Two Somali professors win prestigious award for their research on the 'boundaries of Somaliness'

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HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
For two professors Abdi Kusow and Mohamed Eno, the inequality and discrimination faced by Somali minority groups in Somalia is an important topic that media and other writers failed to portray, something which forced the two professors to take matters into their hands by making an extensive research into the topic which earned them the prestigious 2015 Maines Narrative Research Award.

Titled “Formula Narratives and the Making of Social Stratification and Inequality.” the two researchers use Somali original narratives to describe the ways in which Somali minority groups are discriminated and deprived of their own social rights, by pushing them further from their social boundary of Somaliness.

The lengthy research also relates how Somali culture, institutions, and social organizations dialectically structure the generic processes that produce and perpetuate social inequality against Somali minority groups.

“I personally believe that truly acknowledging some of the serious inequalities and the level of other-ing and discrimination in our society is the first step toward a fair, just, and truly inclusive Somalia.” Kusow told HOL.



Eno has a very narrow concept of what it means to be African. Someone needs to ask him if North Africans are also Africans by chance of geography. I agree that the majority of Somalis are not Arab but I don't know of any Somali who has gone to Arabia for acceptance as an Arab -where or to who might one go to get such an 'acceptance'? He tries very hard to paint us minstrels when in reality we've kept our East African culture alive for eons - our language, music, dances etc are what we're really proud of - he seems bitter about something - he should spit it out.
The Bantu Academic Trolls are it again. If you can't see how they are desperatley trying to steer the narrative in their falsefied direction. then i don't know. Their whole agenda is to attack somali identity,culture and then at the same time to assume and co-opt it for their economic benefits so they can lay claim to our land and resources.

It's no fluke that western scholars and academics who write about somalis and somalia don't take them seriously. They are both laughing stocks in the Academic circles gasping for attention only getting recognition from Liberal Sociologists.
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The Bantu Academic Trolls are it again. If you can't see how they are desperatley trying to steer the narrative in their falsefied direction. then i don't know. Their whole agenda is to attack somali identity,culture and then at the same time to assume and co-opt it for their economic benefits so they can lay claim to our land and resources.

It's no fluke that western scholars and academics who write about somalis and somalia don't take them seriously. They are both laughing stocks in the Academic circles gasping for attention.

Spot on, I was about to say that too!


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
It's no fluke that western scholars and academics who write about somalis and somalia don't take them seriously. They are both laughing stocks in the Academic circles gasping for attention.

They won a prestigious award for their research. I'd say that means western scholars and academics take them very seriously and are supportive of their narrative. :zhqjlmx:


Abdi Kusow is a Bantu Raxanweyn? When the heck did Bantu become Raxanweyn? Is he just championing their supposed cause?
They won a prestigious award for their research. I'd say that means western scholars and academics take them very seriously and are supportive of their narrative. :zhqjlmx:

More like prestigious awards from other Bantus from Bantu Universities, who are keen in expanding their Bantu interests in the next Bantu Expansion!
They won a prestigious award for their research. I'd say that means western scholars and academics take them very seriously and are supportive of their narrative. :zhqjlmx:

In the area they teach and lecture as Professors in ohio from sociologists, dont count :uCkf6mf:
Plus who gives out the award anyway? Writers on Somalis and Somalia?


And thus it begins slowly but surely..
Mr. Eno is a con artist. The guy lies more than Saddam's Minister of Information.

Anyways. yup you are right a bonefied Con Artist. it seems like the same liberal hogwards who fall for the same nonsense Nuruddin writes is taking the bait.

Its lie and creating false narratives attacking somali identity and culture. If you do that you will recieve a medal of honors.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe

:mjlol: @ "racial-based exclusion" where do the cadcad fit into all of this?:mjlaugh:
Apperantly they dont fit any ''exclusion'' categories since we are according to Eno & crew from the middeleast and wannabe arabslollol
Even tho they are apart of 0.5 .
What did I say before?

The Bantus would multiply their numbers in Somalia, challenge the very definition of Somali, co-opt this cultural confusion to their own benefit, claim to be genuine Somalis----and then erase our entire history/heritage for their own benefit.

These Bantus are NOT Somali. They will never be Somali, no matter what some pseudo-professor has to say about the topic. We are an ancient Cushitic people that are native to the Horn of Africa, and no foreign Bantu will ever change this reality.
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