War in Galkayo

Lol its literally the hub of Al shabab in Muqdisho. Daynile has been chopped east and west after the naming of Garasbaaleey and Darusalaam districts :dead1:

We are not restricted to 1 or 2 districts like yourselves
Dayniile never got chppped lol. You have Abgaal crying on national TV that we shouldnt get Gubta, don’t make me get the fkd videos out. It’s Mataan Cabdulle’s dhul that got taken by Duduble when you sold it for a bit of tobaaco kkk. Your people were crying on live TV about it. My dhul stretches from Wardheegley near Villa Somalia (literally live there) to Buulo Xuubey (airport) including Makkah Al Mukaramah to Hawlwadaag (Bakaaro) to Hodan, Waabeeri to Wanlaweyne. As a Murusade I have all of Somalia come and visit my dhul and do shopping. Was it not for Liido beach your people would have never been visited.

This map wrong saxib galjecel don’t live anywhere near the coast. Mostly Kismaayo district on the coastal area is predominantly settled by Majerteeen… galjecel live inside land every where on somalia peninsula they don’t live anywhere near the cost
Yeah you are right. It needs to be edited a bit more. MX is still .5 lakin compared to saransoor in Juabaland.


Dayniile never got chppped lol. You have Abgaal crying on national TV that we shouldnt get Gubta, don’t make me get the fkd videos out. It’s Mataan Cabdulle’s dhul that got taken by Duduble when you sold it for a bit of tobaaco kkk. Your people were crying on live TV about it. My dhul stretches from Wardheegley near Villa Somalia (literally live there) to Buulo Xuubey (airport) including Makkah Al Mukaramah to Hawlwadaag (Bakaaro) to Hodan, Waabeeri to Wanlaweyne. As a Murusade I have all of Somalia come and visit my dhul and do shopping. Was it not for Liido beach your people would have never been visited.

Yeah you are right. It needs to be edited a bit more. MX is still .5 lakin compared to saransoor in Juabaland.

4+ years ago I made a thread about Farmaajo not wanting to sign off on the same 3 districts HSM signed off on a less than year ago

Banaadir ha igali hadlin 2 degmo wax aan dhameen aad ka degtaa governo iyo 7 deg4mo 14 ku xigeen boliis iyo nisa ha sheegin somalispot aad dad ka tahay

4+ years ago I made a thread about Farmaajo not wanting to sign off on the same 3 districts HSM signed off on a less than year ago

Banaadir ha igali hadlin 2 degmo wax aan dhameen aad ka degtaa governo iyo 7 deg4mo 14 ku xigeen boliis iyo nisa ha sheegin somalispot aad dad ka tahay

You can lie all you want but you are a langaab in Xamar. The districts HSM signed off (Garasbasley, Gubadleey) are all jiingaad inhabited by max 500 people kkkk.

Darusalaam is the only real district and that is Murusade and Duduble owned with more than 40% of it allocated to Gubta. I karbaashed you on this thread. I don’t have time to repeat myself.

Post in thread 'Hormuud and UN to resettle 1 million refugees at Jazeera'


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Sorry, President. He was leader of PL.
Not really president cadde muse hirsi was more pro omar mohamud and mudug than he was with his own subclan osman mohamud 😂 omar mohamud and bah dir allaince is what got president Abdullah yusuf ahmed to be president of somalia 2004-2008 and also elected president of puntland abdiweli mohamed ali gaas 2014-2019,
beesha bah dir every since said Abdullah Dani was elected they went crazy they jumped on xarmaajo wagon, start an armed conflict in bosaso , did 360 degree and jumped on araanjaan bandwagon after January 8 2024 Dani re-elected they did another 360 degree and jumped on hassan gurgurte and marxum xamze bandwagon 😂

Watch this video president cadde muse saying I will be Abdullah yusuf ahmed dabadilif😂


You can lie all you want but you are a langaab in Xamar. The districts HSM signed off (Garasbasley, Gubadleey) are all jiingaad inhabited by max 500 people kkkk.Darusalaam is the only real district and that is Murusade and Duduble owned with more than 40% of it allocated to Gubta. I karbaashed you on this thread. I don’t have time to repeat myself.

