What has your experience with drugs been?

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We're all anon here, so don't feel shy. I'm completely sober now but I have fucked around with drugs too much when I was younger and stopped recently cuz my parents kicked me out. Life is hard mode when your 22 living alone.

Coke - best high I've ever had but was very short lived. Only lasted 20min. Tried it once, never doing it again.

Xaanax - honest to god I can't even recall what I did that night but I was Hella hyper. Tried this only once too.

Molly- favourite drug when I was a freshman in uni. This stuff is made to get u hype for parties. Only thing I don't like about it was I get too touchy and start hugging everyone.

Shrooms- lol this stuff is crazy. I remember once me and my boy ate some in his room and for 3 hours I was in sum deep sea adventure.

Lean- I guess this is a drug. But this stuff is the best if it's like a hot Tuesday morning and u just wanna kick back and relax. It really slows everything down for me
coke - never tried and never will. not looking to be the next tony montana
xaanax - never tried it and never will.
molly - tried it once at the club and couldnt drive home so me and the guys took the train and your boy was singing on the train
shrooms - never tried it and never will
Lean - sipped on that shit for a 3 months of 2014, its dope while smoking weed

but my favourite drug of all time is blue dot yes ciroc. this shit should be classed as a drug in my book


:/ idk man i always avoided alcohol. And no not because I'm like other Somalis who commit every other sin but for some odd reason still refrain from alcohol and pork. I actually hate the taste, even with chase, and I always get the nastiest hangovers


Molly-Tried it a few times, not my thing"
Thiz-Similar to molly but cooler, tried it once.
Alcohol-Once, didnt get drunk
Weed-Started smoking in 9th grade, stopped smoking for 2 years, started once and again. (Opening a dispansery soon)
Lean-Occasionally still drink it. Once in a blue moon.
Khat-Only when I visit Kenya

I've never tried Coke, and don't plan on trying that shit


I tried marijuana a 2-3 times in high school and college but that's all. Drugs and alcohol just aren't my thing.

Oh I just assumed a majority of the people have gotten ciirka before so I didn't even bother mentioning it.

Man if there's one thing I regret in life, it's smoking weed. Sure it's fun getting high, but for me it's negatives outweigh all the good stuff. I started blazing 10 years ago when I was 12 and this shit has really fucked my short term memory. It's also ruined my relationship with my hoyo and has gotten me kicked out my house. I just really fucking regret it man :(
Oh I just assumed a majority of the people have gotten ciirka before so I didn't even bother mentioning it.

Man if there's one thing I regret in life, it's smoking weed. Sure it's fun getting high, but for me it's negatives outweigh all the good stuff. I started blazing 10 years ago when I was 12 and this shit has really fucked my short term memory. It's also ruined my relationship with my hoyo and has gotten me kicked out my house. I just really fucking regret it man :(

waar stay the f*ck away from weed if you dont want to become a loser. it is a disgusting habit that ruins a persons personality.
Oh I just assumed a majority of the people have gotten ciirka before so I didn't even bother mentioning it.

Man if there's one thing I regret in life, it's smoking weed. Sure it's fun getting high, but for me it's negatives outweigh all the good stuff. I started blazing 10 years ago when I was 12 and this shit has really fucked my short term memory. It's also ruined my relationship with my hoyo and has gotten me kicked out my house. I just really fucking regret it man :(

That's crazy, I'm a strong believer in taking your vices and distancing as far away as possible from your family and close friends. It will ruin your relationships if you can't control them. How's your relationship with your mom now?


waar stay the f*ck away from weed if you dont want to be a loser. it is a disgusting habit that ruins a persons personality.

It's actually people like you who made me stop smoking weed. All I do when I get high is work on my personal programming projects, read books and watch documentaries. I love having deep introspective thoughts and thinking about world issues when I'm high. For me it just stimulates my brain. I go to a good school, enrolled in a engineering program and I'm doing pretty well in it. Besides paying Rogers 100 bucks for my phone bill I'm not a loser.

I wish people could let others smoke in peace. So many professionals blaze and you never know about it because they keep it discreet.


That's crazy, I'm a strong believer in taking your vices and distancing as far away as possible from your family and close friends. It will ruin your relationships if you can't control them. How's your relationship with your mom now?

Dude its terrible. Idk she thinks I'm this ciyaal suuq nigga who jus fucks around. To be fair that's what I was in high school and first year of uni. But I've made great progress then. I guess in a year or two when I finally get accepted into my masters program that I'm aiming for, my family won't think I'm a loser.

