US Supreme Court Strikes Down Race-Based Admissions at Harvard and U.N.C., Affirmative Action is Over

What is a disaster is the over 70% of AAs being born out of wedlock and not coming from stable two parent households. Every single one of their problems stems from this issue. They don't need affirmative action and other diversity and inclusion baloney; they need cultural reprogramming. They need to be taught better values. It is unacceptable for Asians who did everything right to be punished and to accommodate lesser achieving groups. If schools become majority Asian, then so be it. Learn from them and copy them. There's alot of space in prisons and space can be made if anyone wants to resort to crimes because they feel despair and stagnancy. This goes for all Blacks, not just AA. They're pretty much the same.

Easier for you to dish out subjective opions based on your removal from their realities and history. If you are based in Canada, it explains your lack of understanding of America and the need for institutionalized equal opportunity programs. If you live in the US, you had your head buried in the sand and live in willful ignorance.


Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
Staff Member
Easier for you to dish out subjective opions based on your removal from their realities and history. If you are based in Canada, it explains your lack of understanding of America and the need for institutionalized equal opportunity programs. If you live in the US, you had your head buried in the sand and live in willful ignorance.

I grew up dirt poor, the child of refugees. My parents had zero access to any welfare programs during that time in a country with a much higher cost of living. No food stamps, nothing. These programs were only beefed up later. I didn't have much to eat. The typical AA was doing far better than mine in the late 80s and early 90s. This boils down to welfare dependency, victimhood and bad culture/values. Most of your problems go away if you take the family unit seriously.

Without government enforcement of equal opportunity employment, equal opportunity in education through affirmative action, Equal opportunity for housing, the progress African Americans and minorities made would have been impossible.

The reason America created laws of inclusion way past slavery and jim crow is because racism is part of the culture and unless there is enforcement of these inclusion laws and a force behind them, a white manager at a firm who is racist can reject all applicants and clients of nonwhite background. Just one example. The reason America needs to continue enforcing justice and equality is because many white people are inherently racist and would only help their kind. Anyone who believes otherwise is fooling themselves.
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Asians are stupid as fuckkk lool they really think that whats stopping them from getting more spots are the black applicants?? Lol 33% of ivy league students are WHITE LEGACY students meaning they got in cuz of there parents but of course they cant go against the yts so they fight the black students thinking that it will help them. They got used and ima laugh when in a couple years they will see that this changes nothing. There acceptance rate will stay the same or even decline.
Lol Laughing GIF by Atlanta Jewish Film Festival

Legacy admissions weren’t affected
Of course these damn ass asians cant go against the whites lool 33% of them
I wonder how the indhoyar who shake ass for cadaans will react to the anti asian sentiment that will start to rise in the next few years. Cadaans couldn't get rid of affirmative action on their own so they enlisted some dumb indhoyars :pachah1: Funny thing is that their numbers probably won't rise and more cadaans will get in.
I wonder how the indhoyar who shake ass for cadaans will react to the anti asian sentiment that will start to rise in the next few years. Cadaans couldn't get rid of affirmative action on their own so they enlisted some dumb indhoyars :pachah1: Funny thing is that their numbers probably won't rise and more cadaans will get in.
These idiots got used and they dont even care. They really really think that whites will allow them in their universitys and only the black applicants were holding them back lol in california after a lot of asian students got into the University California schools the administrations started taking affrimative action out and also stopped looking at the test scores which help the asians. A smart person would see that the whites changed the rules to stop letting more asian students in but no they think its cuz of affirmative action
I wonder how the indhoyar who shake ass for cadaans will react to the anti asian sentiment that will start to rise in the next few years. Cadaans couldn't get rid of affirmative action on their own so they enlisted some dumb indhoyars :pachah1: Funny thing is that their numbers probably won't rise and more cadaans will get in.

They are subservient in nature. It explains why right wing racists see them as a vehicle to dismantle the competition. Cadaans do actually respect their African American peers for a reason. It is called self-respect.

The only criticsim I have for African Americans is for them to cling on to Christianity in America. They tend to be more religious than whites in their majority who abondoned all religion. They need to ditch that cult and return to their Original faith.
I grew up dirt poor, the child of refugees. My parents had zero access to any welfare programs during that time in a country with a much higher cost of living. No food stamps, nothing. These programs were only beefed up later. I didn't have much to eat. The typical AA was doing far better than mine in the late 80s and early 90s. This boils down to welfare dependency, victimhood and bad culture/values. Most of your problems go away if you take the family unit seriously.

You are making the assumption that all African Americans depend on welfare for their existence when in fact, Majority of welfare recipients are whites who live in very mismanaged, poorly educated, and conservative run states. Statistically, 43% welfare recipients are white in America.

