sellout? how is bragging about the media representation of madow men something to envy? why would anyone be proud of being seen as thugs or criminals? don’t you think this contributes to racism, as if america doesn’t use the media for that exact purpose? and it’s not even out of choice. many rappers don’t come from the "struggle". if they had the option to do something else, they would. same with female pop stars who sell a vulgar image yet claim to be empowered, but everything they do is controlled by men and made to pander to a male audience. neither one owns their image or has full control.You know what just f*ck off im done arguing with ur sellout ass. The struggle isn’t the culture but it’s a part of the culture the way we get discriminated and singled out for our skin everyday is a part of our life for a lot of us it made us the people we are. In neighborhoods like mine you’ll see black people everywhere and the culture thriving black shops businesses community centres and more it’s our home that’s why we glorify it.