Hiiran macawiisley taliye
Hiiran macawiisley taliye
And they go silent whenever I walk pastGod, I love to be praised. Few Isaq odeys always say when I walk by ‘Alla waa gobtii Somaliyeed’![]()
Was that when Absame left Sanaag also? I think that's what I heard
You have no shame, we’re getting tired of debunking your bullshit
Yeah let’s believe a gyal who slurs out heego heego hashtag heegooooShocking! All the money SL State gets from Somalia goes to @Vito Rizutto 's pockets while @Gadhwayne and @TimaJilic are used as canon fodder and get nothing. I can see why Vito is defending this system, he is eating while these other guys are left fighting for scraps
Didn't we just listen to an Isaaq woman get upset because they can't treat all the injured in Burco's "first class hospital", there is no oxygen, and they will not even let families take their people to other places for treatment. Where is the clip, I forgot who posted it.
@DR OSMAN@Somali Ugaas a strategy is based on how the enemy 'fighting' Isaaq is fighting in a contained area. Their using the encircle strategy which is effective if the enemy is contained. They shud move two flanks opposite each other in the encircle, at one time.
I wish I was in PL, I would go with the bah dubays and do 'surveillance' on the enemy and work out mathmatical 'angles' like triangle, square, circle, cuz dagaalku waa 'mathamatics'
@DR OSMAN@Somali Ugaas once i see the 'enemy positions' I can work out the mathamatic positioning needed, I wud put our 'sarkaals' in 360 degree protection while his in the middle inside a 'triangle' positioning and make that flank move like a coordinated 'beast'. I would work out other mathamatical formations so it's not single point of collapse. Send me intel on enemy positions waryaa. I would keep big sarkaals off the battle field only communicate thru radio for team leader. Even team leader wud recieve good protection angles.
I wish Puntites wud send me my plane ticket, I wud end af-gashin thru strategy work for them
It's crazy how Somali generals are always on the field, either it's igu sawir or stupidity. What they should do is set up a command base inside las caanod with the gaarado and monitor the battle via radio n drawing up positions on a map, they need to take inventory and set up an organised force.
In all honesty Reer X X n Reer X X moved there n this today will eventually to confusion.
They need to set up "armoured" regiments aka TekNiko iyo soldiers with actual armor. Along with that they need to set up infantry and support force. They need to entrench and understand positions. Each team leader needs to report back to command every twenty or so minutes once they engage in combat.
What also needs to be figured out is the usage of social media, I open Facebook rn and after a few minutes I will find a man filming live during the middle of the battle. This is extremely dangerous for example in the Russo Ukrainian conflict a stolen Ukrainian phone was located via SIM card n was found in a command center less than an hour later 350+ DPR forces dead. Phones n electronics need to be banned from the front. It gives away info n positions via geolocation.Yes the experienced 'sarkaal' n generals shud be in command center away from the war once u lose them u lost the war, team leaders need to all have radio communication(not phone) cuz the company can listen in depending on their clan, plus outside in middle of nowhere telephone coverage towers are limited or do not have a long range anyways.
They shud hear reports from team leader on the ground regarding the enemy 'positions, topology, weaponry, structure, supply routes(for ammo, medics, fuel). This detail must be passed to the 'sarkaals' n generals to formulate the 'counter strategy'. Counter strategy must take into account how to eliminate 'sarkaals' on the other side thru snipers, weak points of their weaponry(wheels of technicos), supply routes must be captured as a priority, rpg squad focused on taking out their larger weapons, etc.
Of course 'time' is of the essence the longer the war goes on 'financial capacity' will be effected cuz weaponry, ammo, food, water, fuel, isn't cheap, so a short war is in the interest of both sides. That's why they need to 'rehearse' these strategies not in the field but at their bases so they can work out 'time, losses, finances, suprises' etc.