US Supreme Court Strikes Down Race-Based Admissions at Harvard and U.N.C., Affirmative Action is Over


summer break 7/1-?
Coping aside

Can you people quit saying “cope” as a rebuttal to everything you disagree with? It’s intellectually lazy and doesn’t tell me anything about your argument.

when affirmative action was banned in California the proportion of Black students dramatically fell, by 43% at UCLA and 66% at UC Berkeley.

1. Your source is from 1998 and there have been concessions made since then. It is an outdated source.

2. Here is an updated source from Reuters.

“According to the latest census data, the state's population is 6.5% Black, 40% Hispanic, 35% white, 16% Asian and 1.7% Native American.”

“Black student enrollment across the system - which hovered at 3 or 4% for decades after the affirmative action ban - last year rose to 5%.”

“Last fall, Black students made up 7% of UCLA's freshman class, the same as before affirmative action was banned.”

3. Here is another source that illustrates how black and hispanic admissions rose when standardized test scores were banned in 2020. This will definitely be the future for the rest of the nation. They will attempt to equalize the playing field with or without AA.

“UC over the years has also ramped up its outreach to low-income students and students enrolled at underserved high schools.”

“Without being able to consider race in admissions, universities will be forced to “work much harder to identify and address the root causes of societal inequities that hinder diverse students in pursuing and achieving a higher education,” said Michael Drake, UC’s systemwide president, in a statement Thursday.”

“But the university maintains that holistic review, introduced in 2001, has allowed the system to make some gains. In the two decades from fall 2002 to fall 2022, the percentage of undergraduate Latino students enrolled across UC has increased from 13% to 25%, though some of that is likely also due to demographic changes in the state, as Latinos now make up a larger share of high school seniors. The share of Black students has also increased from 3% to 4.4%, while the percentage of white students has decreased from 36.5% to 20.7%. White students made up 21.2% of high school seniors last year and Black students accounted for 4.9%.”

UC [system] in 2020 also eliminated standardized test scores from admissions. That was followed by a big increase in applications to the university, including among Black and Latino students. Experts attributed that partly to the elimination of those tests, saying students likely felt more optimistic about their chances of being admitted.”

4. It sounds like you’re not American and you don’t understand how our systems work.

Our universities are trying to meet racial quotas. They won’t stop trying to meet those racial quotas even though AA is banned. And where was I mistaken about the legacy admissions? It’s not a secret. Legacy students make up between 25% to 35% of the student body at certain universities. American universities heavily rely on private donations for funding. They receive millions of dollars from donors.
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1. Your source is from 1998 and there have been concessions made since then. It is an outdated source.
You haven't provided an alternative reference to show immediate demographic impact following race-based affirmative action ban.
2. Here is an updated source from Reuters.

“According to the latest census data, the state's population is 6.5% Black, 40% Hispanic, 35% white, 16% Asian and 1.7% Native American.”

“Black student enrollment across the system - which hovered at 3 or 4% for decades after the affirmative action ban - last year rose to 5%.”

“Last fall, Black students made up 7% of UCLA's freshman class, the same as before affirmative action was banned.”

3. Here is another source that illustrates how black and hispanic admissions rose when standardized test scores were banned in 2020. This will definitely be the future for the rest of the nation. They will attempt to equalize the playing field with or without AA.

“UC over the years has also ramped up its outreach to low-income students and students enrolled at underserved high schools.”

“Without being able to consider race in admissions, universities will be forced to “work much harder to identify and address the root causes of societal inequities that hinder diverse students in pursuing and achieving a higher education,” said Michael Drake, UC’s systemwide president, in a statement Thursday.”

“But the university maintains that holistic review, introduced in 2001, has allowed the system to make some gains. In the two decades from fall 2002 to fall 2022, the percentage of undergraduate Latino students enrolled across UC has increased from 13% to 25%, though some of that is likely also due to demographic changes in the state, as Latinos now make up a larger share of high school seniors. The share of Black students has also increased from 3% to 4.4%, while the percentage of white students has decreased from 36.5% to 20.7%. White students made up 21.2% of high school seniors last year and Black students accounted for 4.9%.”

