What is the outcome we southerners want.

Are you for letting somaliland go?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 20 57.1%
  • If won by war

    Votes: 1 2.9%

  • Total voters


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
@thisthatone I will explain to you why recognizing "Somaliland" would be suicide for Somalia.

  1. When "Somaliland" was declared in 1991, the borders it claimed were those of British Somaliland.
  2. The borders of British Somaliland include 4 major clans: Ciise, Gadabursi, Isaaq, & Harti.
  3. The Harti clan does not support secession, and has enough military power to keep its territory out of "Somaliland" control.
  4. Harti own ~40% of the territory of British Somaliland.
  5. This makes the recognition of "Somaliland" by the Federal Republic of Somalia necessarily a secession that is along clan lines, since there is no military force in the Horn that can re-create a border between Qardho and Dhahar. Isaaq get to leave with their territory, Harti stay.
There are two issues with such a proposal:
  1. Do Gadabursi & Ciise have the same right as Harti to remain part of the Federal Republic of Somalia? The answer is of course yes. There is no difference, legally, between Harti and Ciise/Gadabursi.
  2. If clan based secession is possible for Isaaq, why would it not be possible for other clans?

Do you see the problem? Any recognition of "Somaliland" would mean the recognition of the secession of a part of Somalia along clan lines. This would be a catastrophic precedent to set in a country with federal states already organized along clan lines.

The political leadership of "Somaliland" understand that Harti integrating into the Federal Republic of Somalia basically kills all hopes for secession. With Harti gone, their secession has to become one that is along clan lines and the FGS will never accept that. This is why they fought to the bitter end in the 6 month war in Sool.
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Ya ciyaaal qaxooti my dialect isn't similar to reer konfors tongue nor our gabay is the same except that jeberati clan in the south like Majeerteen and Marexaan use northern dialect and words when making a poetry while other southern tribes have their own style of poetry that the kacaan suppressed in not including it Somali Educational system so there's difference between the Somali communities as we're not a 100% monolith
You know how I know your Somali you have the mental illness of delusions of grandeur. Aren’t you a Qaxooti? Aren’t you a Somali? Even if Somaliland gains independence it will devolve into the chaos Somalia is in because last I remember the Issaq subclans were fighting amongst themselves Somalis are doomed unless we drop this stupid qabil made up bullshit.
@thisthatone I will explain to you why recognizing "Somaliland" would be suicide for Somalia.

  1. When "Somaliland" was declared in 1991, the borders it claimed were those of British Somaliland.
  2. The borders of British Somaliland include 4 major clans: Ciise, Gadabursi, Isaaq, & Harti.
  3. The Harti clan does not support secession, and has enough military power to keep its territory out of "Somaliland" control.
  4. Harti own ~40% of the territory of British Somaliland.
  5. This makes the recognition of "Somaliland" by the Federal Republic of Somalia necessarily a secession that is along clan lines, since there is no military force in the Horn that can re-create a border between Qardho and Dhahar. Isaaq get to leave with their territory, Harti stay.
There are two issues with such a proposal:
  1. Do Gadabursi & Ciise have the same right as Harti to remain part of the Federal Republic of Somalia? The answer is of course yes. There is no difference, legally, between Harti and Ciise/Gadabursi.
  2. If clan based secession is possible for Isaaq, why would it not be possible for other clans?

Do you see the problem? Any recognition of "Somaliland" would mean the recognition of the secession of a part of Somalia along clan lines. This would be a catastrophic precedent to set in a country with federal states already organized along clan lines.

The political leadership of "Somaliland" understand that Harti integrating into the Federal Republic of Somalia basically kills all hopes for secession. With Harti gone, their secession has to become one that is along clan lines and the FGS will never accept that. This is why they fought to the bitter end in the 6 month war in Sool.
Oh I know all about that trust imagine saying you want to secede because your people democratically voted for independence when in reality was only the Isaaq clan so if Somalia ever entertains this idea of giving them independence then they should only give it to those clans that want it.
If Somaliland were to propose a referendum, allowing each district to decide whether to stay or leave, most people likely wouldn't oppose it. However, there's a contradictory logic here: if the Isaaq people shouldn't be forced into a union they don't want, then non-Isaaq clans should also have the right to secede from Somaliland if they wish.

