White Man Has A Mental Breakdown Tariq Nasheed Gives His Critiques

Can i have a hug?
U can have dap
if your older than 18 then grow tf up even Boogie is much mature than you
you the 1 tht need the grow up lol what kind person Result to insult when u cant even read English or write and insult how ppl write English grow kid now log out it is good for you go better yourself and stop calling ppl monkeys and stop forcing black identitty into ppl throat
Like i said u are Kid tht Whining about dislike and cry admit u hatefull and force you agenda black identitty
Go cry to admi you Whining annoying kid
God bless Boogie. he was truly a very mature kid you on the other hand is an annoying little f*ck.
Well Well Well Loook looky here what we have here a very hypacrit person tht is hatefull and call ppl monkeys
U think u better then me u the annoying 1 little kid u hatefull stop being daamm hypacrit accept u are hatefull person tht say awefull things about ppl
God bless Boogie. he was truly a very mature kid you on the other hand is an annoying little f*ck.
Who is the annoying 1 lol u the tht wrote disrespectfully thing on my profile and give dislike then complain when i give dislike lol u double stander arent little annoying kid
If u cant handle dislike maybe you shouldnt give ppl dislike and insult ppl have u think about tht you creep tht stalk my profile Page lol what creep