Which Somali girls are your type?

Do you mean this is the standard after the civil war and the influx of foreign ideologies, coupled with the effects of thirty years of bloodshed on peopleā€™s minds?

My mother says that during Siad Barreā€™s time, fit women, with slim waists and melanin-rich skin, were the ones desired. Seeing obese, fat women or single women bleaching their skin was unheard of. Todayā€™s standards are shaped by social media and Bollywood.

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personally I prefer the old standards. I despise seeing the foreign standards of fat bleached women nowadays. One of the many downsides of globalisation. Foreign standards, ones which obviously not everyone can meet. Especially when the standard is light skin when the majority of the world is dark skinned.
Donā€™t the men chase and hype this overweight bleached women

Adam Weishaupt

Forgot I Had an Account
Donā€™t the men chase and hype this overweight bleached women
Depends where. In rural countryside areas, itā€™s still unusual to see women who are fat or those who bleach. I donā€™t even think women like that would last there for their health. Itā€™s only the new generation or in Mogadishu where you would see these types of women, also they influence Somali TikTok. The Fobs now hype women who have a lot of meat on them, but they donā€™t consider bleaching a standard. Itā€™s not even a norm to bleach back home, and those who do look really weirdā€”not even white. They also canā€™t go out much because the sun burns their skin.
Depends where. In rural countryside areas, itā€™s still unusual to see women who are fat or those who bleach. I donā€™t even think women like that would last there for their health. Itā€™s only the new generation or in Mogadishu where you would see these types of women, also they influence Somali TikTok. The Fobs now hype women who have a lot of meat on them, but they donā€™t consider bleaching a standard. Itā€™s not even a norm to bleach back home, and those who do look really weirdā€”not even white. They also canā€™t go out much because the sun burns their skin.
They donā€™t even gain weight naturally they be using some suspicious imported pills to fatten up
Nothing on earth will ever top this;

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A man without a šŸ« won't be praised in afterlife
My type is someone with a good heart and character.
If the person was morbidly obese and genetically dispositioned to be so ugly and unattractave that no matter what they do they cant fix it BUT they had a good heart and character would you go with them?