Post in thread

Where is the lie :dead:I said the 3 districts HSM signed off were on Farmaajo desk 4+ years ago. I made mention of daynile being chopped then and that's 3 years before ya join maqaar fiiqde runta wa qaraar tahay
Where is the lie :dead:I said the 3 districts HSM signed off were on Farmaajo desk 4+ years ago. I made mention of daynile being chopped then and that's 3 years before ya join maqaar fiiqde
Non of our dhul is chopped lol. It’s Abgaal dhul ‘Rati weyne’ that got taken by Duduble :russ:


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
@Thegoodshepherd mudaane Majerteeenimadada wa in nebula genomic ku caadeena wa la kala shaakiye mudaane… if u have PayPal I will pay for it 💯 give me ur paypal account i will send you the full amount of the kit🙏🏽 hirsi farah shirwac cigaale jibril abdulle isxaaq cumar maxamud saleebaan on yfull would be great 😊

I don't feel any need to prove anything at all.

I just think that Puntland has 2 choices:
  1. Act as a state and defend every square meter inhabited by clans that are part of Puntland's political project.
  2. Declare itself as Migiurtinia and tell all non-MJ Darod to handle their own business.
Straddling the fence where Puntland claims all northern Darod clans without actually defending their territory when it is attacked is what lost us Dhulbahante for good. We either fight and die by the hundreds in Ceerigaabo & Galkacyo districts, or we declare an MJ only state.

Our friends @𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂𐒘𐒂𐒗 𐒎𐒚𐒗𐒗𐒒 and @Abdisamad don't want MJ to fight and die for Leelkase and Warsangeli lands in the same way as for Qardho or Garowe. At the same time they want Warsangeli and Leelkase to remain loyal to Puntland. This is munaafiqnimo. Very dirty tactic.

I also have no fear of Isaaq or Hawiye. I think we can simultaneously defeat both in the field.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
I don't feel any need to prove anything at all.

I just think that Puntland has 2 choices:
  1. Act as a state and defend every square meter inhabited by clans that are part of Puntland's political project.
  2. Declare itself as Migiurtinia and tell all non-MJ Darod to handle their own business.
Straddling the fence where Puntland claims all northern Darod clans without actually defending their territory when it is attacked is what lost us Dhulbahante for good. We either fight and die by the hundreds in Ceerigaabo & Galkacyo districts, or we declare an MJ only state.

Our friends @𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂𐒘𐒂𐒗 𐒎𐒚𐒗𐒗𐒒 and @Abdisamad don't want MJ to fight and die for Leelkase and Warsangeli lands in the same way as for Qardho or Garowe. At the same time they want Warsangeli and Leelkase to remain loyal to Puntland. This is munaafiqnimo. Very dirty tactic.

I also have no fear of Isaaq or Hawiye. I think we can simultaneously defeat both in the field.
In order to do that we should disarm armed subclan militias and integrate them into one puntland armed forces that protect territorial integrity of puntland from East,west,south,north on the ocean and the land 🇸🇱🙏🏽 this subclan militia is what holding puntland to have a professional army that protect their land border and its citizens…
I don't feel any need to prove anything at all.

I just think that Puntland has 2 choices:
  1. Act as a state and defend every square meter inhabited by clans that are part of Puntland's political project.
  2. Declare itself as Migiurtinia and tell all non-MJ Darod to handle their own business.
Straddling the fence where Puntland claims all northern Darod clans without actually defending their territory when it is attacked is what lost us Dhulbahante for good. We either fight and die by the hundreds in Ceerigaabo & Galkacyo districts, or we declare an MJ only state.

Our friends @𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂𐒘𐒂𐒗 𐒎𐒚𐒗𐒗𐒒 and @Abdisamad don't want MJ to fight and die for Leelkase and Warsangeli lands in the same way as for Qardho or Garowe. At the same time they want Warsangeli and Leelkase to remain loyal to Puntland. This is munaafiqnimo. Very dirty tactic.

