Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
smh that's not how Islam work, we take the Ijma3. There is no Ijma3 on what Imaam Nawawi, Iman Ahmad said regarding this matter.
If there's no ijma on what they said, what about those who hold the same views as you in this issue ? do you believe there's ijma that establishes the position that you hold ?
To cut a long story short, The videos linked mention the conditions and the evidence. there are 3 conditions when seeking help from other than Allah.
The person you're seeking help from is:
1. alive in this world
2. with you in this world
3. able to do what you ask
Is the Prophet (CS) alive in this world?
Is the Prophet (CS) with you in this world?
Is the Prophet able to do what you ask?(By the permission of Allah)
Therefore it's prohibited to seek help from Prophet Muhammed (CS)
My car broke down, can I seek help from a mechanic?
Is the mechanic alive in this world?
Is the mechanic with you in this world?
Is the mechanic able to fix your car?(By the permission of Allah)
Therefore it's allowed to seek help from the mechanic
Now i want you to bring statements from the salaf and the ulama who came after them who established those 3 conditions ?