX man? Hell most of the nationalists songs of that Ogaden war period were produced in Hargeisa. Very odd post.

Btw its the rest of you that have an attachment issue with SL lets call a spade a spade. Who was chimping out over the MOU deal again?
Hypoctrics, and they think we won't notice, somalia can #hore itself out twice a month but best believe sland tries anything and it's a cardinal sin. If they want to be prejudiced about what tuulo they identify with, we can do the same but they're surprised???? πŸ˜‚


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Hypoctrics, and they think we won't notice, somalia can #hore itself out twice a month but best believe sland tries anything and it's a cardinal sin. If they want to be prejudiced about what tuulo they identify with, we can do the same but they're surprised???? πŸ˜‚
Its only bad when the evil idoors do it :russ:


runta ayaan kugu qarxin


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Tbh it's weird really, they on some massive power trip as if slanders are some traitorous ingrates. And then they act confused when we double down on sland
I think envy plays a bit of a role to this hatred. PL has to deal with being tied to the hellzone down south thanks to AY's genius power play of inviting Habesh to destabilize the Islamic Courts Union & since then the south has had to deal with the after effects of his decision while barely having 1 year to recover from 15 years of clan warfare.

Meanwhile Isaaq & Gadabuursi have been relatively fine since 1996. There were some skrimishes in 2019 with HY vs SL in Sanaag & the recent SSC war but neither of those ever effected the Dir heartland. Nearly 30 years of peace for the triangle cities defiantly strikes a nerve with people. :mjlol:


runta ayaan kugu qarxin
I think envy plays a bit of a role to this hatred. PL has to deal with being tied to the hellzone down south thanks to AY's genius power play of inviting Habesh to destabilize the Islamic Courts Union & since then the south had to deal with the after effects of his decision while barely having 1 year to recover from 15 years of clan warfare.

Meanwhile Isaaq & Gadabuursi have been relatively fine since 1996. There were some skrimishes in 2019 with HY vs SL in Sanaag & the recent SSC war but neither of those ever effected the Dir heartland. Nearly 30 years of peace for the triangle cities defiantly strikes a nerve with people. :mjlol:
It must have something to do with it, I mean against all odds we took the most broke up places in east africa, made it safe, and built it up with barley any aid. Of course that's impressive and of course that can create some jealousy.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
It must have something to do with it, I mean against all odds we took the most broke up places in east africa, made it safe, and built it up with barley any aid. Of course that's impressive and of course that can create some jealousy.
ICU was proof other Somalis could do what we did & its not too late to switch things around but a LOT will need to change. Inshallah when millennials began to inherent the political system we'll start to see it.


runta ayaan kugu qarxin
ICU was prove other Somalis could do what we did & its not too late to switch things around but a LOT will need to change. Inshallah when millennials began to inherent the political system we'll start to see it.
Absolutely, really that's everyone's only hope anything positive will come, ever. But we need to repair qabil hate obsessed war mongers like puntite girl who love bringing negativity and fueling hypocrisy otherwise there will never be a somali state, ever.
Trust me, we fought Barre and his planes and that seemed more of a gamble than fighting whilst surrounded today, we couldn't have won but we got lucky, point is, we will fight no matter the consequence, believe that. But look at you wanting to start violence. I never heat a lander calling for genocide and taking land.


My main goal, is to isolate SNM back to your traditional deegaan, as is the most appropriate thing. Which will make it very difficult for you to invite your Ethiopian friends to access our waters, as an army. Secondly, Pro-Somali Awdalites, have the right to their own state, and their own federal army. And SSC is going to be an official Federal state that already has an army.

Your people are the ones who are violent expansionists, and now, have added HIGH TREASON to their long list of crimes. Somalia has the right to defend its land from an Ethiopian 'navy', first of all. If you wish to side with and protect these thieves, that's on YOU.
I think envy plays a bit of a role to this hatred. PL has to deal with being tied to the hellzone down south thanks to AY's genius power play of inviting Habesh to destabilize the Islamic Courts Union & since then the south has had to deal with the after effects of his decision while barely having 1 year to recover from 15 years of clan warfare.

Meanwhile Isaaq & Gadabuursi have been relatively fine since 1996. There were some skrimishes in 2019 with HY vs SL in Sanaag & the recent SSC war but neither of those ever effected the Dir heartland. Nearly 30 years of peace for the triangle cities defiantly strikes a nerve with people. :mjlol:


Oh, here is the 'Dir' card. I've seen enough intellectuals from Awdal, to know they are sick of your bullshit. Not to mention the fact that you committed crimes against them. They're just planning and biding their time, and will 100% leave your criminal organisation.

Jealousy? Nobody cares about your delusions, or even pays attention to you, until your people attack innocent people for land-expansion purposes. Don't act like you have amnesia now. The perpetual innocent victim act is tired and played out.
Trust me, we fought Barre and his planes and that seemed more of a gamble than fighting whilst surrounded today, we couldn't have won but we got lucky, point is, we will fight no matter the consequence, believe that. But look at you wanting to start violence.

Violence? Is that what you call political isolation? If violence was my plan A, I would openly say it. I am not one to mince my words. I believe in defence, not attacking. Which is why I want SNM surrounded, and outgunned.

I never heat a lander calling for genocide and taking land.

What planet do you inhabit? Because it's not earth.

