US Supreme Court Strikes Down Race-Based Admissions at Harvard and U.N.C., Affirmative Action is Over

You have comprehension issues. Besides that, under what law is an insane individual allowed to get married? Do you know what is called " Consent"? Can the mentally ill consent to marriage and in what country do they allow the insane to bear responsibility? You keep repeating eugenics to sound informed but it is obvious you have no clue about the basics of who among human beings are deemed capable to give consent.

Did you even know that Islam doesn't allow the concealment of an illness that would have an impact on the marriage much less insanity before you get married? Full disclosure is required or you can't get married - it is considered Haraam to do that. Hold on to the kids the insane would produce saxib.

I don't care to explain the rest.
Abortion is murder. You made a snarky remark about eugenics and doubled down, to deflect away from it you’ve now bought up a point that I’ve not even made (mental illness and marriage). You’ve attacked me twice, and I’ve only attacked your position, you claim to be smart I know that I am not.

I moved the argument to abortion and away from affirmative action as a barometer for your political beliefs; you are either a cookie cutter partisan or you just like to be right. Clarence Thomas is as much a “coon” as your favourite rapper, both want the best for their people (“pull yourself up by your bootstraps”/“put on my hood”) although the execution is questionable. My opinion on the affirmative action ruling is nuanced: I don’t deny the existence of prejudices, I don’t deny the existence of historic injustices and I see the positives of it and the caveat of being seen as lesser by your peers (this being reconcilable through acknowledgment of your selfish nature: “I’m out for me”). That being said you cannot get me to dislike the honourable judge, his conservative/libertarian views serve as a much need counter-balance to the unhinged policies of the left.
Abortion is murder. You made a snarky remark about eugenics and doubled down, to deflect away from it you’ve now bought up a point that I’ve not even made (mental illness and marriage). You’ve attacked me twice, and I’ve only attacked your position, you claim to be smart I know that I am not.

I moved the argument to abortion and away from affirmative action as a barometer for your political beliefs; you are either a cookie cutter partisan or you just like to be right. Clarence Thomas is as much a “coon” as your favourite rapper, both want the best for their people (“pull yourself up by your bootstraps”/“put on my hood”) although the execution is questionable. My opinion on the affirmative action ruling is nuanced: I don’t deny the existence of prejudices, I don’t deny the existence of historic injustices and I see the positives of it and the caveat of being seen as lesser by your peers (this being reconcilable through acknowledgment of your selfish nature: “I’m out for me”). That being said you cannot get me to dislike the honourable judge, his conservative/libertarian views serve as a much need counter-balance to the unhinged policies of the left.

Seems to me your favourite Clarence's exposure as a little man got you uncomfortable. World is tough Yibir man, so get used to something different that is outside your comfort zone and echo chamber. A knowledgeable muslim is neither right nor left in America. You are supposed to be well informed on issues and not regurgitate the ignorant line of -abortion is murder. You must qualify the stament. I often see the lowest in education, the least equipped to share an opinion on anything, the racists and bigots regurgitate that line you just posted in public. You demonstate your lack of judgement.

I am not sure why I should or anyone care about Clarence Thomas's standing. I also don't think there is anything supreme about the supreme court. That institution had always been a relfection on America. In the past, It allowed slavery to be legal and deemed African Americans to be non-citizens who aren't deserving protection from enslavement in any federally ruled territory. Scott vs Sanford Case. From then on, case after case, it rendered what benefitted the elites and the wealthy in America. The court's decision in the 1960s for voting rights and women's rights were both aberrations/deviations from its norm and not the tradition of the court. Now with the the right wing majority among them self-hating Clarence, both voting rights and women's rights, plus affirmative action are all gutted. Back to the true nature of the supreme court. They should teach kids in colleges the ugly history of that institution instead of teaching the one and two cases the court decided on the right thing in its entire history.

