War in Sool

@SirLancelLord Somaliland as a state building project is over.
Dhulbahante killed it.

Isaaq have two choices:
  1. Retreat to Oog
  2. War with Harti where the defeat of Isaaq is guaranteed in the long term
Laba kala daran mid dooro.

Come on bro the whole of Darood combined can not do anything to Somaliland, if you go by history just look at Somaliland's record against Puntland. If you go futher back during pre Somali state Darood have not done anything to boast against the clans in Somaliland. That is why you qualified the defeat of Somaliland in the "long term" as guranteed.

The only time you may have a chance of dealing with Somaliland is if you co' opt Hawiya and that is doubtful at present.

I feel for Darood community though, at current rate of SL's progress its a matter of when and not if regarding recognition.Thereby putting Darood clan as minorities in the 4 countries of east africa.So something had to be done.

So bring your A game and will do the same and will see what happens.
It is not looking good for the secessionists.
Muse Biixi is running out of options, and in the latest bad news for him, all the wealth men in Hargeysa left for Dubai after he approached them to finance his mindless war.

He is now playing a deadly game of horse swapping. He removed Nuux Taani of his commission, even thought some are saying he has been wounded. Then he brought in ina Bootaan, whose unit was chased from Tukeraq, and now he saddled the problem with ina Suufi.

Bad days ahead for them.
Boowe, we cut our fishing season short for this. We are serious.

Still peddling the whole "reigning down missiles & genocide" if this was true the city would've been destroyed. There's discrepancy in the claims and the evidence.

There's a reason why nothing but blank statements are coming from the IC despite the whole Anti-SL community abroad tagging their Twitter pages...

Really think hard I know it's hard for you, the tribal mindset clouds your judgement... If you don't think something else is going on with always civilians paying the price then you're delusional and won't waste my time.

39 Somaliland officials have been assinated in the last 10 years and these are all locals to the area of conflict now. After every death the "SSC" diaspora twitter spread word that it's Somaliland. And this has been going on for since they reclaimed it to sow the seeds for what's happening now.
It’s crazy that you keep defending the killings of Dhulbahante just cause they aren’t Isaaq like you, if it were gabiley Hargeisa burco or berbera u would react differently. Even some of your own clansmen are distancing themselves from Ina Bixi but I guess you’re the type to support in both right or wrong
Come on bro the whole of Darood combined can not do anything to Somaliland, if you go by history just look at Somaliland's record against Puntland. If you go futher back during pre Somali state Darood have not done anything to boast against the clans in Somaliland. That is why you qualified the defeat of Somaliland in the "long term" as guranteed.

The only time you may have a chance of dealing with Somaliland is if you co' opt Hawiya and that is doubtful at present.

I feel for Darood community though, at current rate of SL's progress its a matter of when and not if regarding recognition.Thereby putting Darood clan as minorities in the 4 countries of east africa.So something had to be done.

So bring your A game and will do the same and will see what happens.
Yes you’re right it’s a highly likely scenario that the UN will recognize SL on the basis of your khat consumption per capita.

Yusuf Abdi Ali Rashid

King of Prussia
I feel for Darood community though, at current rate of SL's progress its a matter of when and not if regarding recognition.Thereby putting Darood clan as minorities in the 4 countries of east africa.So something had to be done.

So bring your A game and will do the same and will see what happens.
How can one say this, while their “president” sits down with low level embassy staff, not even the ambassador of somalia could be bothered by attending.

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Whatever soothes hurt feelings of Somaliland's enemies.
Don’t flatter yourself you fool no one is interested in having you as an enemy. Dhulbahante is a core pillar of Somali sovereignty and they’ve proved that once again. The funny thing about it is that if you would’ve treated them fairly and would’ve put your ego and isir naceyb to the side they might’ve stayed with you because at the end of the day there is no capable central Somali government to enforce their will on SL but your lack of wisdom and political inability similar to when you joined the union even though you were a independent state for two days is what brought you here.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Come on bro the whole of Darood combined can not do anything to Somaliland, if you go by history just look at Somaliland's record against Puntland. If you go futher back during pre Somali state Darood have not done anything to boast against the clans in Somaliland. That is why you qualified the defeat of Somaliland in the "long term" as guranteed.

The only time you may have a chance of dealing with Somaliland is if you co' opt Hawiya and that is doubtful at present.

I feel for Darood community though, at current rate of SL's progress its a matter of when and not if regarding recognition.Thereby putting Darood clan as minorities in the 4 countries of east africa.So something had to be done.

So bring your A game and will do the same and will see what happens.
We have already defeated Isaaq and pursued them for over 60 km in 12 hours.
We have 80 km to go.

This is how this will end in 3 weeks, 3 months or 3 years


Nin aan cilay ba I cayaa.
@Taliso who is this lady 😂😂 campaign miye ku jirta wa maxay asadkan ee ku heeso dhulbahante puntland wa ka tashadeen ee wa khatuumo state of somalia 🇸🇴 habartan habar xishoto ma ah ha
The grand Don of Qardho Amal Abdullahi has bigger balls than you. She’s speaking the truth and she has been verbally abusing idoors since the war started.
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I don’t know if this is a comedy but being Pro-SL is tantamount to wanting to ride a horse that can see heaven’s gates.

You cannot simultaneously be pro-establishment and pro-opposition. You must choose. Samaroon are not as invested as you are proposing. It’s not a matter of politically prostituting from one lacklustre party to the next only to nibble on a crumb or two.

Please, let’s agree to be Pro-Samaroon which invariably is anti-establishment. Now isn’t the time to change allegiances. It is best to burn the boats like Hernán Cortés and not look back.


