War in Sool

Marshall D Abdi

Know you’re place peasant
lol, you have gone off the deep end, dhulbahante and isaaq have always been fucking each other (literally and figuratively) and will continue to do so forever, nothing you can do about it even if you dedicate your entire life to the cause. Since you have a special cuqdad ridden mindset; I suggest you start with an official letter disavowing your grandma in order to "rid" yourself of any dhiig connection to iidoor.

if "Xididnimo conspiracy" is sabotaging dhulbahante's uprise against Somaliland; then it's a failed tactic, ssc are gaining momentum both in the front and in international politics, they are smoking SL's forces in every single encounter and they'll deservedly be victorious in the very near future.
Cmon @Abdisamad just read what she is writing aint no way u agree with her, u Talking about being emotional but even so this is a whole Another level of cuqdidnimo she is whole grown women who can take her own actions responsibility dont be easy on what she is spewing

i used AY as an example it wasnt an attack like i cleary stated both being silly arguments for those who use it
What I meant to say was, atleast address someone who supports your people with all their heart in a friendly manner.. . I mean that's the least he could do instead of going attacking mode on you and AY AUN.
Why would i disagree with her when its not even debate since we talking about people losing their homes and lives, u cant just disagree since its basic human right

u Talking here in about ”friendly manners”

Where is the friendliess about her speech her wicked to say nonetheless

Notice how he says I have cuqdad but not the Isaaq attacking Sool. It is also very interesting how some people are mute for 170 pages, but as soon as you mention Isaaq guur, they lose their minds and run in here, foaming at the mouth.

I wonder why....

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If u go back to old pages or even as user u would have known that im number 1 mucaarad for that expaniost self state called somaliland

I was with u from isolating them in economic sense to hilting their devolopemnt and blocking their roads to do even NeXT cities as a way to trade

till u started spewing that boogeyman bs and labelling or treating the isaaq as a crazy lunatics we should not marry and divorce

Fear Allah.

and you @Abdisamad last but not least ik u both hail from same Clan but still there is some border that shall never be crossed u know that damn Well caadi iska dhig mannen
this is shocking, thanks for sharing that...

but you can't blame a whole community for the actions of a few disgusting men. you wouldn't wanna be labeled a criminal because someone from your community is one. We all get judged in the afterlife as individuals

Rape and torture is shocking and evil, right? However, I have yet to see you condemn the mass-murder and displacement of civilians in the name of Isaaq expansionism.
I like how you cherry-pick which crimes to be appalled about.
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the war has been going on since 2 months , all of harti army and weapons are in lascanood yet idoor dabacayuun is in goojacade 7km from lascanood reasons :

1: there is no central command, no leadership
2. Mentality of the army to only capture war bounty like scarvages
3: Garads cannot lead army nor give tactics of war you need a general to do that ex: Abdullahi yusuf and many Mj generals led ssdf till the creation of puntland
4: the ceasefire which was initiated by Ethiopia should not have been listened to,send some wasting people to adiss but continue your struggle in the end the one who wins will be listened to by the international community
5: All the harti army should be under one command no sub tribe should fight alone or else if their is heavy casualties that sub tribe will get out of the war
6: somaliland is a do or die to cupture lascanood they will never leave with negotiation or pressure from international community
7: Gojacaade should be captured as soon as possible that will be a big boost morally for the army and a big blow to idoor dabacayuun
8: the thousands of civilians that fled lascanood are waiting for the harti army to quickly liberate their lands and to come back to their homes safely, it is very difficult once refugees settle another land to come back they will become diasporas and these is what idoor dabacayuun is looking for to displace dulbahante and to take their lands
9: Thousands of disorganised army will be defeated by hundred of organised adversary
10: guul guul ssc inshaallah


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
the war has been going on since 2 months , all of harti army and weapons are in lascanood yet idoor dabacayuun is in goojacade 7km from lascanood reasons :

1: there is no central command, no leadership
2. Mentality of the army to only capture war bounty like scarvages
3: Garads cannot lead army nor give tactics of war you need a general to do that ex: Abdullahi yusuf and many Mj generals led ssdf till the creation of puntland
4: the ceasefire which was initiated by Ethiopia should not have been listened to,send some wasting people to adiss but continue your struggle in the end the one who wins will be listened to by the international community
5: All the harti army should be under one command no sub tribe should fight alone or else if their is heavy casualties that sub tribe will get out of the war
6: somaliland is a do or die to cupture lascanood they will never leave with negotiation or pressure from international community
7: Gojacaade should be captured as soon as possible that will be a big boost morally for the army and a big blow to idoor dabacayuun
8: the thousands of civilians that fled lascanood are waiting for the harti army to quickly liberate their lands and to come back to their homes safely, it is very difficult once refugees settle another land to come back they will become diasporas and these is what idoor dabacayuun is looking for to displace dulbahante and to take their lands
9: Thousands of disorganised army will be defeated by hundred of organised adversary
10: guul guul ssc inshaallah

Goojacade will fall soon. I am very anti Isims in general, they have their place when it comes to dhaqan and peace building but not in politics, administration or military.

