turks/ottomans were colonist

Warya I am giving you qashin because eveything that came out of your mouth is qashin. Ottomans NEVER COLONISED MUSLIMS! They were a legitimate caliphate in the Islamic world bringing much needed stability to the muslims.
Islam is not about Nationality. It is about deen. The prophet said. No ethnicity is better than the other. The only ranking between humans is by piety. It is MAKRUH that we are not 1 nation. You are fueling the trick of Divide and Qonquer that the west used for Centuries. They divide us muslims and give us reasons such as Nationalism. Ataturk was a disgusting shame for the history of Turks. The arabs that rebelled on the Ottomans was also tricked by British people. They said “How can you let turks rule your land? You were once a glorious people”. (Lawrence of Arabia). Islam is not a religion of a people. It is the religion of humans. Whoever rules the Islamic world is a muslim and it doesn’t matter what nationality it is. The man that defeated the Crusaders Salah Ad Din Al Ayyubi was a kurdish millitary commander leading in Syria,Hejaz,Yemen and Egypt. He was a recognized Caliph. Qutuz the Caliph of the early Mamluks that defeated the Tatar Mongols when they raided the Islamic world had an origin from Crimea today known as Russia/Ukraine. Then in the end Turks came. Great scholar Bukhari that made the great collection of Hadeeth was a Persian. Some were from Morocco and Spain previously known as Al Andalus. I am shocked by the youth today. We the muslims are in need of a caliphate in the whole muslim world. Look what happened to Libya, Yemen,Iraq and Syria. Bismillah. We need to unite so we can’t be exploited by the west. Otherwise we will all have Puppet Regimes like the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The royal family today grow up in UK and the west, then move back to Saudi Arabia. They are westernised and are trying to make our Muslim lands like the west. Or do you want a western puppet which is easy to install when we are divided like Sisi of Egypt.

May Allah save us and keep our faith intact. Insha Allah the Muslim world will prosper again.
The way I understood you is you want somalis to be exploited by Turks and Arabs colonial and Rule over our own land tell us how should we Rule our country whether it is economic or Resource of somalis you want to give to me our land so they expoloite our wealth and Resource and out politics
You want us to be Subservient to and to make somalis slaves you daam know back in the day slavery exist if it wasn't for xeer somalis would have been slaves
I dont want
Nor I agree
My option is each muslim leader should Rule his own country
The only thing I agree be to allies with other muslims and not be Subservient and under their coloni
We should Rule our self in our own country and control our Resources and our border and seas
who told you that they didn't attack and conquered lands. Wallahi I don't even know if you are muslim who told you that the only way you can become kafir is by commiting shirk. If a person leaves the obligatory rituals then he is kafir even if he says the shahada.
Nah the only think that make you kaffir is shirk and btw by your logic If person commit zina he is kafir cuz he left the obligatory ritual
And the only time you can conquer peoples land is when they attack your land that is the only way and not viceverse


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