The rest of whites who are wealthy still get welfare/handouts through gaming the system including Big name Jeff Bezos. Elon Musk built his empire through Federal welfare grants. Ex-president Trump paid 700 Dollars tax for two consecutive years. Name an institution and a big name in business and we can easily find they built their wealth through Public tax money which is welfare in another name.

Everyone takes money in America, the name of what money you take depends on your status. Tax Breaks are Welfare to corporations whereas help to the poor is called Food Stamps.

Don't be a dope man. Open your eyes.
if they really wanted a merit based system then these legacy students shouldn’t have special privileges entering these schools. we all know universities espcially the top ivy league ones are filled to the brim with them
The legacy students are the ones who inject cash into the building

University may be education to you but they are still institutions that need cash to run

They're running a business here not a charity
I grew up dirt poor, the child of refugees. My parents had zero access to any welfare programs during that time in a country with a much higher cost of living. No food stamps, nothing. These programs were only beefed up later. I didn't have much to eat. The typical AA was doing far better than mine in the late 80s and early 90s. This boils down to welfare dependency, victimhood and bad culture/values. Most of your problems go away if you take the family unit seriously.
Comparing yourself to a group who were enslaved for 400 years and weren’t even allowed to sit in the same seating area as whites during your own parents lifetime is wild. Poverty or not, coming from a line of people who know their lineage who don’t have generational trauma is an advantage.

As for your comment about the madow family really shows how ignorant you are. Check out statistics of madow marriage rates pre-1980s. They had the highest rates of marriage and low rates of single motherhood. They also had the lowest rates of welfare as well and in the 60s it wasn’t even available to madows, only whites. Crack was introduced to their communities by those in the Dawlad in the mid 70s and millions of black men were incarcerated. That changed the face of the community. We can sit here and demean them, but Jim Crow, the introduction of crack, dealing with low funding in their areas ect all of that happened in our PARENTS lifetime. This is recent and if you think a community will be able to fully bounce back and have an even playing field with economic migrants who don’t have a history of being brutalized or compete with white people who hold the wealth and power in America, then I’m questioning your logic. Simply looking at AA history and how they were sabotaged which results in their lack of community will illustrate a lot. At one point, they had their own Wall Street, resorts you name it. Guess what happened? What do you think happened?

The lack of critical thinking and ability to look at how recent history shapes communities is astounding.
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The legacy students are the ones who inject cash into the building

University may be education to you but they are still institutions that need cash to run

They're running a business here not a charity

No, most of their money comes from me and other tax payers. States spent 93.5 billion Dollars across the Country on private colleges and universities recent year.

Don't suck up the propaganda and do your own research. Google how much money did the federal and state governments spend any given year on private universities and colleges. There is no excuse for ignorance if you can type words into google search engine.
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Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
Staff Member
To the very young Somalis on this forum. Never, ever act like a victim and never blame whitey no matter how unfair life is. It will lead you to a life of misery and hopelessness. I have noticed this permeate in the community and the same people who did this in my youth have paid for it. All you have to do:

- Study hard.
- Get a part time job and save as much as you are able.
- Stay in school and go get a useful trade/college/university degree.
- Say no to drugs and stay away from thugs. No one can force you to use drugs and join a gang.
- Get married to a good person and don't have kids out of wedlock
- Don't get divorced
- Have good values
- Be involved and take an interest in your children's lives. Doing this gives them the confidence to do well in school and society.
-Go out of your way to be likeable to everyone. People who get promotions and opportunities and move up the ladder are those who are likeable and pleasant, at least to those with authority (but be likeable and pleasant to everyone).
-Delay instant gratification.

If you do this, everything will turn out fine and you will transform your future generations.
To the very young Somalis on this forum. Never, ever act like a victim and never blame whitey no matter how unfair life is. It will lead you to a life of misery and hopelessness. I have noticed this permeate in the community and the same people who did this in my youth have paid for it. All you have to do:

- Study hard.
- Get a part time job and save as much as you are able.
- Stay in school and go get a useful trade/college/university degree.
- Say no to drugs and stay away from thugs. No one can force you to use drugs and join a gang.
- Get married to a good person and don't have kids out of wedlock
- Don't get divorced
- Have good values
- Be involved and take an interest in your children's lives. Doing this gives them the confidence to do well in school and society.
-Go out of your way to be likeable to everyone. People who get promotions and opportunities and move up the ladder are those who are likeable and pleasant, at least to those with authority (but be likeable and pleasant to everyone).
-Delay instant gratification.

If you do this, everything will turn out fine.
Fantastic advise but this thread isn’t about that.
Fantastic advise but this thread isn’t about that.

