War in Sool

Qaniimo, HJ soldiers showing off war booty, qoryihii bay ka gurteen, nin walba qori dheeraad ah ayuu helay 🤣 😂
Raggani waa Solomadow HJ
Hub bay ka dhergeen :banderas:
Eydoor President Muuse Biixi Cabdi have called Dhulbahante Garaads yesterday after his army took a beating in the battle-field. He accepted he'll withdraw his forces and accepted their demands. The IC wants negotiations to start after he removes his forces - a demand made by Dhulbahante elders.

There was a limited of fighting today, and SSC forces are watching his next moves.
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Eydoor President Muuse Biixi Cabdi have called Dhulbahante Garaads yesterday after his army took a beating in the battle-field. He accepted he'll withdraw his forces and accepted their demands. The IC wants negotiations to start after he removes his forces - a demand made by Dhulbahante elders.

There was a limited of fighting today, and SSC forces watching his next moves.

Our army never fought they were only responding every SSC and Daarood ururis moves.


Forza Somalia!
Seems like even the gaalos who can't tell hargeisa from Gaalkacyo is xaasid against SL like the southerns. He called the executive of the Bureau a CBB
NOW begging the international Community :russ: :russ: :russ: :russ: :russ: :russ:

Cabaad weynayaal

It is your President who called Dhulbahante Garaads yesterday afternoon and requested a cessation of hostility and promised to meet their demand that he'll withdraw his forces. So where is the begging when it is your President who made the calls to Dhulbahante elders?

But one thing is certain: SL military have really taken a beating in the 4 days of fighting. An army whose president contacts their opponents' leaders. And HJ suffered the most of the casualties.

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Our army never fought they were only responding every SSC and Daarood ururis moves.

Qosol Gariir, some of the Eydoor units were running away from the battle after they took heavy casualties in 4 days of fighting.

Our army never fought kulahaa. Why would your President call Dhulbahante elders whom he declared them terrorists if you fockers didn't suffer heavy casualties?

Eydoors claim 30,000 army, yet a few 1000s Dhulhabante warriors brought them to their knees in 4 days of fighting, and their President had to request a cessation of hostilities.

Bish, please!!


Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Eydoor President Muuse Biixi Cabdi have called Dhulbahante Garaads yesterday after his army took a beating in the battle-field. He accepted he'll withdraw his forces and accepted their demands. The IC wants negotiations to start after he removes his forces - a demand made by Dhulbahante elders.

There was a limited of fighting today, and SSC forces watching his next moves.
Lol stop the cap. Why would we call for negotiations when you guys are taking heavy losses and we are now inside of Las anood.

Can you show us proof if anything of this is true ? If not just please stfu
Qosol Gariir, some of the Eydoor units were running away from the battle after they took heavy casualties in 4 days of fighting.

Our army never fought kulahaa. Why would your President call Dhulbahante elders whom he declared them terrorists if you fockers didn't suffer heavy casualties?

Eydoors claim 30,000 army, yet a few 1000s Dhulhabante warriors brought them to their knees in 4 days of fighting, and their President had to request a cessation of hostilities.

Bish, please!!

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Walahi you are clueless, you are underestimating our capabilities, Ciidanka Somaliland marna dagaal may gelin, way iska qayilayeen oo walaahiya. Haddaad awoodooda arki lahayd waad ashahaadan lahayd.

War la'aan baa ku haysa.
Walahi you are clueless, you are underestimating our capabilities, Ciidanka Somaliland marna dagaal may gelin, way iska qayilayeen oo walaahiya. Haddaad awoodooda arki lahayd waad ashahaadan lahayd.

War la'aan baa ku haysa.
Sheekada meeshaas mey mareysaa? 😂

