War in Sool


Nabaddoonka Somaaliyeed "
Sxb stop the Cape no injured have been taken to garowe while in burco they can't even take care of the hundred injured so they let them die or put them on wait so eventually they die
Everyday u pass yagoori bridge with trucks full of dead flies, the one that passed today
I'm talking about how bad your wound is There isn't even enough food for them Watch the video
Today, the number of injuries was low. I Didn't tell you that my relatives are in goojcade sacad yoonis are fill there Even those in the villages want to join and have been refused 🀣
We'll wait until they let the tribes fight there


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
I also gave a thousand shillings to An dhul. refugee today πŸ˜‚
Here is the proof saxib gaajada tahay maxan daha… libaax joore is contributing to ur economy maskinyahow


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Ina Falaluug updates on how SSC won the skirmish today. SL forces have been fully flushed out of Goojacade and only remain in a few pockets outside it



Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Well, poverty is not a shame
Go and help your poor cousins who are in refugee camps
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At least my kin don’t beg strangers stop spending imaginary $115 million budget on maryacals canon foddors instead spend on something that will benefit the community
In the words of former somalia president jalle mohamed siyad barre qof bahan wa gun wixi la rabo aya laga yeelan kara
Take ceergaabo kulah take Laascanod first πŸ˜‚
In ceergaabo you live in to start And if you try to get close to her and you don't even live around town The fighting will turn into a tribal war, and the Bedouins will start killing each other so If you want you are welcome πŸ˜‚

Listen if your asking about las anod than you've got mental health issues. That city is on lick down from bottom to top. Secondly tribal war? Dude your being exterminated from the entire horn of Africa not just SSC our troops will have feild day in hargesa when samaroon and other tribes start undermining your authority but you have to see it to believe it.
Bro they are clueless, they think Somaliland army is like their ururis militia, Somaliland military marna dagaal may qaadin, but this time watch and see.
So u let 2 months go by before getting serious? Ok we're waiting hope you don't disappoint us for like the 1000th time my friend

