War in Sool

They wanted US attention and they got it. Thank you Bixi.

The SL leaders called Western officials in Halane the first of the fighting and declared the whole Laascaanood inhabitants "terrorists". The Western officials laughed them and told them that you're facing people who are opposed to your secessionist project.

So when Eydoors are talking to Cadaans, it is all good. But when it turns on them, it is others begging them. Typical Eydoor mentality. :westbrookwtf:
Hamdi Hotel this morning, just show prove like this our else keep your mouth shut.

So making fake videos is SL's militia motto now? :dead: That is not even Lasanod. Claiming Hamdi Hotel when it is a 2-storey building.

Nigga, we did in 2011 in Buuhoodle. We did again in Laascaanood in 2023. You can dance around it all you want. Your 30-year secessionist project is in history.

“Goobaha ciidenkeena ayaan ku suganahay aniga iyo Garaadadii kalaba, waxaan idiin xaqiijinayaa in ciidankeenu uu maalin waliba isagu gacan sareeyayWaxaynnu haysanaa ciidan si walba loogu kalsoonaankaro oo xoog badan. Ayaamaha soo socda dhulkeena waynnu ka saaraynaa cadowga doolka ah ee SNM."

Garaad Jaamac garaad Cali.

Eydooria's secessionist dream is a history. All of that fallacy gone.


Rashid analyst posting fake photoshopped Al Shabaab letter.

He's definitely being paid by Landers 💀
:russ: :pachah1: :deadpeter::dead1:


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