Moreover, Somalia has a stronger legal and moral basis for its existence, as it represents a state for all ethnic Somalis, whereas Somaliland is a clan-based state. This setup leads to a second-class status for non-Isaaq inhabitants.

Additionally, the unity among the Isaaq is not as stable as it seems. Just as the alliance of different ethnic groups in South Sudan fell into civil war after defeating the common enemy Muslim Arabs, the stability of Somaliland could be jeopardized once the common cause of secession from Somalia is achieved.

Without the unifying goal of independence, internal divisions will be strenghted. I can imagine scenarios where clans like the Garxajis could opt out, potentially leading to a race for autonomy or seeking reunification within Somalia.

The first to break away might have the most influence in shaping a federal state from what remains of Somaliland. Besides there world be pressure for Somalia to have an Isaaq fulfill the role of president at least once to show its there for every clan, what better clan to have it than the clan that embraced the white and blue the first?
@thisthatone I will explain to you why recognizing "Somaliland" would be suicide for Somalia.

  1. When "Somaliland" was declared in 1991, the borders it claimed were those of British Somaliland.
  2. The borders of British Somaliland include 4 major clans: Ciise, Gadabursi, Isaaq, & Harti.
  3. The Harti clan does not support secession, and has enough military power to keep its territory out of "Somaliland" control.
  4. Harti own ~40% of the territory of British Somaliland.
  5. This makes the recognition of "Somaliland" by the Federal Republic of Somalia necessarily a secession that is along clan lines, since there is no military force in the Horn that can re-create a border between Qardho and Dhahar. Isaaq get to leave with their territory, Harti stay.
There are two issues with such a proposal:
  1. Do Gadabursi & Ciise have the same right as Harti to remain part of the Federal Republic of Somalia? The answer is of course yes. There is no difference, legally, between Harti and Ciise/Gadabursi.
  2. If clan based secession is possible for Isaaq, why would it not be possible for other clans?

Do you see the problem? Any recognition of "Somaliland" would mean the recognition of the secession of a part of Somalia along clan lines. This would be a catastrophic precedent to set in a country with federal states already organized along clan lines.

The political leadership of "Somaliland" understand that Harti integrating into the Federal Republic of Somalia basically kills all hopes for secession. With Harti gone, their secession has to become one that is along clan lines and the FGS will never accept that. This is why they fought to the bitter end in the 6 month war in Sool.

Somaliland is not going to be recognized by the FGS but by their independence borders of 1960 which includes not clans but a national public.
On the dissolution of the tribe protectorate agreements, tribes were no longer a legal entity.
A simple majority will win the day and the entire territory will be liberated from the south.
A majority of Somaliland's public support it's independence. Harti do not control territory in any legal sense. It's a legal situation not a defacto military situation which you are mixing up.

When Ethiopia say they are going to recognize Somaliland, you know it's the independence border but then you start talking about clans when they have no basis in law which confuses a lot of people. There is no such thing as clan based secession.

There won't even be a referendum to be honest, it's not required because SL existed on independence it's enough to recongize it. If Harti as an entitiy are so significant why don't they bring an end to the SL independence movement? Why don't they by militiary force take over the region? Or are you exageratting wildly as usual?
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FrΓΌher of the Djibouti Ugaasate πŸ‡©πŸ‡―
You just posted an autistic tribal map as if it had any basis in law. Somaliland's independence borders are what is going to be recognized nothing else.
Whay tribal map did I post? It never listed any tribes on it. It was to use as reference.

