War in Sool



SNM are fuleeyo, that's why they hide behind terror attacks and using civilians as shields.
If it wasn't for their horgals like Candho Cambashe and Aaran Shaydaan, this would have been wrapped up in February.

As soon as the horgals were routed out, it took what? Half an hour for them to run 100 + KM without their shoes, iskadhaaf their weapons.


The reason I focus on the irir is becuz they will send Somalis extinct.

1. Hamar amisom/terrorist brothel
2. Djibouti international military brothel
3. Somaliland was saved from being john/andrew bixi kkkkkk, waad aragta they cant fight and any group will laugh at them on the battlefield sending them extinct.

Irir is such dangerous philosophy grounded in nothing but darod phobia.

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
The most crazy part is that SNM with all of the weapons it looted never actually attacked the kacaan one on one.

Whilst reer SSC actually went in and took their territories back like actual warriors.

The kacaan fell after how many insurgents and loss of military equipment, whilst the so-called sl army got demilitarised by SSC.

Imagine the ones you thought you could subjugate has demilitarised you and the o ly reason you aren't attacked at home is because of the grace of ssc khatumo.

Walle they where on to something from the get go.

They slowly but surely drained maamulka SL's manpower. From all of their "military" ranks to their coast guard, police, public servants, youth too last but not least their diginty & stability.

Crushed by the meatgrinder called goojacade kkkkk.

Insurgency started blooming hell even Awdal state of somalia is in the making in the background coordinating with madaxtooyada ssc.

They delivered big time 🀣🀣🀣


The most crazy part is that SNM with all of the weapons it looted never actually attacked the kacaan one on one.

Whilst reer SSC actually went in and took their territories back like actual warriors.

The kacaan fell after how many insurgents and loss of military equipment, whilst the so-called sl army got demilitarised by SSC.

Imagine the ones you thought you could subjugate has demilitarised you and the o ly reason you aren't attacked at home is because of the grace of ssc khatumo.

Walle they where on to something from the get go.

They slowly but surely drained maamulka SL's manpower. From all of their "military" ranks to their coast guard, police, public servants, youth too last but not least their diginty & stability.

Crushed by the meatgrinder called goojacade kkkkk.

Insurgency started blooming hell even Awdal state of somalia is in the making in the background coordinating with madaxtooyada ssc.

They delivered big time 🀣🀣🀣

In all honesty, dhulos/marehan were fighting north/south on their own, which hags n isaaq think they faced of with darod. OG had their own rebel group and MJ didn't even have one after 85 when abdillahi yusuf was arrested by menguistu and were civilians only.

The snm did hit n runs, hide behind civilians untill USC opened up the southern front late in 89, which is why they LEFT the north to save the capital from USC. Anyone who says otherwise is talking outta of their ass.

After Siyad govt left hargeisa, they killed my uncle in hargeisa who was civilian worker with 7 kids locally, just an un-armed shacab, u see them still doing this shit in hargeisa if u think it's a lie. They are dogs like that as you see them fighting with buildings, naago, caruur, ciroole, anyone except soldier and when a soldier does face them, u see the outcome.

Plus dhulos wasn't the under-dog niyahow if u know the dynamics, that's why Isaaq kept ensuring their divided, they wouldn't need to divide them if they were stronger.

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
In all honesty, dhulos/marehan were fighting north/south on their own, which hags n isaaq think they faced of with darod. OG had their own rebel group and MJ didn't even have one after 85 when abdillahi yusuf was arrested by menguistu and were civilians only.

The snm did hit n runs, hide behind civilians untill USC opened up the southern front late in 89, which is why they LEFT the north to save the capital from USC. Anyone who says otherwise is talking outta of their ass.

After Siyad govt left hargeisa, they killed my uncle in hargeisa who was civilian worker with 7 kids locally, just an un-armed shacab, u see them still doing this shit in hargeisa if u think it's a lie. They are dogs like that as you see them fighting with buildings, naago, caruur, ciroole, anyone except soldier and when a soldier does face them, u see the outcome.

