War in Sool


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Jamac Shabeel an ex SNM veteran says Reer Biicidyahan and Marehan are preparing to join the war. He urges muuse bixii to leave SSC and says he will destroy SL



Bantu Liberation Movement
These idoors lie with every breath. The water supply system that they recently bombed was built by diaspora. So was the oxygen plant.


The current conflict continues to bear the hallmarks of this economic struggle. Notably, Somaliland forces have targeted infrastructure that has not been built by Somaliland, but by the Dhulbahante diaspora. In 2021 I visited the water supply system built by Dhulbahante diaspora that provides clean water to much of the town. I also witnessed the Las Anod community fundraising $120,000 for an oxygen plant during the Covid-19 crisis. As the conflict escalated, Somaliland troops attacked the water system, whilst shelling of the general hospital also destroyed the oxygen plant. Most recently, Sool electric plant owned by Jabutawi and Dhulbahante diaspora investors was attacked, with one worker killed and seven captured. Aside from the immediate health consequences for those still living in Las Anod, these attacks on infrastructure funded and built primarily by the Dhulbahante community clearly have an extra symbolic importance.



Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
@Taliso who is this lady 😂😂 campaign miye ku jirta wa maxay asadkan ee ku heeso dhulbahante puntland wa ka tashadeen ee wa khatuumo state of somalia 🇸🇴 habartan habar xishoto ma ah ha
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SL are starting conscriptions, it looks like muuse biixi wants to prolong this war. The ssc forces should quickly take over goojacade base and ignore any stalling tactics.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
We are 100% Somaliland. That's for sure. That doesn't mean I'm Kulmiye. I don't agree trying to force Dhulbahante into SL. Their choice should be respected.
I don’t know if this is a comedy but being Pro-SL is tantamount to wanting to ride a horse that can see heaven’s gates.

You cannot simultaneously be pro-establishment and pro-opposition. You must choose. Samaroon are not as invested as you are proposing. It’s not a matter of politically prostituting from one lacklustre party to the next only to nibble on a crumb or two.

Please, let’s agree to be Pro-Samaroon which invariably is anti-establishment. Now isn’t the time to change allegiances. It is best to burn the boats like Hernán Cortés and not look back.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
I don’t know if this is a comedy but being Pro-SL is tantamount to wanting to ride a horse that can see heaven’s gates.

You cannot simultaneously be pro-establishment and pro-opposition. You must choose. Samaroon are not as invested as you are proposing. It’s not a matter of politically prostituting from one lacklustre party to the next only to nibble on a crumb or two.

Please, let’s agree to be Pro-Samaroon which invariably is anti-establishment. Now isn’t the time to change allegiances. It is best to burn the boats like Hernán Cortés and not look back.
The real Samaroon queen has spoken :mjlaugh:

