War in Sool


@Somali Ugaas I want the soldiers to be able to change formations(star, circle, 3 point triangle, 360 degree, square or a mix of it inside different units. Not this dancing shit they do in the base. Allah yaa 'la taliye' iga dhigo puntland

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
@Somali Ugaas I want the soldiers to be able to change formations(star, circle, 3 point triangle, 360 degree, square or a mix of it inside different units.
This will require training n time, you need a standing 'milita or army' not men who pick up a gun because they see their uncles n cousins are doing it.

We are fighting like primitive tribes. The only thing we might be semi advanced in is open warfare in urban areas even there 'breaching' n covering is not used. When i return back home I want to instruct people from my own sub n greater clan on how to fight like a 'real' fighting force.


This will require training n time, you need a standing 'milita or army' not men who pick up a gun because they see their uncles n cousins are doing it.

We are fighting like primitive tribes. The only thing we might be semi advanced in is open warfare in urban areas even there 'breaching' n covering is not used. When i return back home I want to instruct people from my own sub n greater clan on how to fight like a 'real' fighting force.

Thats why I pick on HG, they left us this 91 legacy of primitiveness in every field. We were respected army under siyad vs ethiopia, plus ahmed gurey vs ethiopia a whole arabic chronicle was written on that one(futuh al habash), the shit hit the world stage to 'pay attention' to the history of our battles.


@Somali Ugaas that's why I don't listen to HSM bogus 'lift arm embargo' it doesn't matter if u have the best 'weapons', your brains r still primitive. We must show the world that we have high intelligence by utilizing what we have now for maximum potential, till then, no amount of upgrade of weaponry will change the brain drain or the war in somalia.

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
@Somali Ugaas that's why I don't listen to HSM bogus 'lift arm embargo' it doesn't matter if u have the best 'weapons', your brains r still primitive. We must show the world that we have high intelligence by utilizing what we have now for maximum potential, till then, no amount of upgrade of weaponry will change the brain drain or the war in somalia.
Now it will be harder for us to acquire weapons, Siyaas was smart he was playing off Cold War rivalry to get what he needed, he said he would protect East Africa from Saudi n Western influence. In return USSR would give him supplies n weaponry. Now we see the China n Rus v America n NATO cold war panting out and our best bet is the Rus n Chinese. The problem is we are reliant on western aid. See where this is going? Everything goes back to '91'. If there is two things I've ever wanted is for Siyaad to have stepped down peacefully and for those mooryan warlords to have never been born.
Goojacade is gone, they calculated the angles, theirs sitting ducks. Plus supply route for their bullets n soldiers is captured and being heavily fortified, their sitting ducks, once they fight, they won't know what angle to take, when they escape n run, other clans r waiting, plus their no supply route feeding them so their bullets n technicos will run out.




Timecade the losses on ur 'commanders' is heavy, it was heavy way before when PL 'dealt' with them in earlier conflicts, that's why u don't have any experience left and being trained up in ethiopia, u lost 300 years worth of experience when u battled PL in earlier conflicts, I calculated the losses. It's even worse here bro, u will be dependent on ethiopia for 'centuries' to recover. U sent coastguards-army-police. Next firemen i guess


True Puntlander
Goojacade is gone, they calculated the angles, theirs sitting ducks. Plus supply route for their bullets n soldiers is captured and being heavily fortified, their sitting ducks, once they fight, they won't know what angle to take, when they escape n run, other clans r waiting, plus their no supply route feeding them so their bullets n technicos will run out.

CS should have honor to finish it :rejoice: .


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Beesha harti shouldn’t stop until they completely lebrate all harti land including laas suraad this is our best time to lebrate our land from huunos


PL official army isn't involved and it's only clan militias. But I urge we must be careful on our strategy, since isaaq has no aqoon-kibrad left due to depletion of it in wars, they may be fighting from a strategy 'i got nothing to lose' but everything to gain by depleting 'harti aqoon/kibrad' sarkaals. So we must remember that also that we protect our sarkaals/generals/commanders.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
@Prince of HS
Ugaaskii abgaal Saaka ayaa latusay in Isaaqu aysan Gob aheen oo ay na dulmi badan horay ugaysteen anaga reer Koonfur waa walaalaheen laakii Somaliland walan weyn bay uyaqaanaan dadka reer koonfurta ah.