Alot of it has to do with religion as well. I didn't like how my parents shoved Islam down my throat. I remember my abo literally beating us to wake up for Fajr. How the f*ck do you expect kids to love Islam after that. I am not gaalo, I know the beauty of Islam. It's just that there were way too many differences between my parents and I. I was too stubborn to submit to them and be obedient I guess.

It's actually people like you who made me stop smoking weed. All I do when I get high is work on my personal programming projects, read books and watch documentaries. I love having deep introspective thoughts and thinking about world issues when I'm high. For me it just stimulates my brain. I go to a good school, enrolled in a engineering program and I'm doing pretty well in it. Besides paying Rogers 100 bucks for my phone bill I'm not a loser.

I wish people could let others smoke in peace. So many professionals blaze and you never know about it because they keep it discreet.

i had no choice but to stop smoking weed on my first engineering job because here in the uk they do drug test which involve a person providing a urine sample and from there onward what happens is they can tell if you've had any intoxicants with in the last 3 months or so. some of my white colleagues told me that coke is fine because it leaves their blood stream with in a few days but im not a cokehead so i dont really give a shit.

i was a weed smoker as a teenager, it lead me to being a drug dealer on campus and outside on my free time aswell. i would smoke atleast £30 worth of weed a day from the age of 16-18 and this had sever impacts on my behavior such as being anti-social and thuggish. after finishing college i have not been anywhere near weed other then when i meet up with one of the circles of my somali friends who do socially smoke but me personally i just enjoyed sipping the lean with them every once in a blue moon.

for some reason everyone that still smokes weed in their early twenties i know is still dealing drugs :francis::hova:
I don't even know how to respond that, honestly. It sounds like you still have a lot of growing up to do because what you just said is typical in a Muslim, Somali household. We've all had parents waking us up for fajr or taking us to dugsi on weekends, I just don't understand how one can interpret that as force. Call your parents, man. Ka duceyso.


waar stay the f*ck away from weed if you dont want to become a loser. it is a disgusting habit that ruins a persons personality.

Same can be said for any drug if you consistently use it.

Weed smoked it from the age of 10 till 19 stopped now tbh i can't stand it any more.
XTC tried it once never ever going to try it again.
Coke but i dont think i can say i really took it because i mistaken it for powdered sugar and put it in my mouth, my tongue and mouth was numb for a few minutes anyway i dont know why people take coke.

and in a state of complete xooloness ie being drunk i took up this challenge with this sexy hippy girl and took Mescaline Yeezus christ shit put me of every thing for years, and made me develop a OCD habit where i have to triple check every thing if the car door is closed have to go outside the house and check it again to make sure it's really closed, or if i am relaxing in my house have to check the front door not once or two times but three times to see if it's locked smh.


I don't even know how to respond that, honestly. It sounds like you still have a lot of growing up to do because what you just said is typical in a Muslim, Somali household. We've all had parents waking us up for fajr or taking us to dugsi on weekends, I just don't understand how one can interpret that as force. Call your parents, man. Ka duceyso.

How is that typical? I hate sharing personal things on here but f*ck it. When I say beat i don't mean just yelling WAR SO KAC. I mean actual beating. The type where the next day my friends asked me yo why do you have a big bruise on your arm. I always had bruises on my body from my dad beating us for reasons related to Islam. In duugsi when my macaalin said I didn't read my cashar properly that day I knew when i went home I would get beat hard the next day. Shit like that made me hate Islam for a while. If thats normal in a Somali household, then thats fucked up. You shouldn't force Islam onto your kids but rather guide them towards it and let them form their own opinions.


i had no choice but to stop smoking weed on my first engineering job because here in the uk they do drug test which involve a person providing a urine sample and from there onward what happens is they can tell if you've had any intoxicants with in the last 3 months or so. some of my white colleagues told me that coke is fine because it leaves their blood stream with in a few days but im not a cokehead so i dont really give a shit.

i was a weed smoker as a teenager, it lead me to being a drug dealer on campus and outside on my free time aswell. i would smoke atleast £30 worth of weed a day from the age of 16-18 and this had sever impacts on my behavior such as being anti-social and thuggish. after finishing college i have not been anywhere near weed other then when i meet up with one of the circles of my somali friends who do socially smoke but me personally i just enjoyed sipping the lean with them every once in a blue moon.

for some reason everyone that still smokes weed in their early twenties i know is still dealing drugs

That was your own personal decision into selling drugs. Also I don't get what your saying? Are you trying to imply that most smokers are also drug dealers? That's so far from the truth. Maybe in your own anecdotal experience. A likely explanation could be that the drug dealers are the ones that are clear and visible smokers, and the rest of us (the majority) like to keep our smoking habits discreet.
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