libaaxad@Taliso who is this ladycampaign miye ku jirta wa maxay asadkan ee ku heeso dhulbahante puntland wa ka tashadeen ee wa khatuumo state of somalia
habartan habar xishoto ma ah ha
We are 100% Somaliland. That's for sure. That doesn't mean I'm Kulmiye. I don't agree trying to force Dhulbahante into SL. Their choice should be respected.
Believe it or not this was very real, i saw the tweet and they deleted right after.
Wallahi I ain't lying, they probably got hacked who knowsDon't lie
The real Samaroon queen has spokenI don’t know if this is a comedy but being Pro-SL is tantamount to wanting to ride a horse that can see heaven’s gates.
You cannot simultaneously be pro-establishment and pro-opposition. You must choose. Samaroon are not as invested as you are proposing. It’s not a matter of politically prostituting from one lacklustre party to the next only to nibble on a crumb or two.
Please, let’s agree to be Pro-Samaroon which invariably is anti-establishment. Now isn’t the time to change allegiances. It is best to burn the boats like Hernán Cortés and not look back.