Walahi news coming out of Canada about a Somali couple is shameful and cause for a suicide

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Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Hook line and sinker, @UncleMenace you truly are a master baitor.
Still don't get how people fall for his bait threads ahahah :p
My mother was a pious women. Why you getting triggered
if you say so. and stupidity is triggering if you must know. dont think you can say sexist bullshit that will somehow magically exclude your mother. every disgusting thing you say about women will apply to her too. if the rest of us are products, then i simply ask how much your mother was bought for.

as for the zina topic, dumb niggas who think they can around and still expect a pious woman simply need to read the Quran to know Allah's plan for them. whatever you say about me in this regard is not really gonna mean shit because I take my religion seriously.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@sahersi imagine if @waraabe put some jam & banana while performing cunnilingus on you?

With a diet like that it's highly unlikely that he could keep an errection so I guess a man has to do what a man has to do.


Why does this keep happening? :bell:

What do town bicycles have in common with some miskeen and shy kid? How do people around them not spot this mismatch in compatibility? :damedamn:
Some people just want to settle down at some point. Why would she set herself up for failure by trying to tie down an 'ciyaal suuq' (really someone that's just enjoying themselves) if she can get herself a decent good boy like mama always wanted? And any guy in the grey zone probably considers himself too good for her. Guys do the same shit all the time tbh. Run through every that looks your way and then put up a reformed man act and wife a virgin, except this is easier to pull off.


Your superior
if you say so. and stupidity is triggering if you must know. dont think you can say sexist bullshit that will somehow magically exclude your mother. every disgusting thing you say about women will apply to her too. if the rest of us are products, then i simply ask how much your mother was bought for.

as for the zina topic, dumb niggas who think they can around and still expect a pious woman simply need to read the Quran to know Allah's plan for them. whatever you say about me in this regard is not really gonna mean shit because I take my religion seriously.

You disagreed with me when I said only virgin men will get virgin women and that a pious man will get a pious woman. I am very reasonable, I don't know you are jumping to the woman's defence
Some people just want to settle down at some point. Why would she set herself up for failure by trying to tie down an 'ciyaal suuq' (really someone that's just enjoying themselves) if she can get herself a decent good boy like mama always wanted? And any guy in the grey zone probably considers himself too good for her. Guys do the same shit all the time tbh. Run through every that looks your way and then put up a reformed man act and wife a virgin, except this is easier to pull off.

That makes no logical sense, though. What could a possibly have in common with some soft-spoken miskeen? Women and men aren't the same. They fundamentally value different things. A woman is valued for her purity and chastity, while a man is valued for his 'experience' so to speak at least in the culture we find ourselves in these days. As another mentioned earlier even the miskeen girls these days want a "saqajaan" whose been around the block. :damedamn:

I've heard taming the ciyal-suuq or "bad boys" is all the rage among western/westernized women these days. Which makes it all the more confusing why these women would marry these dudes in the first place.
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