I also have no fear of Isaaq or Hawiye. I think we can simultaneously defeat both in the field.
What you also have to consider is that LLK also have their own interests and they may not coincide with PL interests or MJ interests. PL is a strange state where all clans are armed and may decide to go to war whenever or wherever they choose. Case in point, LLK vs Sacad. It would be easier to manage if all clans were disarmed but I don’t think anyone will accept that, especially in the mudug frontier. As long as PL is not independent, the case for disarmament will be difficult for clans to accept. Whatever PL does, it can’t guarantee any clan will stick to it since they have the firepower to go to war. PL is not SL where all clans were disarmed in ‘97 in order to achieve democracy and independence.

I disagree with your point on Dhulbahante as well. As wasiir Caydiid from the same community said, in 2018 50 Cumar Maxamud died in Sool and 1 Dhulbahante that fell off a truck died. PL fought for Sool on many occasions but the ultimate choice is up to the tribes. When Dhulbahante made their choice it was an easy battle with SL. Same with LLK, the choice is theirs but PL can’t force anyone to do anything. That’s how SL lost Sool.
I don't feel any need to prove anything at all.

I just think that Puntland has 2 choices:
  1. Act as a state and defend every square meter inhabited by clans that are part of Puntland's political project.
  2. Declare itself as Migiurtinia and tell all non-MJ Darod to handle their own business.
Straddling the fence where Puntland claims all northern Darod clans without actually defending their territory when it is attacked is what lost us Dhulbahante for good. We either fight and die by the hundreds in Ceerigaabo & Galkacyo districts, or we declare an MJ only state.

Our friends @𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂𐒘𐒂𐒗 𐒎𐒚𐒗𐒗𐒒 and @Abdisamad don't want MJ to fight and die for Leelkase and Warsangeli lands in the same way as for Qardho or Garowe. At the same time they want Warsangeli and Leelkase to remain loyal to Puntland. This is munaafiqnimo. Very dirty tactic.

I also have no fear of Isaaq or Hawiye. I think we can simultaneously defeat both in the field.
Firstly we are not claiming northern daroods, any harti is more than welcome in Puntland so stop the nonsense..

Secondly if I remember correctly the leelkase wanted to form their own state called xirir land, so how exactly are they loyal to PL?

Thirdly during the SSC war we came with all our weapons to defend our northern brothers.. Which disproves your above nonsens.. Cadi iska dhig sxb.. What I'm against is some random going to the city and shooting people up because he couldn't defend his grazing turf, you think this is okay?


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
What you also have to consider is that LLK also have their own interests and they may not coincide with PL interests or MJ interests. PL is a strange state where all clans are armed and may decide to go to war whenever or wherever they choose. Case in point, LLK vs Sacad. It would be easier to manage if all clans were disarmed but I don’t think anyone will accept that, especially in the mudug frontier. As long as PL is not independent, the case for disarmament will be difficult for clans to accept. Whatever PL does, it can’t guarantee any clan will stick to it since they have the firepower to go to war. PL is not SL where all clans were disarmed in ‘97 in order to achieve democracy and independence.

I disagree with your point on Dhulbahante as well. As wasiir Caydiid from the same community said, in 2018 50 Cumar Maxamud died in Sool and 1 Dhulbahante that fell off a truck died. PL fought for Sool on many occasions but the ultimate choice is up to the tribes. When Dhulbahante made their choice it was an easy battle with SL. Same with LLK, the choice is theirs but PL can’t force anyone to do anything. That’s how SL lost Sool.
How can I defend thier land when themselves are inviting Somaliland 😂 Warsangeli and dhulbhante, puntland wan kula leyahay iam also independent state makhiir and khatuumo sometimes I will go to Mogadishu to stab you in the back


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Firstly we are not claiming northern daroods, any harti is more than welcome in Puntland so stop the nonsense..

Secondly if I remember correctly the leelkase wanted to form their own state called xirir land, so how exactly are they loyal to PL?

