White man complains about not feeling welcomed in Somalia


Coping through the 1st world
@KaiMarvin @Laiss

We are Black, African, Muslim & Arab. Arab is not an ethnic marker, it is a marker of civilizational allegiance. I am Arab insofar as that is a political identity. Arab long ago ceased to be a biological term. Think of Arab as the same as "western". We are part of Arab Muslim civilization. in the same way that Barack Obama is part of "Western Christian" civilization.

You should really replace Arab civilisation with Islamic. Somalis can’t really relate with Arab struggles since Somalis aren’t really Arabs to begin with. They can’t speak the language. So they aren’t Arab. Only besides us being part of the Arab league it doesn’t mean anything. If you can’t speak the language you aren’t an Arab. What makes Somalis thinks this way is because of how Islam is influenced by Arab culture.

Somalis can only relate with Arabs because of Islam. If Somalis weren’t mostly Muslim they wouldn’t relate with them.
@KaiMarvin @Laiss

We are Black, African, Muslim & Arab. Arab is not an ethnic marker, it is a marker of civilizational allegiance. I am Arab insofar as that is a political identity. Arab long ago ceased to be a biological term. Think of Arab as the same as "western". We are part of Arab Muslim civilization. in the same way that Barack Obama is part of "Western Christian" civilization.
We don’t speak Arabic, watch Arabic media, or take part in their customs.

We aren’t even politcally the same as them despite us being in the Arab league.

Barack Obama is part of western civilization because he’s born and bred there and half his DNA is from there.

Somalis are simply not arab, the way Persians and Turks are not. And that’s ok.


Forza Somalia!
Levant accent is hella sus. Particularly Lebanese & Syrians. Iraqis, Palis and Jordanians are more manly.

Grown ass talking like a little girl "تؤبرني شو بدك" ... "طمني عليك"
It is about how you talk, talking like soft man can be done in any language and accent, take american gay men as an example, تؤبرني شو بدك are used only by women never heard a man say this, your assumption that any person who speaks in Levantine accent is sus, is just dumb f*ck.


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