War in Sool

"Ciidanka Qaranka la fasaxay'? Nigga, your militia vacated 100s of KMs and were evicted from Laascaanood. They were also attacking 50 days and were getting rebelled. The ceasefire proposal came from the elders
Tukaraq anaa iskaga soo baxay, markaan doono kusoo noqon kara anytime, dagaal Tukaraq kama dhicin, iminkana waad yaacdeen markaan dagaal ku dhawaaqay, oo nabad ayaad iga baryaysaan.

Doorkan Garowe meel aan ahayn uma socdo. Ama toogo naftaada Ama taar isku roori.

Calaacalka Eydoor is endless.

"Waxaan waynay Muusaw 500 oo nin baa nooga dhimatay Sool Garxajis iyo Habar Aawal kuma difayso''Haweenka Isaaq ee caruurtoodi la laalayay."

Some should tell her the death of Somaliland militia is over 1000 and thousands more wounded.
Naagihii yaryaraa ee Dhulbahante ee Burco jaariyadaha guryaha ka ahaa, calankay 18 May ku dabaal degi jireen shandadaha ku haysta ayaad soo qaadanaysaa. Laascaanood resettlement ayaan ku samaynaynaa doorkan no naxariis.
Naagihii yaryaraa ee Dhulbahante ee Burco jaariyadaha guryaha ka ahaa, calankay 18 May ku dabaal degi jireen shandadaha ku haysta ayaad soo qaadanaysaa. Laascaanood resettlement ayaan ku samaynaynaa doorkan no naxariis.

Waar waa kuwii Eydoor ee adhijirta noo ahaa, oo hadda ka qaylinaya dhimashada raggooda tarab tarabka loo laayey. Stop day dreaming, bish. Laascaanood baa settelment noqonaysa ku lahaa. You will do the begging us as you did in 1991, Habar-Gus-Jeclo boy.

Here is another one 👇


These people are all going to crazy very soon. The casualty rate must be very high!
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Right when we go on the offensive I told y’all :russ: forget that let’s finish the job

lmao there are as no battle yesterday. In fact the Hawiye elders were shown around town including the western part.

No point with these lies idoors are holed up in goojacade and nowhere near Laaska. Using these fake videos won’t help them.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
lmao there are as no battle yesterday. In fact the Hawiye elders were shown around town including the western part.

No point with these lies idoors are holed up in goojacade and nowhere near Laaska. Using these fake videos won’t help them.
Brudda y’all said go back to Oog, to now requesting a ceasefire while JSL-SAF are at the same military barracks as before the war :dead:

Darood economic, political and military force got exhausted a month and a half into the conflict, while SAF were at the defensive. Like I said I don’t mind playing the long game

You man got scared, nothing will come of the talks if any talks happen :dead:

The hawiye elders was a quick way out for y’all , you know their days were numbered
It's okay to from what ur saying las anod will be under SL control soon right. However I predict when months go by and las anod is still under our control maybe than you'll wake up U CANT WIN IDOOOOOOR

