It’s bro my guy lol. There was an interesting theory that dirs could be a somalized Cushitic people. I saw this one post on a diff site what do you think of his theory?Afars are nomads but they are genetically closer to Amhara farmers than Somali people. There are also Somali farmers but I get what you mean bro/sis
The origin story of the Darod clan, despite supposedly being about a Muslim saint, has clear Waqist themes often found in Ethiopia. Saint appears atop a sacred tree, local people give him a local daughter so he comes down, marries her and guides them. This is a common Waqist story and the "daughter" in this context is the daughter of the Dir clan chief. Darods, a clan rich in V32, according to oral tradition, intermarry with Dirs, a clan rich in T-M70, through the maternal line to become Somalis like them. I think what Somalis are recounting here is actually the Somalization of North-Central Somalia. Similar to Arabians with the "Adnan" & "Qahtan" story, Somalis probably have things assed backwards and the Somalized people are in fact Dir in this story and the Darod in this story are a representation of a people from further south and west in the Horn coming into North-Central Somali territories and bringing Proto-Coastal-Northern Somali with them. The prior inhabitants probably spoke some other form of Cushitic. I doubt it was that close to Saho-Afar like Ehret thinks cos I see no proof for this but I'm becoming somewhat convinced this more or less was the case