turks/ottomans were colonist


Everybody can take GCSE it is nothing you just need the right mindset just like alshabaabs who blow up themselves if you have that mindset then you can become everything.


You misunderstood his joke, he was throwing a jab at you.


The Ottoman Empire was an caliphate. To anyone who says otherwise is fucking clueless. How is that even an idea, that it isn't?

If you ask me. People are just to easily swayed by a particular cult in saudi.:kanyeshrug:
are you saying the sahabas was wrong for conquering lands
If the sahabas did colonise conquer people land by demented they would be under their rule then yes they were wrong you cant got people land and say to them Now you will be under our rule
I wouldnt accept that 2 that is colonise
And btw the sahabah never did what they did was they conquer those who attacked their their land and not viceverse
If you side with kuffars against muslims then you are a kaffir and your blood is halal and it is allowed to kill you wherever you are.
You always useiden this Allah doesnt Forbid being me and you being friend and God non Muslim and side with good non muslim
And btw the only thing that make a muslim. Kuffar is committing shirk not by siding with non Muslim are you kidding by your logic I have to side with a muslim racist nationalism that want to colonise me lol and not Side with good non muslim
Get out here
What will you do to stop them from colonizing you? Do you even live in Somalia
So you support colonisers
So what if i dont live in somali people can live Where they want and there non somali living in somali tell them to live in their own land you are hypocrite fk out here


Akh Right movement
So you support colonisers
So what if i dont live in somali people can live Where they want and there non somali living in somali tell them to live in their own land you are hypocrite fk out here

wtf are you saying lmao. You jumped from one topic to another topic. How illiterate could you be? Go improve your reading comprehension.... dumbass. All I said was what would YOU do to stop them from colonizing you? And oh since you brought up people living in other countries. Every countries have the right kick out immigrants and refugees. Western countries can deport all these immigrants if they didn’t like them, because it’s there country at the end of the day. Somalis have the right to kick out immigrants out of their countries as well since its there country.
wtf are you saying lmao. You jumped from one topic to another topic. How illiterate could you be? Go improve your reading comprehension.... dumbass. All I said was what would YOU do to stop them from colonizing you? And oh since you brought up people living in other countries. Every countries have the right kick out immigrants and refugees. Western countries can deport all these immigrants if they didn’t like them, because it’s there country at the end of the day. Somalis have the right to kick out immigrants out of their countries as well since its there country.
We can stop by making awareness of it that stupid somalis won't fell for it
Warya @Abu Salah-Ad-Din Ayub
Stop qashin me wanna be slave and wanna be under Colonialism
Warya I am giving you qashin because eveything that came out of your mouth is qashin. Ottomans NEVER COLONISED MUSLIMS! They were a legitimate caliphate in the Islamic world bringing much needed stability to the muslims.
Islam is not about Nationality. It is about deen. The prophet said. No ethnicity is better than the other. The only ranking between humans is by piety. It is MAKRUH that we are not 1 nation. You are fueling the trick of Divide and Qonquer that the west used for Centuries. They divide us muslims and give us reasons such as Nationalism. Ataturk was a disgusting shame for the history of Turks. The arabs that rebelled on the Ottomans was also tricked by British people. They said “How can you let turks rule your land? You were once a glorious people”. (Lawrence of Arabia). Islam is not a religion of a people. It is the religion of humans. Whoever rules the Islamic world is a muslim and it doesn’t matter what nationality it is. The man that defeated the Crusaders Salah Ad Din Al Ayyubi was a kurdish millitary commander leading in Syria,Hejaz,Yemen and Egypt. He was a recognized Caliph. Qutuz the Caliph of the early Mamluks that defeated the Tatar Mongols when they raided the Islamic world had an origin from Crimea today known as Russia/Ukraine. Then in the end Turks came. Great scholar Bukhari that made the great collection of Hadeeth was a Persian. Some were from Morocco and Spain previously known as Al Andalus. I am shocked by the youth today. We the muslims are in need of a caliphate in the whole muslim world. Look what happened to Libya, Yemen,Iraq and Syria. Bismillah. We need to unite so we can’t be exploited by the west. Otherwise we will all have Puppet Regimes like the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The royal family today grow up in UK and the west, then move back to Saudi Arabia. They are westernised and are trying to make our Muslim lands like the west. Or do you want a western puppet which is easy to install when we are divided like Sisi of Egypt.

May Allah save us and keep our faith intact. Insha Allah the Muslim world will prosper again.
If the sahabas did colonise conquer people land by demented they would be under their rule then yes they were wrong you cant got people land and say to them Now you will be under our rule
I wouldnt accept that 2 that is colonise
And btw the sahabah never did what they did was they conquer those who attacked their their land and not viceverse
who told you that they didn't attack and conquered lands. Wallahi I don't even know if you are muslim who told you that the only way you can become kafir is by commiting shirk. If a person leaves the obligatory rituals then he is kafir even if he says the shahada.
Btw. Erdogan is a good leader for muslims. He has a past being Member of the Islamic brotherhood. He is fighting for a caliphate like no other leader in our modern time has. Before he ruled I would have lobbied for Muhammad Morsi that recently died in prison in Egypt being overthrown by current Dictator of Egypt Sisi.
Only reliable muslim Leaders today is Erdogan and Imran Khan. However Imran Khan doesn’t have enough power and ressources to make a caliphate. But Erdogan has. So I would lobby for him for now as caliph atleast. Saudi Arabia is a zionist-american supported country with a corrupt and westernised royal family. This sucks.


Forza Somalia!
Ataturk was a disgusting shame for the history of Turks.

Without Ataturk, the othamn Khalifat would be like this after treaty of Sevres.

After the Khalif had signed the treaty, Modern turkey was divided into 9 pieces, and since the Khalif was who signed the treaty, he signed on behalf of the Khalifet and anyone who done anything (like starting a war for independence) against the European colonizer, was seen by Khalif as an act against the ottoman Khalifat. Basically this 1920 Ottoman Khalifat was like Saudia No. 1. Anyway Ataturk fought the Europeans and kicked them outside modern Turkish borders.
Even Ottoman Khalif and other royalist sided with the British and other allied forces against their Turkish fellows who are fighting for the independence. The shame of Turkish history should be this last Khalif of Ottoman khalifat not Ataturk


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
Everyone knows that this show is a qashin show propaganda from history prospective, it is not even a decent probaganda. Waste of money and time.
Yeah and the Turkish documentaries are spot on right? They are not propaganda. Go F yourself.


Forza Somalia!
Yeah and the Turkish documentaries are spot on right? They are not propaganda. Go F yourself.
I was referring to this show specifically. What you mean by "Turkish documentaries" can by a probaganda or not, since you didn't pointed out what these documentaries are.


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
I was referring to this show specifically. What you mean by "Turkish documentaries" can by a probaganda or not, since you didn't pointed out what these documentaries are.
And who might you be motherf*cker 20 comments and been here since 2018 f*ck off


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