War in Sool


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
We always fought the Xabasha alone. Besides we made peace with them and are busy developing our lands. Nin walbo tuuladiisa ha ku mashquulo. Simples

Waryaa shut up and let us celebrate this historical karbaash. We’ve given you unlimited FKD material whenever Isaq talks to you.
We helped them to build JL and stand with them against Qoslaya. Now today they against us. :kanyehmm: .

It's okay. For every Jees there is a Gabyow.

Anyway, maanta, maanta, waa maalin weeyne maanta!!! Yaa ii soo shuba iidoor tears, aan ka dhargee. It's a special nectar.



@Abaq I know you're angry about Marxuumka but you can't catch feelings saxib. If you think he's been humiliated, you should see what we were doing to CCC. We didn't spare him either and nicknamed him Xalweeyste kkkkk, marka is adkeey bastardyahow.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Bantu Liberation Movement
Ilaahi caawi Garxajis, sidaan nolol ma'aha. Markasta farta ayaa lagu fiiqaa, waa cadaalad daro. Ya rabi.

Civil War Crying GIF by Narcissistic Abuse Rehab


@Abaq I know you're angry about Marxuumka but you can't catch feelings saxib. If you think he's been humiliated, you should see what we were doing to CCC. We didn't spare him either and nicknamed him Xalweeyste kkkkk, marka is adkeey bastardyahow.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I’ve already made my stance on Fed politics and Federalism clear. I clearly said Puntland are right to reject the NCC farce and that Madoobe is playing a dangerous game. I’m not bothered by you guys name calling Hamse, he can handle it


True Puntlander
That's good, ha isa soo wada raacaan so they can be Laangaab on earth and in heaven.
Those isaaq forget important factor, Dhulbahante in both PL or ex SL. Use to fight wars. Plus PMPF and PSF use to fight Alkabaab and HAG.

So our experince in wars is larger than them. If they enter try to fight again. This time Puntland will make full Scale and maybe OG enter from west side.

Isaaqs should understand that Harti are everywhere. No clan will be control by force.


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