US Supreme Court Strikes Down Race-Based Admissions at Harvard and U.N.C., Affirmative Action is Over

Black Americans needs to put themself first and demand the Democrats stop importing this Asians who are stealing their University seats. And also build the wall along the Southern Border as quick as possible to keep Lationo out of the country. The more Latinos overflooding the jobmarked the less valuable the kind of jobs Blacks do becomes.
Some Octogenerians turn into little children mentally and I think that lady didn't want to give up what she became accustomed to. The price Society paid was heavy for her recalcitrance.

As for Clarence Thomas, he became resentful after he couldn't get a job with his elite degree because of his race back in those days. Nobody hired a black educated individual into well paying lawfirms and companies back then. He put once a ten cent stamp on his yale Degree and told someone that is what his degree was worth, just ten cents. Instead of blaming where the blame belonged to, he started blaming the same opportunities he got as a black man, the
affirmative action. The fact that his college admission was based on him being black, smart and qualified didn't register with him. The college admitted him because they wanted to include a well qualified black student. That is what affirmative action was meant for, to give a chance to those who made out of high school and are capable. Then later he was hired for the same reason by conservative AG in a conservative state as a lawyer, they wanted a black individual so their organization would look like America. On and On he milked being black and educated. At the same breath, he railed against affirmative action because of his wounded pride.

He is against everything that benefits a minority from Voting rights to Equal opportunities. to women managing their private life and determining how manuy kids they want to raise. . For his servile attitude, he gets to pal around and jet with his sponsors in style. He is so corrupt in all his court arguments it is unbelievable. He is the definition of seff-loathing human.
Abortion is murder


The universities can still deduce the race of an applicant through their zip codes or their admission essays. If they wanted to meet their racial quotas, they can and they will (obviously.)

And just because AA is now banned doesn’t mean Asian students will have an easier time being accepted for their merit. Asian students’ competition weren’t black/hispanic/native students. It was the White legacy students who were taking their spots. Those legacy students are still going to be taking their spots because their families are big donors to the universities. Nothing will change.
If that's the case why not base it around class and poverty levels? In the UK this is the approach they took to give spots to poor kids with good grades
Abortion is murder

It depends. Most people including you do not understand the biology of pregnancy and embryology. Second, Islam allows abortions in certain circumstances. Without presenting your opinion, educate yourself first about what Islam teaches on the subject.

And as far as I am concerned, I have zero interest in what a woman does with her life be her a muslimah or not. If she wants to have no children, good luck to her. That would be the right decision for her since she doesn't want children. If she wants to have kids by the dozens, she better be a capable mother who can take care of them. I have zero sympathy for an idiot who produces a child she can't take care of. Allah made us responsible beings, if you ain't gonna be there for the kids you father, DON'T HAVE THEM PLEASE. Having children for the sake of having a child is WRONG.
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Save ur breath. These people love the cadaan propaganda that madows are lazy bums and everything happening to them is their fault. They dont care for the history.

Giving them an overdue review for the social-studies class they slept through and failed back in high school. I know kids like these on here. They took the social-study class to meet the quota for credit and moved on without opening their text books. Good for them I wasn't there in their family as a member. I would daily check their grades and whip their asses if they got less than a stellar A.
It depends. Most people including you do not understand the biology of pregnancy and embryology. Second, Islam allows abortions in certain circumstances. Without presenting your opinion, educate yourself first about what Islam teaches on the subject.

And as far as I am concerned, I have zero interest in what a woman does with her life be her a muslimah or not. If she wants to have no children, good luck to her. That would be the right decision for her since she doesn't want children. If she wants to have kids by the dozens, she better be a capable mother who can take care of them. I have zero sympathy for an idiot who produces a child she can't take care of. Allah made us responsible beings, if you ain't gonna be there for the kids you father, DON'T HAVE THEM PLEASE. Having children for the sake of having a child is WRONG.
Abortion is halal? dkm
Giving them an overdue review for the social-studies class they slept through and failed back in high school. I know kids like these on here. They took the social-study class to meet the quota for credit and moved on without opening their text books. Good for them I wasn't there in their family as a member. I would daily check their grades and whip their asses if they got less than a stellar A.
You can get a decent grade without the wholesale adoption of the philosophical and moral baggage of the subject being taught.
Black history did not begin with the Atlantic slave trade, nor did black culture peak during the civil rights movement its a shame that it is the only thing taught in the anglophone school system as it reinforces the stereotype of the “barbarous” nature of the black and that the westernisation of the emancipated slave was an act of charity and not subjugation in a morally acceptable form.
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Abortion is halal? dkm

Before people discuss the subject of abortion, they should agree on definitions of the word. Abortion is a broad term but it occurs in different stages for different women. And for different reasons. People should clarify What is acceptable to them based on their moral beliefs, what do they consider a child and at what stage during pregnancy, then perhaps people can come to an agreement on something or disagree whilst all involved speak from an informed position.