SSC accomplished a lot in 2 months. 9 weeks ago there were 3 SSC camps. Now there’s 15k Harti militiamen in and around Laas Canood under Dhulbahante leadership. This was unimaginable 9 weeks ago. Unity is all time high to the point you won’t know who’s Warsangeli, Dishishle or Dhulbahante. Muse Bihi is the best thing that happened to Harti after AY, may he reign forever. I’ll personally contribute financially to his campaign.

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
the war has been going on since 2 months , all of harti army and weapons are in lascanood yet idoor dabacayuun is in goojacade 7km from lascanood reasons :

1: there is no central command, no leadership
2. Mentality of the army to only capture war bounty like scarvages
3: Garads cannot lead army nor give tactics of war you need a general to do that ex: Abdullahi yusuf and many Mj generals led ssdf till the creation of puntland
4: the ceasefire which was initiated by Ethiopia should not have been listened to,send some wasting people to adiss but continue your struggle in the end the one who wins will be listened to by the international community
5: All the harti army should be under one command no sub tribe should fight alone or else if their is heavy casualties that sub tribe will get out of the war
6: somaliland is a do or die to cupture lascanood they will never leave with negotiation or pressure from international community
7: Gojacaade should be captured as soon as possible that will be a big boost morally for the army and a big blow to idoor dabacayuun
8: the thousands of civilians that fled lascanood are waiting for the harti army to quickly liberate their lands and to come back to their homes safely, it is very difficult once refugees settle another land to come back they will become diasporas and these is what idoor dabacayuun is looking for to displace dulbahante and to take their lands
9: Thousands of disorganised army will be defeated by hundred of organised adversary
10: guul guul ssc inshaallah
All of harti and weapon kulaha war waxan xoo xaa eega, sxb not even quarter of harti hiil is there and this war is not just sl but jabuuti too
If u this uneducated don't talk about it
We will end this dir iyo dhulbahante war soon just don't worry sit back and enjoy u canbuulo

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
Saxib I wish you gul wad isku filantahay this spoilers from Majerteeenia don’t let them ruined ur sweet victory against qaranka barida weyn
Am tired of these southern and their afdheeri, they just be talking kulaha all of harti forces are in laascaanood not even quarter is there while Somaliand has all of Dir and jabuuti weapons in the frontline they think this is their enemy Al kabab where they never face real war just "Ku dhufu Ka carar" and then Al kabab running from the place, they never experienced artillery weapon in their war on al Shabab, this ain't malnourished rag tags, dadka baa anaga noo iskaga dhigaya inay dagaal yaqaanan
All of harti and weapon kulaha war waxan xoo xaa eega, sxb not even quarter of harti hiil is there and this war is not just sl but jabuuti too
If u this uneducated don't talk about it
We will end this dir iyo dhulbahante war soon just don't worry sit back and enjoy u canbuulo
brother take what is beneficial and leave what you see as not in the end your victory will be our victory also guul inshaallah
Snm waa gun gun dashay. For more than a month so many pows were captured from them and treated well yet the moment they captured 3 soldiers they kill them after beating them up.

I was always against releasing any pows especially on nonsense like abtinimo. Biggest problem dh need to fix is being merciful.


Alle been badana that guy is dhulbahante well known, Fear Allah and stop spreading lies bc u can't count u dead, grown ass man taking his sources from teenager :susp:
The page is lying to gain hits and views. Under comments folks are asking for post to be taken down due to lies.

There is also video of guy stating his hometown is las canod doesn’t state clan but fair to assume based on that he is dhulbhante. Definitely not from galdogob like post says.

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
The page is lying to gain hits and views. Under comments folks are asking for post to be taken down due to lies.

There is also video of guy stating his hometown is las canod doesn’t state clan but fair to assume based on that he is dhulbhante. Definitely not from galdogob like post says.
Kkkk a lot of iidoor put their location on las canod to piss off the dblock they fkd ith
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Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
After careful investigation the SSC has Cale up with statement that this spying camera was not of drone by close by Android phone by spy:pachah1::damn::deadrose:cant even buy themselves cheap drone
Somaliland now claims it will execute 9 pows they captured because they are against the "qaran". This is a political tactic attempting to get a response from ssc forces. Ssc should not kill any pows so their international standing isn't ruined like sl wants.

For now, pows should be held captive. And later once the war ends, they can go missing or released. Up to ssc.

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
Somaliland now claims it will execute 9 pows they captured because they are against the "qaran". This is a political tactic attempting to get a response from ssc forces. Ssc should not kill any pows so their international standing isn't ruined like sl wants.

For now, pows should be held captive. And later once the war ends, they can go missing or released. Up to ssc.
Gaalraac who's whole believe is on "muh master cadaan said" calling anybody on their Deen is laughable wallahi