I do agree with you and Samaroon interests should be our primary objective. I just don't understand the obsession that some of our kinfolk have with Mogadishu. We are more impacted decisions made in Addis Ababa than ones made in Mogadishu. I just cannot stand the way they actually care about Somaliweyne so much when it never benefited us in anyway. Not one road nor any infrastructure was built in Awdal from 1960 to 1990. The only time we actually were able to see any sort of development was after the collapse of the Somali state. When we signed independence from the British we had our own region which was known as the Borama district and made up the borders of what is Awdal today and the representative responsiblefor the region was Haji Ibrahim. When we joined Somalia, they lumped us in with Hargeisa and Berbere districts and called us Waqooyi Galbeed. Somalia has alway been our worst enemy. I agree a future as an autonomous region within SL or outside doesn't bother me. I just don't want anything to do with Mogadishu as a set up to the way it was pre 1990. It was the worst 30 years ever and that's what many people fantasize about.
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Can't fool me, but the rest of this forum really think it's real and will believe it coming from an Anti-SLer...

Everyday I'm reminded how fickle and narrow minded this forum is
I personally have nothing against isaaq people as a Somali tribe and part of the Somali race, I acknowledge we are all Somali, muslim brothers. My problem is with those who are anti Somali who refuse unity and who insist on killing and subjugatig other Somalis like the people of SSC and other tribes into an English colonial border and force their so called "Somaliland secessionist dream" on them.. What gives them the right to force people into secessionism? if the people wish to stay as part of a greater Somalia? Heck I even would've supported your secessionism if you confined it within your own tribal land and all of your people agreed to this... But coming to SSC and killing women and children and forcing your ideology onto people won't be tolerated, and all if not most Somaliweeyn will come to defend their brothers from your crazy ideology.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Reer UK Garxajis support the decision by Guddiga Garxajis which condemened the war. Not all Isaaq are the same guys

Reer UK Garxajis support the decision by Guddiga Garxajis which condemened the war. Not all Isaaq are the same guys

As I said, I have nothing against isaaq my problem is with the delusional ones who think they are the grand children and inheritors of the British colonialist of east Africa.. The delusional fuckers who think they inheritad darawish lands, from engiriis futo cad:mjlol:

I do agree with you and Samaroon interests should be our primary objective. I just don't understand the obsession that some of our kinfolk have with Mogadishu. We are more impacted decisions made in Addis Ababa than ones made in Mogadishu. I just cannot stand the way they actually care about Somaliweyne so much when it never benefited us in anyway. Not one road nor any infrastructure was built in Awdal from 1960 to 1990. The only time we actually were able to see any sort of development was after the collapse of the Somali state. When we signed independence from the British we had our own region which was known as the Borama district and made up the borders of what is Awdal today and the representative responsiblefor the region was Haji Ibrahim. When we joined Somalia, they lumped us in with Hargeisa and Berbere districts and called us Waqooyi Galbeed. Somalia has alway been our worst enemy. I agree a future as an autonomous region within SL or outside doesn't bother me. I just don't want anything to do with Mogadishu as a set up to the way it was pre 1990. It was the worst 30 years ever and that's what many people fantasize about.
“Not one road nor any infrastructure was built in Awdal from 1960 to 1990.”
Not 1 single massacre were carried out by the Somali gov in the cities of Borama and dilla between 1960-1990. Hows that for an argument boy !


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Garaadaha speak to American officials via Zoom

SSC has received ictiraaf faster than SL in 30 years :mjlaugh:

Somaliland is both an isaac and western project, so let me assure you however much you huff and puff it is going to exist and prosper . It doesn't matter your view and intentions on it. I predict one shall see time coming very soon dulbahantes as somalilanders harassing the rest of somalis in an affluent and prosperous somaliland for not coming to their aid during this times of supposed defence of unity. It must be frustrating to fight for a supposed national cause with clear neglect from supposed shareholders. Very clear deni and his government have not even made one pledge or active support for this supposed war apart from repeatedly denying they are a part of it and they are your closest brethren. Hassan co are busy with their travels and more important immediate matters and all you got from them are lip service statements. You are at all not a priority and for all your illusions of international importance nothing but vague and broad statements calling for peace and dialogue and unconditional ceasefire like somaliland has proposed not your conditional one tied to troops withdrawal and meanwhile the economic investments of millions of dollars grinds on . Bottomline you are much less important than you deem yourself in the sphere of matters and in the lands of the Isaacs this war is read about and watched from a distance aka the Ukrainian conflict .impact hard felt.
Somaliland is both an isaac and western project, so let me assure you however much you huff and puff it is going to exist and prosper . It doesn't matter your view and intentions on it. I predict one shall see time coming very soon dulbahantes as somalilanders harassing the rest of somalis in an affluent and prosperous somaliland for not coming to their aid during this times of supposed defence of unity. It must be frustrating to fight for a supposed national cause with clear neglect from supposed shareholders. Very clear deni and his government have not even made one pledge or active support for this supposed war apart from repeatedly denying they are a part of it and they are your closest brethren. Hassan co are busy with their travels and more important immediate matters and all you got from them are lip service statements. You are at all not a priority and for all your illusions of international importance nothing but vague and broad statements calling for peace and dialogue and unconditional ceasefire like somaliland has proposed not your conditional one tied to troops withdrawal and meanwhile the economic investments of millions of dollars grinds on . Bottomline you are much less important than you deem yourself in the sphere of matters and in the lands of the Isaacs this war is read about and watched from a distance aka the Ukrainian conflict .impact hard felt.

