Wow you got zero on physical touch does being touched repulse you. I grew up in a household with very little touching as a way of showing affection im guessing most somalis do as well so touching is a foreign concept until they get a bit older.I finally got around to reading this book - the 5 love languages. Anyway the premise of the book is that that people don't give and receive love in the same way. So, you might not share the same love language with a significant other/ someone you like.
Of the 5 love languages:
- Words of Affirmation - You like hearing encouraging words and genuine compliments.
- Gift Giving - Gifts are an indication of appreciation and effort and valued above all else.
- Acts of Service - Performing tasks like errands/obligations as demonstrative of true appreciation (i.e. paying bills, household chores etc.)
- Physical Touch - The need for physical touch or close proximity to someone is highly valued among this type of person.
- Quality Time - Valuing full and undivided attention.
I took the test and scored:
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Actions don’t always speak louder than words. If this is your love language, unsolicited compliments mean the world to you. Hearing the words,"I love you," are important— hearing the reasons behind that love sends your spirits skyward. Insults can leave you shattered and are not easily forgotten. You thrive on hearing kind and encouraging words that build you up.
Shukaansi never worked on me though. I want to know the meaning of this!
Please take the quiz and share your results.
There is a quiz for:
Singles (18+):
The Love Language® Quiz
Discover your primary love language and how you can use it to better connect with your loved
Couples (i..e married):
The Love Language® Quiz
Discover your primary love language and how you can use it to better connect with your loved
Teens (for you high schoolers):
The Love Language® Quiz
Discover your primary love language and how you can use it to better connect with your loved
I took the test and I got quality time like I expected.
If you enjoy spending time with someone and just being in their presence that shows you love them in my eyes. Everything else just seems like a bonus or the cherry on top.