You can't say a blanket statement such as abortion is haram because that would be wrong. Same way, you can't say abortion is acceptable without restrictions.

It is not Either Or subject. That is why I recommend googling " does Islam Allow abortion" question, Then read at least several articles to get an insight and verify sources for the arguments presented by differing sides.

Let us use our brains and learn something rather be an automaton who follows what somebody tells them.

FACT: Some people shouldn't have children. I prefer if they have vasectomy or get rid of the uterus so they live like animals.
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Before people discuss the subject of abortion, they should agree on definitions of the word. Abortion is a broad term but it occurs in different stages for different women. And for different reasons. People should clarify What is acceptable to them based on their moral beliefs, what do they consider a child and at what stage during pregnancy, then perhaps people can come to an agreement on something or disagree whilst all involved speak from an informed position.

You can't say a blanket statement such as abortion is haram because that would be wrong. Same way, you can't say abortion is acceptable without restrictions.

It is not Either Or subject. That is why I recommend googling " does Islam Allow abortion" question, Then read at least several articles to get an insight and verify sources for the arguments presented by differing sides.

Let us use our brains and learn something rather be an automaton who follows what somebody tells them.

FACT: Some people shouldn't have children. I prefer if they have vasectomy or get rid of the uterus so they live like animals.
Is the life of the mother worth more? No. That is the nature of the debate and that is how it was propositioned initially in the west, seeing the results of it - abortion for convenience - creates a greater fitna than the tiny minority that will succumb to illness.

The last part of your statement is extremely inflammatory and eugenic, people have the capacity to change and are products of their upbringing and more broadly the society they were raised in - all behaviour is superficial at best and habitual at worst. To insinuate mass-sterilisation then pontificate on an anti-racist platform is hypocritical, as you would be among first to brow beat into submission anyone who would suggests the existence of differences between the races.
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Black Americans needs to put themself first and demand the Democrats stop importing this Asians who are stealing their University seats. And also build the wall along the Southern Border as quick as possible to keep Lationo out of the country. The more Latinos overflooding the jobmarked the less valuable the kind of jobs Blacks do becomes.
"Stealing their university seats"
You're acting as if Black culture in the U.S. puts emphasis on education more so than Asian culture.. They're not stealing anything; they're working hard to get into good colleges. Furthermore, if what you're saying is true: we'd be considered among those "stealing seats from African Americans" and "being imported" (do you have any idea how hard immigration without refugee status is??). I believe you to be highly hypocritical..
"Stealing their university seats"
You're acting as if Black culture in the U.S. puts emphasis on education more so than Asian culture.. They're not stealing anything; they're working hard to get into good colleges. Furthermore, if what you're saying is true: we'd be considered among those "stealing seats from African Americans" and "being imported" (do you have any idea how hard immigration without refugee status is??). I believe you to be highly hypocritical..
They can work hard back home in their own ching chong countries within their own ching chong universities its not like the Blacks who owns the country invited their ass


They can work hard back home in their own ching chong countries within their own ching chong universities its not like the Blacks who owns the country invited their ass
Somali speaking English going "go back to your country!!!".. Do you live in Somalia? Everyone has an equal right to attempt to make it in America, if you don't agree with the prior statement I suggest you leave if you live here or to never come over.
Blacks who owns the country

Ethnic group with the second lowest amount of spending-power owning anything is laughable


summer break 7/1-?
If that's the case why not base it around class and poverty levels? In the UK this is the approach they took to give spots to poor kids with good grades

Because the United States was built on top of the subjugation of African Americans and Native Americans. Poverty and race are tied together in insidious ways here.

You cannot discuss class in America without bringing up race. How silly.


Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
Staff Member
Why is it that Natives, the most persecuted and the most abused and the most dehumanized, don't get their fair share from these Lack of Diversity and Exclusion initiatives anywhere? Why is there never talk about their centuries-long torment? The leftists are hypocrites. They always exclude them when they should be at the top of the victim totem pole and taking the lion's share of attention.
Is the life of the mother worth more? No. That is the nature of the debate and that is how it was propositioned initially in the west, seeing the results of it - abortion for convenience - creates a greater fitna than the tiny minority that will succumb to illness.

The last part of your statement is extremely inflammatory and eugenic, people have the capacity to change and are products of their upbringing and more broadly the society they were raised in - all behaviour is superficial at best and habitual at worst. To insinuate mass-sterilisation then pontificate on an anti-racist platform is hypocritical, as you would be among first to brow beat into submission anyone who would suggests the existence of differences between the races.

If you are iresponsible adult male who marries and leaves children, or you marry multiple wives and have children with all and still a loser who isn't there to shoulder responsibilities of fatherhood, you shouldn't be granted a womb to dump your seeds in period. Nothing to do with eugenics. Also, some women don't like kids, or want to have kids, it is better for them to have no children. That is why it is FACT some people based on their lack of empathy, their ;lack of responsibility shouldn't bear children. Forget about the kind of males who empregnate women who are not married to them and won't be there for the children. Why allow individuals like that bear children? Would you accept your daughter to marry such a loser?

As for which life is important, the mother comes first. You won't get pregnant and carry the burden of painful pregnancy and your judgement is that of an indifferent male who doesn't care about the challenges faced by a non-relative woman he is willing to condemn her life to a painful experience simply because she is a woman. I don't even care to ask you how you conluded an embryo is more important than the adult female mother who carries it.
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If you are iresponsible adult male who marries and leaves children, or you marry multiple wives and have children with all and still a loser who isn't there to shoulder responsibilities of fatherhood, you shouldn't be granted a womb to dump your seeds in period. Nothing to do with eugenics. Also, some women don't like kids, or want to have kids, it is better for them to have no children. That is why it is FACT some people based on their lack of empathy, their ;lack of responsibility shouldn't bear children. Forget about the kind of males who empregnate women who are not married to them and won't be there for the children. Why allow individuals like that bear children? Would you accept your daughter to marry such a loser?

As for which life is important, the mother comes first. You won't get pregnant and carry the burden of painful pregnancy and your judgement is that of an indifferent male who doesn't care about the challenges faced by a non-relative woman he is willing to condemn her life to a painful experience simply because she is a woman. I don't even care to ask you how you conluded an embryo is more important than the adult female mother who carries it.
I see you’re still advocating for for eugenics, following your logic and the unpleasant fact of crime statistics in America you would be in support of the mass sterilisation of blacks as they are disproportionately involved in crime and as a prerequisite to commit crime you must be low in conscientiousness and empathy - Why stop there? Why not expand the mass sterilisation to the chronically ill, the mentally impaired and anyone with any sort of belief system whose morals and ethics are not inline with what is deemed acceptable in society today?

How do you value life? Is it by the years a persons has lived or the status and position they have attained or were lucky enough to be born into? Life is life, the mother’s life is not worth more than that of infant and no-one life is worth more than another to God and therefore to me as well. Abortion is murder.
I see you’re still advocating for for eugenics, following your logic and the unpleasant fact of crime statistics in America you would be in support of the mass sterilisation of blacks as they are disproportionately involved in crime and as a prerequisite to commit crime you must be low in conscientiousness and empathy - Why stop there? Why not expand the mass sterilisation to the chronically ill, the mentally impaired and anyone with any sort of belief system whose morals and ethics are not inline with what is deemed acceptable in society today?

How do you value life? Is it by the years a persons has lived or the status and position they have attained or were lucky enough to be born into? Life is life, the mother’s life is not worth more than that of infant and no-one life is worth more than another to God and therefore to me as well. Abortion is murder.

You have comprehension issues. Besides that, under what law is an insane individual allowed to get married? Do you know what is called " Consent"? Can the mentally ill consent to marriage and in what country do they allow the insane to bear responsibility? You keep repeating eugenics to sound informed but it is obvious you have no clue about the basics of who among human beings are deemed capable to give consent.

Did you even know that Islam doesn't allow the concealment of an illness that would have an impact on the marriage much less insanity before you get married? Full disclosure is required or you can't get married - it is considered Haraam to do that. Hold on to the kids the insane would produce saxib.

I don't care to explain the rest.
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