Finally, as an observation, The left does advocate mostly for what Islam teaches us whilst the right pays lip service to religion while they espouse racism, bigotry, indifference to the poor, and promote hatred to anyone different from them. As a muslim, I choose the individual and the party who does most good to society.
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People interested in the Islamic view of Abortion should do their research online. The consensus is that after the soul is breathed into the emryo(120 days), it is forbidden to take the soul of the fetus. It is considered a human being and must be afforded the protection given to all living human beings. Also, abortion is allowed to save the mother. It is either Allowed or Forbidden issue depending on the Situation. Scholars agree abortion is forbidden if it is because of Zina. The discussion of Abortion by the scholars is quite lengthy so each one of us should do their own research to understand the scope of the rulings. Unlike Yibir and Co who don't qualify their proclamations, a muslim must be careful not to give a verdict on an issue without providing evidence. Making blanket statements on a major issue is a sign of one's ignorance. Being a devotee doesn't make up for facts. Your devotion means nothing when it comes to Islamic rulings.
After careful consideration of the arguments you have made, to save myself and you time I reaffirm that abortion is murder. To the personal insults, well they are self-evident to your positions proclivity in producing arguments grounded in emotions. I’d retort “no-you” but I try not to mock.
A knowledgeable muslim is neither right nor left in America.
Tell me you’ve not read my posts without telling me you’ve not read my posts
his conservative/libertarian views serve as a much need counter-balance to the unhinged policies of the left.
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After careful consideration of the arguments you have made, to save myself and you time I reaffirm that abortion is murder. To the personal insults, well they are self-evident to your positions proclivity in producing arguments grounded in emotions. I’d retort “no-you” but I try not to mock.

Tell me you’ve not read my posts without telling me you’ve not read my posts

Islam says otherwise and your position is a nonislamic position. Islam makes exceptions/exemptions in abortion. It is case dependent and for what purpose. If you are not a muslim, I understand your ideas being more devine to you over/than Islam. We are different.
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Islam says otherwise and your position is a nonislamic position. Islam makes exceptions/exemptions in abortion. It is case dependent and for what purpose. If you are not a muslim, I understand your ideas being more devine to you over/than Islam. We are different.
No I have come across the soul hadith I am just being inflammatory, the same as you in your eugenics tirade. I don’t understand the black american condition, as well as you I sympathise as best I can but like most I just don’t think about it and carry it into my day-to-day - society says I’m “black”, so I am black on my own terms. You are well-read and intelligent enough to understand that statement and to extrapolate it to better understand my position, either way I wish you the best ✌️
No I have come across the soul hadith I am just being inflammatory, the same as you in your eugenics tirade. I don’t understand the black american condition, as well as you I sympathise as best I can but like most I just don’t think about it and carry it into my day-to-day - society says I’m “black”, so I am black on my own terms. You are well-read and intelligent enough to understand that statement and to extrapolate it to better understand my position, either way I wish you the best ✌️

You are Okay Yibir. No hard feelings. As for Eugenics tirade, that was your interpretation of what I said. I mentioned how certain people shouldn't have children which is not the same statement as certain people shouldn't be allowed to have children for their race. My position leans on the responsibility of the individual, if they can not meet the standard for having children, they are better off without children. There are lots of cruelty visited upon helpless children by irresponsible parents. To me, best way to prevent the misery is to hold individuals responsible first and they must first meet the standards.

I don't subscribe to the school of thought that children are blessings to have while ignoring the conditions required for the upbringing and care these children need and depend on. Allah could have made life perfect for humans but he didn't. And for a good reason. It is us humans who are expected to live up to our greatest good and hold our covenant with him. That is the challenge, for us to work towards common good and prevent misery is we can.

In researching this topic, I was impressed by how Islam emphasizes freedom of choice in that if someone wants to get married to an insane individual, proven mental, they can per their choice with the requirement that a relative of the insane needs to take responsibility, and a full disclosure of the status of the person prior to consent. Amazing. For a muslim, things sometimes aren't black and white but in between to avoid extreme position. I am not perfect Saxib, but I try to do my best and live free without someone else's opinion bearing on my decisions. Allah will not excuse blind follwing even in devotion to him and the excuse of worshipping him. There is reason for the brain, it needs to be used.

Best Regards and My apologies for insults or digs I aimed at you. You are more educated obviously than I am considering your flexible english. You write good and better.
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Let him cook
Republicans now going after companies for trying to hire minorities. I will say 2020, 2021 was some for the best years for Somalis professionals in Minnesota. Every graduation I went to family members and friends in STEM had multiple offers in area. All the historically white companies all had initiative's to hire minorities since George Floyd especially when light was shined on racism here.



Let him cook
Republicans now going after companies for trying to hire minorities. I will say 2020, 2021 was some for the best years for Somalis professionals in Minnesota. Every graduation I went to family members and friends in STEM had multiple offers in area. All the historically white companies all had initiative's to hire minorities since George Floyd especially when light was shined on racism here.

All were good students with above 3.0 that were capable. Just in the past was tough to get hired and get chance. people want to hire folks they can relate to and have fun with at work so if you are black hijabi they will when biases and think to themselves you won’t be fit and pass you over. Same for black Muslim guy. Hope we don’t lose all this progress

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