What is your Ideal type

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I think it’s hard to say, but I think the key points are someone who is patient, kind, loyal, not mean and who worships Allah SWT fully and is level headed and can lead properly.

also maybe someone who likes me more than I like them πŸ˜‚


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
- Awdalite
- Athletic
- Tall
- Handsome
- Erudite
- Self-actualized
- Chaste
- Honest
- Altruistic
- Discerning
- Dependable
- Diplomatic
- Diligent
- Devoted
- Driven
- Devout
- Demure
- Disinterested in Other Women
:rejoice:Yes; he exists.
- Awdalite
- Athletic
- Tall
- Handsome
- Erudite
- Self-actualized
- Chaste
- Honest
- Altruistic
- Discerning
- Dependable
- Diplomatic
- Diligent
- Devoted
- Driven
- Devout
- Demure
- Disinterested in Other Women
:rejoice:Yes; he exists.
It’s been a fat minute maybe time to widen radius to 300-600 km?

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
- Awdalite
- Athletic
- Tall
- Handsome
- Erudite
- Self-actualized
- Chaste
- Honest
- Altruistic
- Discerning
- Dependable
- Diplomatic
- Diligent
- Devoted
- Driven
- Devout
- Demure
- Disinterested in Other Women
:rejoice:Yes; he exists.
Awdalite. What an interesting spin on the word. Sounds better than Punt or Jubba or Somali - Lander.
- Awdalite
- Athletic
- Tall
- Handsome
- Erudite
- Self-actualized
- Chaste
- Honest
- Altruistic
- Discerning
- Dependable
- Diplomatic
- Diligent
- Devoted
- Driven
- Devout
- Demure
- Disinterested in Other Women
:rejoice:Yes; he exists.
Why a doctorate? Most people even if they're intelligent can't afford to spend 6-8 years making peanuts


β™šSargon of Adalβ™š
Which gadabuursi has J haplogroup :hmm:
Maternal haplogroup J1B to be specific, probably migrated into Africa with R1b.

There is no J haplogroup Xeebjire. Unless you are referring to @NidarNidar maternal haplogroup. FYI his mother isn't Xeebjire (but another Gadabuursi clan). Also, both my Xeebjire grandmothers are N1a. As for paternal haplogroups all but one tested are T1a.
Habar Yusuf.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Smart (not willing to compromise on this, must be well above average, deal breaker)
Big booty (willing to compromise on this)
BMI 20-25
Tall (5'6 or 167 cm and above)


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
It’s been a fat minute maybe time to widen radius to 300-600 km?
My vision board had more than that and his specific sub-clan too. Though it looked more like a ransom letter. :chrisfreshhah:Hostage style take over to envisioning seems to be working.

The exact target was found. I will be subtle in how I proceed to have him gagged and bound.

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