War in Sool

If Somaliland kills PoWs , SSC has to do the same, right now there is tension in SSC camp because the prisoners being mistreated, abused and executed are all MJ, while the dhulbahante prisoners are being taken to Burco for treatment and a bed and breakfast. That's why the garaads keep handing over the PoWs they catch back to Somaliland. It's quite fucked up.

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
The imaginary Djibouti police being shown by the eastern Sool Community in Lascaanood couldn't even get the uniform correct for their propaganda
The polis and the military don't wear the same uniform u illiterate of course they ain't the same
Sxb don't worry you'll soon believe when I show u their dead bodies littered everywhere
Fake News,

That's all you guys do every day sit down and create stories that dumb tribalist believe..
You already killed 5 and announced you’re gonna kill 9 more it’s not fake news, if that’s how low you’re willing to stoop we should kill Isaaq prisoners aswell
The polis and the military don't wear the same uniform u illiterate of course they ain't the same
Sxb don't worry you'll soon believe when I show u their dead bodies littered everywhere
if you listen to the video they claim its police and even if you claim their military the logos don't even match lol
The polis and the military don't wear the same uniform u illiterate of course they ain't the same
Sxb don't worry you'll soon believe when I show u their dead bodies littered everywhere
Thats not Djibouti military logo either plus in the video they claim its police not military print the right one next time before u dress your boys .


Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
Ciidanka Reer Biicidyahan join the fight


Idoor attempt at offering suqaar for Beesha Barakeysan to stay out of the fight has failed:susp:

The imaginary Djibouti police being shown by the eastern Sool Community in Lascaanood couldn't even get the uniform correct for their propaganda
“Eastern Sool community” I see all of the people who were protecting their tuulo with this clan enclave are terrified. Trust that we will deal with you lomaoyaans soon as our maamul gobleed is built. We will see how your masters HA care for you then.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Awoowe we will sack their cities and take their wealth, im not returning to Wardheer iyo Gaalkacyo without impressive amount of ghanima:rejoice:
Harti keep on rolling in, we havent seen a full assault but if this keeps going they might have the largest army in Somalia assembled

Among all of Isaaq's disgusting cultures, this is the one that is most irritating. Why are they always claiming Dhulbahante, as if Dhulbahante does abtiris to a Hooyo impregnated by Bucur Bucayr, like them. I even saw it in real life, an Isaaq lady was arguing with me that Dhulbahante is one of them, this was years back. I was flabbergasted.

"anaga idinka xigna"


I hate when they say that shit :ftw9nwa:


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