He will, duh

I want an awdal state to rise up, muse bihi to get another extension for a war excuse so garhajis will then pull out from sl militias and say f*ck sl and declare a state while pressure on awdal is lessened to hj and ha who r tiny. That should be the Somaliland story where everyone gets what they want.


runta ayaan kugu qarxin
I want an awdal state to rise up, muse bihi to get another extension for a war excuse so garhajis will then pull out from sl militias and say f*ck sl and declare a state while pressure on awdal is lessened to hj and ha who r tiny. That should be the Somaliland story where everyone gets what they want.
I mean this sounds amazing, but it could easily go very bloody very quick.


I mean this sounds amazing, but it could easily go very bloody very quick.

MJ are plotting on Somaliland from the desert.

They want to create federal states in Somaliland, and small ones that are no competeition for them to scoop up and mop up. That way federalism is more power and Puntland is more powerful.

Somaliland doesn't really care about them. Irrelevant. I don't care who is president of puntland. Like who even cares. I don't care about Bari, or Mudug. I don't even know the clans of MJ.

They need Somaliland, they wanna be like Somaliland. Just haters and fans.
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Somaliland can be resolved easily. Tell awdal state to rise up and cutt of from Somaliland, tell muse bihi he can get another extension excuse again which will cause garhajis state to be born plus when they see PL whether in war or peace time never delays January 8 election day will embolden them that all these extensions are hog wash.

All of this nonsense can be resolved, if Culusow and his gang, stopped muling for SNM. No Ethiopia in our sea, and most of Somali territory would be under the blue flag.

But they worship at the altar of qabiil beef from the 1990s.

We can't even balkanise, because SNM would DEFINITELY become an outpost for Ethiopia, Zionists, you name it.




Forza Somalia!
Abiye Ahmeds Ethiopia killed more than 600k Tigrays in a period of 2 years, do you hear about TigrayLand? Imagine TigrayLand making a deal with Somalia and in return getting recognition, there would be war but bc we somalis are so divided the shisheeye plays us like children.

I understand your grievence and acknowledge your qabiil were targeted by the state. But that state doesn't exist today. In a compromise to keep the country together, we agreed on federalism. It’s still developing and not perfect, but will prevent a return of a dictator or a repeat of what happened in the north.
Tigrays are definitely more into independent now more than ever


Wizard Of Oz Monkeys GIF

This thread.


Forza Somalia!
Ethiopia by this, wants to get a legal base giving it a sea access as natural right that Somalia can't refuse, the same as Bolivia and Chile, Bolivia has the right to use Chilean ports as sea access.

This will give Ethiopia to use Somali ports as Their right, so how we gonna tax them using ports they have right to use?
I would blame the tol doon Dirs with their obsession of SL.

I never seen those Dir coons mention their losses in Merca but when SL is in the picture they turn up like they life depend on it lol.

Most useless block is Dir even Farmaajo who's anti-federalism dialed back thanks to their pressure
You have to blame your cousins that worked for SL


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Once again retards in xamar cock blocking somaliland attempts as independence by using the β€œEthiopia bad!!!” Trope then literally following in our foot steps a few months later.

I’m all for unionism but not with munafiqs. FGS needs a shake up eventually this is a country run by toddlers