War in Sool

Isaaqi boy make ill advice threats

Garowe boys responds with a pic after school


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La xowla this is insane. When I used to hear stories that Ugaas Nuur Cabudhiye had these guys in a concentration camp in Berbera for 13 months I used to think it was a fairy tale. Judging by the karbaash you guys gave them and how cowardly they are, I can believe it now
Ileen wixi OG sheegi jireen run bay noqotay when reer Haruun called idoor daborogato or stories of their 11 year olds raiding them as a manhood rituals gaining titles as libaax for seizure of camels is all true. The insanity of their fuleeynimo is unmatched in somali history:gucciwhat:
The unsung heroes of this halgan the halyeey aka nugaal silverfox who's son liberated hotel hamdi the original khaatumo president Axmed Cilmi Karaash.

Weriye fantastisk aka ASC qabiilke tahay aka the idoor catcher of Qardho media the well mannered qalas journalist Maxamuud Cabdirisaaq.


Ileen wixi OG sheegi jireen run bay noqotay when reer Haruun called idoor daborogato or stories of their 11 year olds raiding them as a manhood rituals gaining titles as libaax for seizure of camels is all true. The insanity of their fuleeynimo is unmatched in somali history:gucciwhat:
Luckily this time their cowardice is caught on camera for everyone to see
Taliye Kirtan my adeer & in law ilaahay haa xaafido after margaaga debacle he is in ceel bardale caduun wiil hoog.

I promise you the next war is in cadduun our taliye Kirtan is ready as is our boys in👇🏽
Godod Gacnafaale Ceel Bardaale taalo gaduud kuro balo laaso cadale xaafoodle biri xabaalan laan qawar Hoobaq Xeero dhaban Bardagool Galool Buuxshe. Just like SSC we're ready👑🇸🇱


Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Puntland, Axmed Cilmi Cismaan Karaash ayaa booqday magaalada Laascaanood iyo furimaha hore ee ay ku sugan yihiin ciidamada difaaca Sool oo ku yaalla duleedka deegaanka Guumeys, kuna dhow Oog oo hada ay ciidammo ku aruurinayso Somaliland.

Axmed Karaash ayaa tagay furimaha hore ee dagaalka oo qiyaastii 15-KM u jira magaalada Oog, waxaana uu kulan la qaatay saraakiisha ciidanka difaaca Sool oo kala hadlay sugida xuduudka iyo in la ilaaliyo nabadgelyada deegaanka.

Intaa kaddib, Madaxweyne Karaash ayaa kusoo laabtay Laascaanood halkaas oo uu kulan kula leeyahay hoggaanka SSC iyo Isimadda dhaqanka.

This whole clan is in a mass psychosis. If their mothers, daughters, grandmothers are like this, imagine the rest.
'Garoowe ayaan ku murmi doonaa" :childplease:

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Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
"Cidanka qaranka fasax muse" what cidaan? You'd think their rag tag militias are NATO power level.

This what happens when people have lived in over 30 yrs of Bullshit. Fight over another man's land who has been telling you for months to leave in peace then whine when you get whooped.
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Gabdhaha Somaliland oo loogu yeeray in ay Puntland iska soo dhiibaan loona hayo Rag kululaaday.

Adigu ma ka mid tahay Raga kululaaday ee Gabdhaha loo dalbayo?.



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