I don't buy this argument for a couple of reasons:
- PL can join the fight without claiming their involvement, Dhulbahante soldiers in PL joined the fight and SL is already blaming PL so it doesn't matter.
- most of the weapons is in government hands so clan militias will not be as effective.
-PL can join the fight and also give legitimacy to SSC, it's not mutually exclusive.
- if Somaliland cries 'territorial dispute' that doesn't change the facts on the ground, the locals are the ones who are against SL and fighting them.
The only reason Deni isn't joining is because he wants voter registration to continue and is focusing on that.
I respect your stance, honestly, if it was me, I'd pause voter registration and rain fire and brimstone upon Iidooria, but it is what it is. Doesn't matter, Puntland's soldiers are effectively, "Reer Hebel" iyo "Bah hebel".