Why you got to take it there my g, what did my parents do to you?abaha iyo hooyada contagious kaga wass.
then don't quote or indirect me than you , -ass negro.
Why you got to take it there my g, what did my parents do to you?abaha iyo hooyada contagious kaga wass.
then don't quote or indirect me than you , -ass negro.
Why you got to take it there my g, what did my parents do to you?
Be out you nigga dissing mothers, you scum of the earth, dastardly creature pure vermin scoundrel mongrel useless eater.aii bro...my apologies. No need for hooyo and abo talk.
we good. I'm out.
Be out you nigga dissing mothers, you scum of the earth, dastardly creature pure vermin scoundrel mongrel useless eater.
May Allah bless your mother & grant her the highest paradise amiin ya rab.i'd rather be that than be the product of a one-night stand.![]()
May Allah bless your mother & grant her the highest paradise amiin ya rab.
I won't stoop to your level.
You're subhuman, a man who disrespects another persons mother surely can't have respect for their own mother. Indeed you're a slimy creature who should be confined in the sewage system.ameen.
i got no beef bruh. You'se the one gettin your panties in a bunch and comin at me sideways. You wanna calcaal more, i got time. Otherwise, i'll stop.
and i too wish your mother and everyone else's mother on here the highest level of jannah inshallah.
You're subhuman, a man who disrespects another persons mother surely can't have respect for their own mother. Indeed you're a slimy creature who should be confined in the sewage system.
If Anita rejected you it's not our fault so don't take it out on usnigga, why the f*ck do you continue to talk outta your ass? I swear you said a post above that you ain't gonne stoop to my level, so why you keep calcaalin?
I told you we got no beef, so why the f*ck do you keep on goin?
secondly, you don't know who i am to pass judgement. You don't know how i treat my mother or any woman i come into contact with. You are just another nigga sittin behind a computer screen somewhere else in this world that thinks he's entitled to judge someone simply because he has come across them on an internet forum.
stop taking the internet so serious....for fucks sake.![]()
CognitiveFaggot,man called them a cute couple.Swrong wit dis khaneeth sheikhAnita & that guy from uk make a nice couple masha Allah inuthardly say masha Allah bruh.
You're clutching at straws, it's pitiful to say the least now vamoose.CognitiveFaggot,man called them a cute couple.Swrong wit dis khaneeth sheikh
I apologize to the British members of this forum. My topic sparked rage North American farahs usually have reserved for the summer months when UK niggas roll through their cities like the Saudi Royal family and stunt on them.
section 8 house in the us is equivalent to middle class london houseNiggas who grew up on food stamps and section 8 housing are talking shit about UK Somalis![]()
section 8 house in the us is equivalent to middle class london house![]()