Somaliland has been around close to 40 years soon you will never gain recognition


FrΓΌher of the Djibouti Ugaasate πŸ‡©πŸ‡―
Somaliland is not going to be recognized by the FGS but by their independence borders of 1960 which includes not clans but a national public.
On the dissolution of the tribe protectorate agreements, tribes were no longer a legal entity.
A simple majority will win the day and the entire territory will be liberated from the south.
A majority of Somaliland's public support it's independence. Harti do not control territory in any legal sense. It's a legal situation not a defacto military situation which you are mixing up.

When Ethiopia say they are going to recognize Somaliland, you know it's the independence border but then you start talking about clans when they have no basis in law which confuses a lot of people. There is no such thing as clan based secession.

There won't even be a referendum to be honest, it's not required because SL existed on independence it's enough to recongize it. If Harti as an entitiy are so significant why don't they bring an end to the SL independence movement? Why don't they by militiary force take over the region? Or are you exageratting wildly as usual?
This is impossible. Only reason countries like South Sudan gained independence was because Sudan recognised them.
Do not compare yourself to taiwan or anything similar, The rest of the World doesn't care enough about tribal fiefdom to cause a diplomatic crisis in the horn. They will only recognise SL if Mogadishu does which no fgs government will since that's political suicide.

The only country that gassed up landers was 4th world ethiopia which came out of another genocidal civil war where they sieged and cut of Tigray region and killed 600k in 2018. But even Abiy knows his limits. He's only using somaliland to secure his own internal position. Why would he recognise SL? That would turn the whole international community against him?


FrΓΌher of the Djibouti Ugaasate πŸ‡©πŸ‡―
You argue a lot about something that will never happen.
I only think or mention somaliland when I run into the same few threads and the same few people. My only goal is to open your eyes langaab the world is larger that this shitty peninsula. The world does not care to create tribal fiefdoms in Somalia. If somaliland was independent they'd make so many other countries independent too but that's not how the world works sxb
I only think or mention somaliland when I run into the same few threads and the same few people. My only goal is to open your eyes langaab the world is larger that this shitty peninsula. The world does not care to create tribal fiefdoms in Somalia. If somaliland was independent they'd make so many other countries independent too but that's not how the world works sxb

You are still arguing. Why do you need to convince Somalilanders of anything if it's never going to happen?

Like go help yourself if you are not a langaab.


FrΓΌher of the Djibouti Ugaasate πŸ‡©πŸ‡―
You are still arguing. Why do you need to convince Somalilanders of anything if it's never going to happen?

Like go help yourself if you are not a langaab.
I'm going to Djibouti πŸ‡©πŸ‡― after my degree anyways I don't really care at the end of the day πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
I'll go Somalia πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄ next occasionally inshallah
I'm going to Djibouti πŸ‡©πŸ‡― after my degree anyways I don't really care at the end of the day πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
I'll go Somalia πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄ next occasionally inshallah

Okay, I hear Somaliland is nice too but they don't have a flag I can post, or maybe that's the butthurt point you are trying to make.

Anyway good luck with your plans. Somaliland doens't have to be a part of it.


FrΓΌher of the Djibouti Ugaasate πŸ‡©πŸ‡―
Okay, I hear Somaliland is nice too but they don't have a flag I can post, or maybe that's the butthurt point you are trying to make.

Anyway good luck with your plans. Somaliland doens't have to be a part of it.
My beautiful awdal has no plans to be a part of a sl
My beautiful awdal has no plans to be a part of a sl
Sad Doctor Who GIF

oohinta badan iska da
You know how I know your Somali you have the mental illness of delusions of grandeur. Aren’t you a Qaxooti? Aren’t you a Somali? Even if Somaliland gains independence it will devolve into the chaos Somalia is in because last I remember the Issaq subclans were fighting amongst themselves Somalis are doomed unless we drop this stupid qabil made up bullshit.
Alx I'm not a qaxooti nor my parents were one :)


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