What is your Ideal type

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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Awdalite. What an interesting spin on the word. Sounds better than Punt or Jubba or Somali - Lander.
-ite is a suffix that can be added. Puntite I've heard before. Though Jubbaite sounds odd though.
Why a doctorate? Most people even if they're intelligent can't afford to spend 6-8 years making peanuts
There are many doctorates some professional others are academic. There are heavy weight intellectuals who don't enter university or they depart sooner than others. You do not need a degree to be financially successful. What I am for is a mix of drive, ambition, and something commensurate educationally. It's nothing personal. I think this uncompromising trait I have has paid off.


She can't be above 5'9 cause.. :Cry:
I mean i got a year or two left of growing inshallah i'll make it to 5'10 or 11' :salute:

Skin tone isn't big of a deal to me, i've noticed that regular madow girls skin looks a bit different compared to Cushitic girls, anyone else? Something about xalimos having softer skin, i like it.

not too fat and not too skinny. Needs to be mashallah in all the right areas.
Can cook me good food.
Can cook me good future soldiers for my futuh.

That's about it, i don't really care about anything else enough to have a preference. It's not that the only thing i care about a woman is these things, she can have whatever hobbies she want, educational level, idc. As long as she's decent i dont give a damn.


- Awdalite

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
- Marehan
- Qalanjo
- Erudite
- Self-actualized
- Chaste
- Honest
- Altruistic
- Discerning
- Diplomatic
- Diligent
- Devoted
- Devout
My, my. Of course not, these are due from observation of mi familia's facial hair (as well as, noted observations of forearms). Vintage photographs paint a similar scene, a joyous occasion (for me) as I've never enjoyed the thought of being enjoined with a hairy man.
Weeeshhhh thanks for the clarification, I thought you meant in bodily contact.

You are not @Jackie reincarnated,are you?


My, my. Of course not, these are due from observation of mi familia's facial hair (as well as, noted observations of forearms). Vintage photographs paint a similar scene, a joyous occasion (for me) as I've never enjoyed the thought of being enjoined with a hairy man.
Oh somalis don't grow body hair? Thank god its not just me. In school all the south asian kids had hairy ass bodies and legs and I was as hairless as can be. Some little bit on my legs but nothing else body wise. I just don't have body hair.

She should be tall, long soft hair, thick legs aka kub in somali, big eyes, small waist, small calool, big you know what :hemad: and she should be marin color.

She should observe all religious obligations genuinely and believe in them too. She should be really clean person. She should be loyal, supportive and high IQ as people with high IQ are less interested in drama. Last but not least, she should be a woman who will be a stay home wife/mom. I can't deal with man wanna be chicks.
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