US Supreme Court Strikes Down Race-Based Admissions at Harvard and U.N.C., Affirmative Action is Over



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Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
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The west rewards retards and the lazy and punishes the hard working smart guy. Sanity prevailed today. Asians deserved this long sought-after victory. State and liberal approved racism against Asians should be smashed.


The west rewards retards and the lazy and punishes the hard working smart guy. Sanity prevailed today. Asians deserved this long sought-after victory. State and liberal approved racism against Asians should be smashed.
Having a functional multiracial society means we give every group a stake in it. For variegated reasons, some groups don’t perform as well as others in measures of academic attainment, despite exhaustive attempts to correct this. China/India/Malaysia has affirmitive action too

Some degree of racial preference is necessary to avoid groups being permanently locked out of the system, and succumbing to stagnancy and despair at best, or revolutionarism at worst. Racial preferences are a way for an otherwise meritocratic ruling class to retain some degree of legitimacy. Without them, meritocracy would collapse. This is a disaster

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I know it's controversial but... I think it's unjust to discriminate against someone based on their race when it comes to admission. If some hard-working Chinese person gets the good grades- I think it's unjust to discriminate against him on the basis of his race.

One of the things that I believe is being done is that people are being taught to look after what they perceive as their own self-interest, rather than to think about what is right in the grand scheme of things. If you are on the side of justice, that is what is really in your self-interest morally because insha'Allah Allah will support you because you stood for what's right.

It isn't correct to say for example that if an Asian student gets better grades than a Hispanic student that this must be due to racism. The truth is Asians have a culture that puts more emphasis on study than in Hispanic culture. Their culture is more geared towards getting them that kind of success. The answer at least in that case is to cultivate a positive shift in the culture, rather than to unfairly artificially give the Hispanic students a boost.

But what happens is people want to get at ahead at any cost even if it's through means that are unjust. I am convinced it's unjust to discriminate. It shouldn't be just about getting ahead but it should be about getting ahead in a just and honest way.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Having a functional multiracial society means we give every group a stake in it. For variegated reasons, some groups don’t perform as well as others in measures of academic attainment, despite exhaustive attempts to correct this. China/India/Malaysia has affirmitive action too

Some degree of racial preference is necessary to avoid groups being permanently locked out of the system, and succumbing to stagnancy and despair at best, or revolutionarism at worst. Racial preferences are a way for an otherwise meritocratic ruling class to retain some degree of legitimacy. Without them, meritocracy would collapse. This is a disaster

I definitely think there should be some apparatus to try to help out the groups that are having more difficulty but.... without discriminating against others... I am not sure how it would be done. but I think it would be possible to do some sort of programs to help students who come from difficult backgrounds (personally I think it should look at their life circumstances like poverty rather than race) but without doing this thing where groups are getting discriminated against in their college admissions.
Affirmative Action was put in place to assist African Americans to have an equal shot as others in higher learning due to the legacy of slavery. It was done as part of America's reparations towards the descendants of Slaves. It seems the rise of the far-right and their seizure of the US Supreme Court have reversed this program.



summer break 7/1-?

The universities can still deduce the race of an applicant through their zip codes or their admission essays. If they wanted to meet their racial quotas, they can and they will (obviously.)

And just because AA is now banned doesn’t mean Asian students will have an easier time being accepted for their merit. Asian students’ competition weren’t black/hispanic/native students. It was the White legacy students who were taking their spots. Those legacy students are still going to be taking their spots because their families are big donors to the universities. Nothing will change.
The universities can still deduce the race of an applicant through their zip codes or their admission essays. If they wanted to meet their racial quotas, they can and they will (obviously.)

And just because AA is now banned doesn’t mean Asian students will have an easier time being accepted for their merit. Asian students’ competition weren’t black/hispanic/native students. It was the White legacy students who were taking their spots. Those legacy students are still going to be taking their spots because their families are big donors to the universities. Nothing will change.
if they really wanted a merit based system then these legacy students shouldn’t have special privileges entering these schools. we all know universities espcially the top ivy league ones are filled to the brim with them


The universities can still deduce the race of an applicant through their zip codes or their admission essays. If they wanted to meet their racial quotas, they can and they will (obviously.)

And just because AA is now banned doesn’t mean Asian students will have an easier time being accepted for their merit. Asian students’ competition weren’t black/hispanic/native students. It was the White legacy students who were taking their spots. Those legacy students are still going to be taking their spots because their families are big donors to the universities. Nothing will change.
Coping aside when affirmative action was banned in California the proportion of Black students dramatically fell by 43% at UCLA and 66% at UC Berkeley. Enrollment of Hispanics fell by 53% at Berkeley and 33% at UCLA.
