UK university trolls black people with BlackHistoryMonth pictures.

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Some Somalis don't even consider themselves to be African so what makes you think they will consider themselves to be Black?
But why should somalis identify with european racial construct(black) or european minded geographical worldview.(africa). If today europeans said africa and asia are connected and it is at (Suez Peninsula) and this region would be called afroasia you would see somalis and alike running around identifying themselves at such. They create paradigm for these "africans", Gacan ayan otagay cadaankan.:dabcasar:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Keep hearing about this Eurasian admix but none of the original DNA studies support that. I thought the reasoning for that was that they could not find enough Eurasian genetics in the oldest human specimen viable for DNA analysis (mota) but upon further analysis in 2016 found those genetics present meaning we already had that shit.

Which pretty disproved any back to Africa notions. Hollup lemme go find those articles.
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