Walahi news coming out of Canada about a Somali couple is shameful and cause for a suicide

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
and nor do i. better yet, i don't stoop as low as insulting a woman's privates like a prepubescent boy. grow the f*ck up and act your age please.

You see! This is what'm talking about! you are the same chick that was decimating Waraabe's hooyo yet you accuse me of having unrelenting desire to admire a siil. I am a heterosexual. hell with qoomu-luudh. Are you advocating for that?
You see! This is what'm talking about! you are the same chick that was decimating Waraabe's hooyo yet you accuse me of having unrelenting desire to admire a siil. I am a heterosexual. hell with qoomu-luudh. Are you advocating for that?
was I decimating his mother or merely pointing out his hypocrisy?
he said some sexist bullshit comparing women to products. how does that magically exclude his mother? if we are products then his mother must've had a price. is that wrong to ask?
250K :faysalwtf:

That could've been a deposit for a house. This is what happens when you do things for show. Kibirka waa lugu kufaa.

was I decimating his mother or merely pointing out his hypocrisy?
he said some sexist bullshit comparing women to products. how does that magically exclude his mother? if we are products then his mother must've had a price. is that wrong to ask?

It is wrong sis. Two wrongs don't make a right. Who in their right mind feels that way about their own mother? Also, you yourself talk bad about Somali men, does it also apply to your father? No, sax? So it is the same for him too.

Parents should be off limits in any case.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
250K :faysalwtf:

That could've been a deposit for a house. This is what happens when you do things for show. Kibirka waa lugu kufaa.

It is wrong sis. Two wrongs don't make a right. Who in their right mind feels that way about their own mother? Also, you yourself talk bad about Somali men, does it also apply to your father? No, sax? So it is the same for him too.

Parents should be off limits in any case.

This is what I was trying to drive this point to her. She's fixated on her own self-righteousness and is refusing to see the hypocrisy in her train of thought.
the groom could be wrong because rubber hymen doesn't show blood or does not break easily. Only doctor can help him in this case.
If virginity was so important to him why the hell didn't the question come up? You better believe if the idea of marriage is looming, then that question and many other questions are coming up.
how the f*ck did he even tell she wasn't a virgin.
if you idiots think there's a physical indicator of virginity then i suggest you take a biology lesson

i don't want to get too graphic but if the woman is aroused enough there's no blood on the first time so uneducated fucks will take that as the woman not being a virgin.

unless of course she admitted to not being a virgin
:mjlol: The only men who cannot tell are either stupid or are too small. so :camby:with that BS and yeah blood isn't the only indicator of virginity.
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