Plus dhulos wasn't the under-dog niyahow if u know the dynamics, that's why Isaaq kept ensuring their divided, they wouldn't need to divide them if they were stronger.

I called them the underdogs for comical reasons.

The snm and usc teamed up to break the republic in too trying to usher a irir era.

The thing is the harti on their own stopped that from becoming reality.

The victory on the 25th ensures that the federal Parliament will have darood influence better yet harti influence since we are the only brotherly tribes that can actually work together.

When the day comes that galbeed joins somalia, it will be officially somalia has become daarodia πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Isaaq had a chance to work with harti, but they aren't smart enough because self determination is a recent achievement for them. Same goes for the majority of the hawiye federation.

Darood on the other hand has had sovereignty before. Even our former weakest link the marexaan have made up for past time and ruled the republic with an iron fist.

Can't say the same for isaaq nor the majority of the hawiye federation.

We should politcally daroodify d&m and raxanweyn. Hell make darood a federation too and add those people to the mix kkkkk


I called them the underdogs for comical reasons.

The snm and usc teamed up to break the republic in too trying to usher a irir era.

The thing is the harti on their own stopped that from becoming reality.

The victory on the 25th ensures that the federal Parliament will have darood influence better yet harti influence since we are the only brotherly tribes that can actually work together.

When the day comes that galbeed joins somalia, it will be officially somalia has become daarodia πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Isaaq had a chance to work with harti, but they aren't smart enough because self determination is a recent achievement for them. Same goes for the majority of the hawiye federation.

Darood on the other hand has had sovereignty before. Even our former weakest link the marexaan have made up for past time and ruled the republic with an iron fist.

Can't say the same for isaaq nor the majority of the hawiye federation.

We should politcally daroodify d&m and raxanweyn. Hell make darood a federation too and add those people to the mix kkkkk

We need rahanwayn alliance, these ppl saw federation aragti when everyone was rushing towards centralism following the colonial order, they saw this as early as 1955, they were ahead of their time/peers runti. Their federation model was language based which ethiopia implemented, but we could've tweaked it then to clan based like we did in 98, if their were wise head among us. Aragti is the hardest thing in politics, seeing the future that your current generation doesn't see.


My ideal alliance for PL would be outside Darod

1. Rahanwayn becuz they proved their aragti in the past on federation in 1955, this gives me confidence of their 'aragti' today or the future
2. Hawadle, they also set up this 'irir aragti' which the unholy trinity work with till today, they can feed us their next moves.
3. Samaroon. They r exceptionally more gifted academia wise per capita to other clans, their 1 university is seen as the best, better then 100 universities combined in Somalia, why I say that? do u see anyone running to other universities in the nation except borama?
Massive coping event happening in Hargeisa football stadium tomorrow. First of its kind in the Somali peninsula.

I'm expecting they'll bring out their knives like they have done below

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
We need rahanwayn alliance, these ppl saw federation aragti when everyone was rushing towards centralism following the colonial order, they saw this as early as 1955, they were ahead of their time/peers runti. Their federation model was language based which ethiopia implemented, but we could've tweaked it then to clan based like we did in 98, if their were wise head among us. Aragti is the hardest thing in politics, seeing the future that your current generation doesn't see.
We can still pull it off.

Lift them up politically.
Allocate resources for them. Just like when pl did it for xamar, do it for raxanweyn after scc has been approved by the fed parliament.

Then start with reconciliation with the marexaan and beesha kablalax, madoobe has slipped away a bit.

At the same time start building infrastructure in their degmo's and push the fgs to give them their fair share of development. This will trickle to other f up treated federations. We will hit jackpot if we get the Madows too.

Our shared agenda will run the republic till akhira since hawiye and isaaq haven't the manpower to do jackshit about it kkkk.

Get with the program or stay in your backwards regions 🀣🀣


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