I think Brother Abdi means well and has the somali youth in his heart. But he also seems to confuse two different issues: Realities of Racism in America Vs Personal choices we have to make to succeed. The two are mutually exclusive.

Some African Americans make bad choices that ruin their lives. That doesn't mean America is colour blind.


To the very young Somalis on this forum. Never, ever act like a victim and never blame whitey no matter how unfair life is. It will lead you to a life of misery and hopelessness. I have noticed this permeate in the community and the same people who did this in my youth have paid for it. All you have to do:

- Study hard.
- Get a part time job and save as much as you are able.
- Stay in school and go get a useful trade/college/university degree.
- Say no to drugs and stay away from thugs. No one can force you to use drugs and join a gang.
- Get married to a good person and don't have kids out of wedlock
- Don't get divorced
- Have good values
- Be involved and take an interest in your children's lives. Doing this gives them the confidence to do well in school and society.
-Go out of your way to be likeable to everyone. People who get promotions and opportunities and move up the ladder are those who are likeable and pleasant, at least to those with authority (but be likeable and pleasant to everyone).
-Delay instant gratification.

If you do this, everything will turn out fine and you will transform your future generations.
Well said, it's been repeatedly demonstrated that high self-confidence is a key to success as a self-fulfilling prophecy. Its called the Pygmalion effect, where a person's beliefs, self perception, self-efficacy can influence their own performance and behaviour. People that grade out high in those departments are more likely to attack challenges with tenacity and conviction...leading to academic success.

There was a book a while back by Amy Chau (also wrote the Tiger mom meme book) that described three common traits that are shared by the most success ethnic groups in the states (J*ws, Chinese, Igbo, Lebanese, Indians, Persians): Superiority complex (Pygmalion effect), high expectations and work ethic; Insecurity, of one's own economic and social status (baahi); and impulse control, self-discipline in your ability to resist distractions and delay instant gratification.
Well said, it's been repeatedly demonstrated that high self-confidence is a key to success as a self-fulfilling prophecy. Its called the Pygmalion effect, where a person's beliefs, self perception, self-efficacy can influence their own performance and behaviour. People that grade out high in those departments are more likely to attack challenges with tenacity and conviction...leading to academic success.

There was a book a while back by Amy Chau (also wrote the Tiger mom meme book) that described three common traits that are shared by the most success ethnic groups in the states (J*ws, Chinese, Igbo, Lebanese, Indians, Persians): Superiority complex (Pygmalion effect), high expectations and work ethic; Insecurity, of one's own economic and social status (baahi); and impulse control, self-discipline in your ability to resist distractions and delay instant gratification.
Well said brother! The only oppression these idiots face is self-inflicted - how are you to accomplish anything when you wholeheartedly believe in your own inferiority. You need the positive aspects of pride not the derogatory and debasing farce displayed by these social activists, that robs you of self-reflection, self-accountability and self-responsibility. Your sense of self and by extension pride should not be predicated upon the uncontrollable but your will to overcome and the trophies life furnishes you for doing so.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
wow, if these numbers are real, I am genuinely rethinking my position...


also- wth????.... why does affirmative action artificially boost whites over Asians?... even if it was up to me and I implemented some form of affirmative action, I would definitely remove that feature!

edit: look at this! it actually artificially makes whites the top group over Asians! this is literally a white supremacist system. look at how it massively undercuts Asians and just barely touches the whites
Well said brother! The only oppression these idiots face is self-inflicted - how are you to accomplish anything when you wholeheartedly believe in your own inferiority. You need the positive aspects of pride not the derogatory and debasing farce displayed by these social activists, that robs you of self-reflection, self-accountability and self-responsibility. Your sense of self and by extension pride should not be predicated upon the uncontrollable but your will to overcome and the trophies life furnishes you for doing so.

Blacks did all you listed above pre-60 and it got them nowehere. The towns they built and businesses they owned were burnt to the ground because they weren't supposed to A: Build a city, B- Own businesses and succeed.

Then they joined the army in hopes of getting better treatment when they returned from America's emperialistic wars. They faced worst treatment upon return for having self pride and self-respect enough to want to be treated like their fellow enlisted white army friends. Guess what happened? They were denied the GI bill they were entitled to whereas their white military peers were given free lands to build upon, free access to college, free healthcare etc. African american servicemen were denied their due rights by the same government and society that shipped them to wars and used their sacrifice to bring victories. They were used as experimental subjects for viruses and unknown deseases so a cure can be found for their white society.

You and others on here benefitted from the suffering of African Americans. It is kinda ironic you speak ill of them collectively.

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