Ugaasadda caught on film outside of her normal studio

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On Hiatus
My brother is in his early 20s and has never been to Somalia before and btw, we're MJ ;) But yeah, my parents went with him, obviously.

Even so, there's lots of youtube videos of people in Mogadishu, so yeah, even tho Ugaaso's life is not representative of the average person there, it's not like going there is necessarily a death sentence.
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How come she's not showing how people really live in Muqdisho? She's lying to people and some diaspora kid who doesn't know any better will go to Xamar and get killed. I know people who recently came from Xamar. It's a danger zone, in 2015 people are still being killed and looted. Diaspora people can't leave their houses or hotels because moryaans are roaming the city and targeting people. If you go back to xamar you either ask for security from villa Somalia or you have to be related to government officials. Ugaaso can't even leave Villa Somalia. She's lying to herself and to the public. Wallahi I'm not even saying this for qabiil reasons. Xamar is very dangerous and diaspora people shouldn't be lied to.

I went there summer 2013, the only danger I faced was a Somali army guy confusing me for Al Shabab because I was walking around taking pictures near villa Somalia area. So I think it's a bit of an exaggeration that someone would get killed for going there. There are hardly any Al Shabab about anymore and when they are about they only target the government and their workers and allies not civilians.
How come she's not showing how people really live in Muqdisho? She's lying to people and some diaspora kid who doesn't know any better will go to Xamar and get killed. I know people who recently came from Xamar. It's a danger zone, in 2015 people are still being killed and looted. Diaspora people can't leave their houses or hotels because moryaans are roaming the city and targeting people. If you go back to xamar you either ask for security from villa Somalia or you have to be related to government officials. Ugaaso can't even leave Villa Somalia. She's lying to herself and to the public. Wallahi I'm not even saying this for qabiil reasons. Xamar is very dangerous and diaspora people shouldn't be lied to.

Idol, abaayo Xamar is dangerous if you are government official or hang around with ppl from dowlada. But if you are a normal diaspora nothing will happen to you unless your at the wrong place at the wrong time. 90% of killings and attacks happens around km4. Basically an area of 2km. Xamar got 16 districts lol. Walahi my own father went to xamar with some of his friend swho are MX this summer and he told me they use to walk every day from our house in yaaqshid all the way to Liido beach in cabdicasiis district. And he said the the city was safe. All i'm saying is much is entire kin lives in xamar and i talk to them daily and they are happy walahi.

Queen Carawelo

My brother is in his early 20s and has never been to Somalia before and btw, we're MJ ;) But yeah, my parents went with him, obviously.

Even so, there's lots of youtube videos of people in Mogadishu, so yeah, even tho Ugaaso's life is not representative of the average person there, it's not like going there is necessarily a death sentence.
An MJ who didn't get a top notch security, wandering around Xamar, yeah and Santa exists.

I know a xawadle family who came back early because of moryaans trying to blackmail them.

Queen Carawelo

Idol, abaayo Xamar is dangerous if you are government official or hang around with ppl from dowlada. But if you are a normal diaspora nothing will happen to you unless your at the wrong place at the wrong time. 90% of killings and attacks happens around km4. Basically an area of 2km. Xamar got 16 districts lol. Walahi my own father went to xamar with some of his friend swho are MX this summer and he told me they use to walk every day from our house in yaaqshid all the way to Liido beach in cabdicasiis district. And he said the the city was safe. All i'm saying is much is entire kin lives in xamar and i talk to them daily and they are happy walahi.
Your father is abgaal. You think the MX people would go without an Abgaal. Get real warsheekh.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
@Idol has a point. I don't know any MJ without any connections to Hawiye who went to Mogadishu without sorting out security first. It's reality and I say this as my friends and family have both been back. My own mother and sister were recently there but had to sort security out using our qabil ( through the PM). I guess it depends why you go back. To claim that people who are targeted are part of the government or associated with government officials is a complete lie. You're are also a target if you return to claim occupied properties.

As for the life Ugaaso is portraying on IG, you can't argue that that isn't luxury. Only the diaspora will be able to enjoy that lifestyle and she is doing it all for the ajnabi gaze. There's nothing xaasid about pointing out how her and her husband work for the government or how her Instagram account is essentially pro-government propaganda. If she were part of Al Shabaab and was posting pics of her luxurious life under many of you would support her?

Queen Carawelo

@Idol has a point. I don't know any MJ without any connections to Hawiye who went to Mogadishu without sorting out security first. It's reality and I say this as my friends and family have both been back. My own mother and sister were recently there but had to sort security out using our qabil ( through the PM). I guess it depends why you go back. To claim that people who are targeted are part of the government or associated with government officials is a complete lie. You're also target if you return to claim occupied properties.

This this this this.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
She is not related to HSM. Ugaasada is wacbuudhan, Abgaal. And HSM is Waceysle,Abgaal. Besides her husband works in Villa somalia thats why she can't roam around the city as she wishes. She's a target. Walahi some of you people are evil and xaasid. Sure there are many problems in Mogadishu one cannot deny that. But it's sure as hell not like some ppl in here are portraying it to be. The city was a focking battlefield few years ago literally uninhabitable. Now business is booming, many developments projects going on. Alxamdulilah. The only problem is the security flaws but inshallah that will improve too. Let me ask you people though why shouldn't Ugaasada show the good side of Mogadishu? I mean the city has been getting bad publicity for 20+ years. The world only knows negative things about somalia and xamar. Why hide the developments and the peace the reer Mogadishu is enjoying today after 20+ years of constant war? Acuudi bilahi some of you are astonishing.
These motherfuckers are just hardcore qabilists, I can say Xamar is safe for shacab they just jealous the city is moving forward


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
You don't need security in Xamar if your diaspora thats a big lie,theres no mooryans lookin to kill you. The lies these people peddle are amazing from their basements in MN, toronto :snoop:
@Idol has a point. I don't know any MJ without any connections to Hawiye who went to Mogadishu without sorting out security first. It's reality and I say this as my friends and family have both been back. My own mother and sister were recently there but had to sort security out using our qabil ( through the PM). I guess it depends why you go back. To claim that people who are targeted are part of the government or associated with government officials is a complete lie. You're are also a target if you return to claim occupied properties.

As for the life Ugaaso is portraying on IG, you can't argue that that isn't luxury. Only the diaspora will be able to enjoy that lifestyle and she is doing it all for the ajnabi gaze. There's nothing xaasid about pointing out how her and her husband work for the government or how her Instagram account is essentially pro-government propaganda. If she were part of Al Shabaab and was posting pics of her luxurious life under many of you would support her?
Yeah but y'all make it seem its only non hawiyes that are targeted regarding the occupied properties. My fam had lands and a house that got looted by ppl related to indhacadde. He even sent them militias to guard our property. We Went to court and got everything back. No laalush no bs.


These motherfuckers are just hardcore qabilists, I can say Xamar is safe for shacab they just jealous the city is moving forward
you are so progressive! how do you do it? everyone else is stupid though, how can they dare criticize somali politics? how can they dare yell corruption? they must be jealous. they must hate mooryans. what blatant tribalism. what ignorance. what backwards people. somali isn't about qawiil anymore! everyone else moved on from 1991! it's 2015, they should stop being upset.

I seen a picture of Ugaaso like maybe 2012/2013 before she got big and before the hijab and boy shit!!!!! :lawd:
I clearly remember she used to be this girl who travelled around places in South America dressed nicely i guess she got that out of her system before she settled down mA.
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