Puntiequeen we should defend puntland border dagalkan jiicboor ka socdo Sacaad kaliyah ma ah ha wa hawiye o dhan ba ka dagaalaamayo waxa la raabo waxa weye in garacad goldogob corridor isbaaro lo digto marka reer puntland wa in ee dhulkoda iyo dadkoda difacdanWarsangeli didn't take part in the 1979 Majeerteen ethnic cleansing as far as I have heard. They are our bah-wadaag, ood wadaag and also had their own Sultanate. Waa gob and Saldano fac-wayn. I don't even have beef with Leelkasse, contrary to popular belief, I just have an issue with the N&N and other weirdos on here. Before they joined, I used to defend LK on here. I just take issue with been, and the way that MJs are always blamed and people are entitled.