Did you hear the latest from Marqaan Land? They are claiming that the Harti soldiers used Morgan's picture and Garaad Jaamac's pictures, to scare SNM.
"Idoor Marduuf Qaad Helay, Waa Majnuun Falane"
La xowla this is insane. When I used to hear stories that Ugaas Nuur Cabudhiye had these guys in a concentration camp in Berbera for 13 months I used to think it was a fairy tale. Judging by the karbaash you guys gave them and how cowardly they are, I can believe it nowOh no @Gadhwayne 9th tank captured. U guys only have 10 at max based on this photo.
This Jama Kadiye operation is the biggest defeat in any single operation on any clan in Somali history @bidenkulaha. Isaaq all screaming HARTI IGA DAAYA CEEBTA. Jama Kadiye maxad uu disheen, this operation is named after him, ma waxad moodeen inu langaab yahay?
Tank count was 7, has shot up to 9 captured
Somaliland oo maanta Taangigi 9aad Cidla uga Carartay kadibna u gacan galay SSC Khaatumo
They don't even have teknikos left and have resorted to mount PKM's on trucks. This was today. Future maxbuus and these ones are habar unsi. The capture of this fat boy is going to be hilarious.