All that money wasn't a one off payments. Wakhtiyo kala duwan iyo mashaariic kala duwan ayay ku baxday.
- Laascaanood water supply project
- Solar projects
- Brand new Lasanod hospital
- University building
- Roads
- Governments buildings and more.
Stop telling lies. All those projects were mostly invested by locals and diaspora from the region, plus international NGOs. Somaliland support has been dismal and they actually did everything they can to prevent these development.
The irony is you're claiming Laascaanood water supply project which was a private enterprise invested by locals. My sister-in-law is one of the investors. I even know one of the guys who run the project..
The unversity projects already were implemented way before Somaliland was even in Laascaanood and it is run through tuition fees, diaspora support, and funding from international NGOs.