unislamic haircut

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Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
You cannot quote me being racist can you?

You fucking gorilla looking ugly black bastard.



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Honestly bro if I was in a position of authority, I would help those ajnabis such as yourself & give them a safe passage from Somalia to their ancestral lands of Iran & Arabia the land of the bare footed bedouins competing on who can build the tallest building yet they have even got a strong army, they need America to protect them like some es lol with all that money but no sense.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Yh lol. He's my kin. A part of me, every cadcad is a part of me. You're right lmfao Hawiye did rape a few cadcad women. What you don't understand is, I'm immune to hardship now my nigga. Let's rejoice at how my aunties were almost raped but they fled while my mum's youngest brother was fighting the aggressors and trying to distract them until my family escape. My uncle died though AUN. I've a pic of me and him when I was a boy, I admire him wallahi, my hero.
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Or should we talk about how my grandfather was made destitute after his hard earned halal wealth was robbed off him? Or should we talk about how my uncle got shot when he claimed his property back? Or how over 6 of my relatives were bombed at one time in a masjid? Or how my pregnant aunt was shot on the stomach? I can go on. If you want to 'diss' me using the hardships of my people, then go on fat boy. I've accepted that people come and go when I was 5 years old and stopped crying when I heard of things like these. I've got nothing to lose nigga. Keep it coming (that's if you don't run out of breath) :ftw9nwa:.

Take your 'ummah' talks somewhere else you fucking hipocrite. You don't believe the Ummah is one body. I'm a lone wolf sxb. :gunsmiley:

Go on fatty... Is that all you got?
Fatty this, fat boy that, do you really have the audacity to talk about looks lol lets just leave that there shall we. You are not Somali, you claim you're Persian & Arab mongrel, why come here chatting wet? No racist is my brother in Islam that much I know.

Fatty this, fat boy that, do you really have the audacity to talk about looks lol lets just leave that there shall we. You are not Somali, you claim you're Persian & Arab mongrel, why come here chatting wet? No racist is my brother in Islam that much I know.

And all you're mentioning is hardships of my people. Lmfao did you think it will get to me? I'm immune my nigga. What a dickhead... Horta who the fk is chatting wet? I'm not a fkin racist. Do I speak Farsi or Somali? Man stfu. I think your excess weight is clouding your judgement.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
And all you're mentioning is hardships of my people. Lmfao did you think it will get to me? I'm immune my nigga. What a dickhead... Horta who the fk is chatting wet? I'm not a fkin racist. Do I speak Farsi or Somali? Man stfu. I think your excess weight is clouding your judgement.
6.2 13.5 stones, I'll devour you, cadcad effeminate ass f*ck boy lol


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
LMFAO. I'm 6.2 as well. Wallahi you look like a soft guy, why you fronting you fucking wasteman? You get pushed about by es online. No one rates you. Ugly ass mf
Why don't you go to an Arab forum since you're convinced they're superior. Miise they don't consider you one of them lol


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I'm not here to cater to anyone, there's only room for one on my team & thats obviously I, that's why you'll find it that I roll solo.
Why don't you go to an Arab forum since you're convinced they're superior. Miise they don't consider you one of them lol
First of all, I don't speak Arabic. Secondly, they consider anyone that speaks Arabic to be Arab. You will see European and even African people identified as Arab. I don't consider myself of Arab lineage since I'm not. Is this forum your life nigga? You seem to take it seriously.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
First of all, I don't speak Arabic. Secondly, they consider anyone that speaks Arabic to be Arab. You will see European and even African people identified as Arab. I don't consider myself of Arab lineage since I'm not. Is this forum your life nigga? You seem to take it seriously.
You should stick to your own then, never have a come across a member from the klu klux clan in a African forum trying to identify with them & saying we speak the same language & are from the same country but you're inferior lol
You should stick to your own then, never have a come across a member from the klu klux clan in a African forum trying to identify with them & saying we speak the same language & are from the same country but you're inferior lol
Lol this guy is still talking shit... When I said Arabs were superior to everyone, you know that included my people too right? But the kaftan got to you I see... You're a lil soft mf sxb. Don't let me catch you mentioning anything about Ummah again you fking wasteman. I will personally knock the fk out of you if you're within my grasp. You rejoice at innocent female believers being raped you lil pussy.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Lol this guy is still talking shit... When I said Arabs were superior to everyone, you know that included my people too right? But the kaftan got to you I see... You're a lil soft mf sxb. Don't let me catch you mentioning anything about Ummah again you fking wasteman. I will personally knock the fk out of you if you're within my grasp. You rejoice at innocent female believers being raped you lil pussy.
I'm sorry but a racist is not part of the ummah & is far removed from Islam.

I'm sorry but a racist is not part of the ummah & is far removed from Islam.

Lmfao. Wallahi I'm starting to believe you have an inferiority complex. Saying one race is superior (albeit jokingly) does not make one a kafir. You out of all people are saying I'm far removed from Islam lmfao. You takfiri khaariji. It's a khaariji belief that anyone who commits a sin is a kafir. You're even worse than a khaariji you dickhead. Making takfir on someone for a sin they did not commit smh. You really are suffering from cognitive dissonance pal. Remember, you rejoiced at female believers being raped? You're a clown wallahi. The idea that Arabs are superior was the belief of many of the Ulama, did you know that? It's not my belief though. You're a jahili sxb. You going to make takfir on those Ulama as well? Smh. This nigga is an ignorant, dim witted loser.
Let me guess, you don't even know the basics of tahaarah? Fucking wasteman. You're the scum of mankind.


Suicidal men adore me.
I love when my Somalis get together to karbaash an outsider, I'm so proud of you guys. :banderas::deargod:



Only we can fight eachother all these ajanibs if they try they'll witness the biggest genocide of all times. I'm not even jokin. Who the f*ck do these deegaxaas people think they are talking trash about us?
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