UC [system] in 2020 also eliminated standardized test scores from admissions. That was followed by a big increase in applications to the university, including among Black and Latino students. Experts attributed that partly to the elimination of those tests, saying students likely felt more optimistic about their chances of being admitted.”
I don't understand your point. You mentioned earlier how universities have developed alternative strategies as a sort of loop hole to the banning of race-based affirmative action (you mentioned neighborhood). You don't think the probing of (socio-economic) info on: family income, parental education level, and neighborhood characteristics; in addition to the 'holistic approach' that deemphasizes test scores and GPA, instead focuses on personal circumstances, extracurricular activities, and community involvement, played a role in the bounce back of black matriculation? My point was the banning of race-based affirmative action will have an impact, as its one less strategy for universities to address the achievement gap between different racial groups. Therefore decreasing opportunities to historically destitute groups, perpetuating existing disparities and hindering efforts to address institutional inequities.

4. It sounds like you’re not American and you don’t understand how our systems work.

Our universities are trying to meet racial quotas. They won’t stop trying to meet those racial quotas even though AA is banned. And where was I mistaken about the legacy admissions? It’s not a secret. Legacy students make up between 25% to 35% of the student body at certain universities. American universities heavily rely on private donations for funding. They receive millions of dollars from donors.
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summer break 7/1-?
You haven't provided an alternative reference to show immediate demographic impact following race-based affirmative action ban.

Why should I? I never argued that the banning of AA and meritocracy didn’t have an impact on demographic changes to begin with.

I don't understand your point. You mentioned earlier how universities have developed alternative strategies as a sort of loop hole to the banning of race-based affirmative action (you mentioned neighborhood). You don't think the probing of (socio-economic) info on: family income, parental education level, and neighborhood characteristics; in addition to the 'holistic approach' that deemphasizes test scores and GPA, instead focuses on personal circumstances, extracurricular activities, and community involvement, played a role in the bounce back of black matriculation?

That was my point? This isn’t the “gotcha” you thought it was. Please read what I said and let it process. That is exactly what I am saying.

My argument was the universities will circumvent their way around the banning of AA to make sure that poor minorities have a place in their schools. Why are you deliberately trying to twist my words?

My point was the banning of race-based affirmative action will have an impact,

I never disagreed with that? I know that there will be demographic changes following the ban, as we witnessed in California.

as its one less strategy for universities to address the achievement gap between different racial groups. Therefore decreasing opportunities to historically destitute groups, perpetuating existing disparities and hindering efforts to address institutional inequities.

And I don’t disagree with you here. But my point was, they’re still going to circumvent around the ban and covertly consider race based admissions.

That’s what I meant by “nothing will change.”

My point was, the Supreme Court focused on AA when they should have been focusing on legacy admissions. But alas, there was a case to be made for AA being unconstitutional. The same cannot be said for legacy admissions. That can’t even be proved as unconstitutional.

I should find the illuminating articles I’ve read about AA. They made an argument that Asian students will still have a challenge competiting against White legacy students or hell even legacy students of internationals, particularly in Ivy’s and similar private universities, which are the main schools indhoyaars are gunning for. Please be patient with me while I compile them for you.
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Why should I? I never argued that the banning of AA and meritocracy didn’t have an impact on demographic changes to begin with.
You claimed the source was obsolete without a recent contemporary reference we can use in place. What kind of dumb logic is that?
I never disagreed with that? I know that there will be demographic changes following the ban, as we witnessed in California.
You're all over the place. No, that's exactly what you rebuked. In addition to saying blacks weren't taking Asian's spots. Despite the data showing the Asian proportion of the student body shot up with the ban of affirmative action and the Asian% again fell with the adoption of alternative strategies designed to circumvent bans of race-based affirmative action.

Case in point:
they’re still going to circumvent around the ban and covertly consider race based admissions.

That’s what I meant by “nothing will change.”



summer break 7/1-?
You claimed the source was obsolete without a recent contemporary reference we can use in place. What kind of dumb logic is that?

I believe you misunderstood me. I provided my sources to clarify concessions were made. It was to provide more insight that the universities have no plans to sit idly by while disadvantaged minorities are left behind. I wasn’t rebuking to disagree about the overall demographic changes following the ban.

I didn’t rebuke the evidence you provided that merit based admissions works in the favor of Asians. That much is apparent.

You're all over the place. No, that's exactly what you rebuked. In addition to saying blacks weren't taking Asian's spots.

How is adjusting and giving black and other minorities equal footing to match their state-wide percentage “taking the spots of Asians”? If meritocracy was the only thing that were to be considered, Asians would make up a disproportionate percentage of the student body and outpace all other races, even White people.

Meritocracy should not be the only thing that’s considered when socioeconomically disadvantaged minorities lack the same resources. You know this too.

