How does your family say the following word

  • Canjeelo

  • Laxoox

  • Canjeero

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Malawax is good, but not as great as canjeero for me.
Cajeero is the only bread in Somalia which causes heart burn after eating it. I've heard plenty of stories people chugging milk after cajeero, but malawah is light sweet and you can scramble egg malawah sandwich :ahh:
Cajeero is the only bread in Somalia which causes heart burn after eating it. I've heard plenty of stories people chugging milk after cajeero, but malawah is light sweet and you can scramble egg malawah sandwich :ahh:
Canjeero = bread ??? Scrambled egg malawax sandwich ?? What is wrong with you:what1:
The mispronunciation of CanjeeLO has won, CanjeeRO leading with 49.2%.

My question is, are you Chinese? Why can't you pronounce the letter 'L'?



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Δ° get laxoox is from those crazy niggas in waqooyi but wtf is Canjeelo it is called Canjeero never heard Someone saying Canjeelo
Thats what i'm thinking, I have heard of laxoox before but never about canjeelo who says canjeelo canjeelo dosent even roll of the tongue nicely. Canjeelo thats how person with tongue cut off would say it