Thirdly during the SSC war we came with all our weapons to defend our northern brothers.. Which disproves your above nonsens.. Cadi iska dhig sxb.. What I'm against is some random going to the city and shooting people up because he couldn't defend his grazing turf, you think this is okay?
Xirirland was more diaspora state than it was actually state, lelkaase in puntland are pro puntland like any other subclans saxib we should defend their land us we are defending in sool, leelkaase wa darbi darood , I thrust them more than I do with Warsangeli and dhulbahante 😂 in leelkase dhulka lala difaaco wa lagu qasbanyahay hadi kale waxa lagu dagaalami dona burtinle…
How can I defend thier land when themselves are inviting Somaliland 😂 Warsangeli and dhulbhante, puntland wan kula leyahay iam also independent state makhiir and khatuumo sometimes I will go to Mogadishu to stab you in the back
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Don't fall for @Thegoodshepherd trap warya, what you are doing is exactly what he wanted you to do, which is to make you insult other Harti tribes like the warsangeli so they can join the fkd, let us stay on topic which is about addressing the leelkase moryan behaviors and some ilkoyar folks who decided to absolutely include themselves into the conversation without invitation. The latter group I'm assuming already left after getting karbaashed.. :manny:


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Don't fall for @Thegoodshepherd trap warya, what you are doing is exactly what he wanted you to do, which is to make you insult other Harti tribes like the warsangeli so they can join the fkd, let us stay on topic which is about addressing the leelkase moryan behaviors and some ilkoyar folks who decided to absolutely include themselves into the conversation without invitation. The latter group I'm assuming already left after getting karbaashed.. :manny:
Saxib qiyaali ba ku noshahay listen to this cisse mohamud lady waxa manta puntland ka jiro ka hadleeso 😂
Putland can only involve in Sacad - LLK if Galmudug publicly involves . But Putland can support them under the table. Leelkase should fight their battles or call Xariir land for help
Xirirland was more diaspora state than it was actually state, lelkaase in puntland are pro puntland like any other subclans saxib we should defend their land us we are defending in sool, leelkaase wa darbi darood , I thrust them more than I do with Warsangeli and dhulbahante 😂 in leelkase dhulka lala difaaco wa lagu qasbanyahay hadi kale waxa lagu dagaalami dona burtinle…
I'm not against helping our leelkase cousins sxb.. I'm only against people shooting up Gaalkacyo, this is not the way to solve a problem.. It's like demanding your brother to burn down his own house because yours is on fire, and then further threaten if he doesn't you'll come and set it on fire.. This shit won't fly anywhere sxb.
Putland can only involve in Sacad - LLK if Galmudug publicly involves . But Putland can support them under the table. Leelkase should fight their battles or call Xariir land for help

Leelkasse refused MJ clan help a few years ago to deal with this problem. Real solutions were placed on the table. They rebuffed us and cut their own deals with HG, the same deals they regret today. Despite that, MJ clans still offered money and weapons for this recent issue, but let's face it, they don't seem to be happy nor have they culled the threat.
I'm not against helping our leelkase cousins sxb.. I'm only against people shooting up Gaalkacyo, this is not the way to solve a problem.. It's like demanding your brother to burn down his own house because yours is on fire, and then further threaten if he doesn't you'll come and set it on fire.. This shit won't fly anywhere sxb.

The cold, hard truth is; that area needs to be heavily settled to make it more secure and economically viable. Leelkasse is clinging onto that land as if it's a precious diamond, instead of realising that they need help. They are obsessed with not being outnumbered in the only district they are a majority in. That's why they didn't want an alliance with MJs nor the Marehan that border them.
Putland can only involve in Sacad - LLK if Galmudug publicly involves . But Putland can support them under the table. Leelkase should fight their battles or call Xariir land for help

The perfect example for this entire issue and LK shooting themselves in the foot, is Saaxo.
You know what MJ and Puntland help did for the Marehan in Saaxo? They became more militarily, economically and politically secure instead of languishing in the 7th circle of hell known as Galmudug. Leelkasse was supposed to be on-board in the same way, but they liked to cut their own deals with HG to play against PL for their own political agendas.