Despite the data showing the Asian proportion of the student body shot up with the ban of affirmative action and the Asian% again fell with the adoption of alternative strategies designed to circumvent bans of race-based affirmative action.

Case in point:


What is confusing about this? What happened in California is going to happen nation wide. I would even go as far as to say the real victims are the disadvantaged White people because they aren’t the focus of the universities’ outreach.


summer break 7/1-?
mashallah that’s good i hope more somali kids will be enrolling in the states. i know in MN a lot of younger kids are getting into high demand fields or keen to in HS.

Please edit out and delete what you quoted because I will be having this doxxable info deleted. Thank you.

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If you’re smart and ambitious, there is nothing you can’t do in this country and I will die on this hill.

Congratulations to your cousin. That UC is the #1 public university in the nation. That’s no easy feat.
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Please edit out and delete what you quoted because I will be having this doxxable info deleted. Thank you.

If you’re smart and ambitious, there is nothing you can’t do in this country and I will die on this hill.

Congratulations to your cousin. That UC is the #1 public university in the nation. That’s no easy feat.
no worries i deleted my reply


Forza Somalia!
Lol Laughing GIF by Atlanta Jewish Film Festival

Legacy admissions weren’t affected
Exactly, these 4chan wannabes will not say a thing about legacy admission but make fun of AA for this SC decision.
Asians crying because they didn't have to deal with the historical legacy of your whole fucking family line never being able to accrue wealth and negative social and cultural effects of growing up in a culture that is sub-optimal in a variety of different ways. Your fucking tiger mum and dad threatening to beat you if you don't get As should not be weighed the same as a black kid going to a high school with metal detectors and rising out of the mud I'm sorry.
These universities will find another work around to keep college admissions the same. The real death kneel for the Ivies will be if they accept asian students en masse and they know this.

Schools like Harvard is not about having the best grades etc, the admission favors audacity, innovation etc. That is what makes the schools great in the first place (along with legacy admissions).
Exactly, these 4chan wannabes will not say a thing about legacy admission but make fun of AA for this SC decision.

Social advocacy to rebuild the fractured black family unit and then promotion of a studious culture within the black home to see SAT scores on par with asians across the board.

Treating blacks as intellectually incapable through affirmative action is extremely demeaning and implicitly racist and any self-respecting black, like Clarence Thomas, would rightfully reject it on a fundamental basis as it is a contractual agreement where you waive your right to be seen as a genuine equal - contrary to racialist narratives, being black is not an impediment!


Forza Somalia!
Social advocacy to rebuild the fractured black family unit and then promotion of a studious culture within the black home to see SAT scores on par with asians across the board.

Treating blacks as intellectually incapable through affirmative action is extremely demeaning and implicitly racist and any self-respecting black, like Clarence Thomas, would rightfully reject it on a fundamental basis as it is a contractual agreement where you waive your right to be seen as a genuine equal - contrary to racialist narratives, being black is not an impediment!
All the chosen black student who got into ivy uni are competent and well achievers. There will be over achiever more than be available seats, so this act, assures that, also black students with the required scores, get into the prestigious uni to have a better life. The name of the uni matters. And this is not benefit the black students only, but extend to other minorities.


Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
Staff Member
Having a functional multiracial society means we give every group a stake in it. For variegated reasons, some groups don’t perform as well as others in measures of academic attainment, despite exhaustive attempts to correct this. China/India/Malaysia has affirmitive action too

Some degree of racial preference is necessary to avoid groups being permanently locked out of the system, and succumbing to stagnancy and despair at best, or revolutionarism at worst. Racial preferences are a way for an otherwise meritocratic ruling class to retain some degree of legitimacy. Without them, meritocracy would collapse. This is a disaster

What is a disaster is the over 70% of AAs being born out of wedlock and not coming from stable two parent households. Every single one of their problems stems from this issue. They don't need affirmative action and other diversity and inclusion baloney; they need cultural reprogramming. They need to be taught better values. It is unacceptable for Asians who did everything right to be punished and to accommodate lesser achieving groups. If schools become majority Asian, then so be it. Learn from them and copy them. There's alot of space in prisons and space can be made if anyone wants to resort to crimes because they feel despair and stagnancy. This goes for all Blacks, not just AA. They're pretty much the same.
What percentage of american somalis go to uni and what type of unis do they typically attend?

High number of Somali American students in Minnesota go to colleges and universities. Almost every family has minimum of one or two of their children continue to higher education after high school.

Two in our family already graduated from the University of MN and two are enrolled. Somalis are visible in Minnesota colleges.

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