what does marriage mean to you?

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I'm curious how you guys view marriage, so what is your reason of getting married? Why is it important to you? Is it because it's the social norm and everybody expect you get married or you just want to complete half of your deen. Do you want to get married because of love? Halal intimacy? Kids?

And those of you who are already married what was your reasons?

I've been added to this xaliimo only groups on fbook and the amount of young divorcee and single mothers that post there is unbelievable. Some of them even say how happily divorce they are.


Someone to pay the bills with me - I lived like a chimney sweeping Victorian street urchin until I fell in love. Now I can shop at the supermarket instead of buying bowlfuls or sacks of things.


Help with raising children
Avoid getting lonely, especially when your older.

I see those as the main reasons for marriage.


Someone to pay the bills with me - I lived like a chimney sweeping Victorian street urchin until I fell in love. Now I can shop at the supermarket instead of buying bowlfuls or sacks of things.

You already in love ? :snoop::meleshame:and here i was concocting a diabolical plan to ensnare you in my paw's, waxaan
rabeey inaa kuu gadhoo sidii niinkaan ladhoo Snake plissken from metal gear solid siduu uu gahdoo dadkaa, my delusion's of furthering the waaq genealogy and somali centric ideology with you has been utterly diminished, ooh well back to my delusion's and riyoo :mjcry:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Did you or will you set expectations on the marriage?
Does the high percentage of divorce in our community bothers you?

Meeh I'm commitment phobic, there are more divorces in our generation then our parents generation to the point of where i'm paranoid about marriage.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Marriage means sons to continue da lineage and to die for they country if necessary and daughters to increase and maintain da race



5 years ago dagaal baan ku dheex jireey well i am in dagaal still lol lucky guy though who ever has you. :hmm:

I hope the dagaal ends soon soon walaal! Everyone's been there. I'm shocked no-one's scooped you up. Are girls still lying to themselves about marrying a wadaad or something?


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I see no point in getting married for companionship. I have friends. I would only consider it to benefit like a business arrangement.


I see no point in getting married for companionship. I have friends. I would only consider it to benefit like a business arrangement.

Please don't become a crazy cat lady.



I hope the dagaal ends soon soon walaal! Everyone's been there. I'm shocked no-one's scooped you up. Are girls still lying to themselves about marrying a wadaad or something?

Actually few tried and few are still trying but i am refusing them, because they don't have the foresight they are muslim and i am not i don't want to cause serious problem's to them and i don't want be in a tug and war if children come into the picture and damage the kid's, as my believe is children have to be brought up in a loving house hold, anyway's c'est la vie
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