White Man Has A Mental Breakdown Tariq Nasheed Gives His Critiques

I felt sorry for that poor man as a sufferer of Bipolar myself I feel his pain.
i think he was going through mania, he said he hadnt slept for 3 days
bipolar is a very scary illness ive witnessed it 🙏 the guy recording seem to have 0 awareness and hes supposed to represent the black community apparently


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
i think he was going through mania, he said he hadnt slept for 3 days
bipolar is a very scary illness ive witnessed it 🙏
Mine is very mild so I dont need medication but I knew I had a problem. I am brave enough to admit my illness. Alx, my wife has effectively cured me and taught me patience.
Hey look it you @qwertyuiop fatzilla
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Mine is very mild so I dont need medication but I knew I had a problem. I am brave enough to admit my illness. Alx, my wife has effectively cured me and taught me patience.
its great to hear that. my sibling has bipolar and its very severe he needs medication for it and his manic episodes are very intense


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
its great to hear that. my sibling has bipolar and its very severe he needs medication for it and his manic episodes are very intense
Dont ever yell and scream at him this will worsen the situation. Take him to a calm park or scenic area and help him with breathing excercises. Breathing excercises are very effective.
Dont ever yell and scream at him this will worsen the situation. Take him to a calm park or scenic area and help him with breathing excercises. Breathing excercises are very effective.
thanks for the advice, ive noticed getting loud never helps at all just make it much worse
calm down chubby c*nt. stop being a little b1tch and spamming this thread with your dated frogs. nigga we're in 2021 not 4chan 2016. yes, i suggest you get castrated if that means you'll be less like the testosterone filled lardo you are :)
Hey creepy fatzilla dont worry just apologize then i am i Will leave u alone
no, it has everyhting to do with race. WHite criminals are always having a bad day.
I don't think so. White people don't commit crime at nearly the same rate and when it comes to that specific case you were talking about the white guy had no criminal history. He seemed like your average person so his criminal behavior is an abnormality.
Bruv are you a psychiatrist or something? How do you know?
I'm pretty sure people would have a different reaction if the guy recording was white and the guy having a meltdown was black.
No they wouldn’t. There are certain things that goes way past race when people see they react. Things like abuse against children, the elderly or abuse against the mentally ill people. So stop with the if he was black nonsense and have some naxariis
He seemed like your average person so his criminal behavior is an abnormality.

This guy is definitely not an average person. No average person would ever self-harm like that by smashing his head on the monitor. :wtf:

This guy has mental problems and he is also an alcoholic. He admitted to drinking on the job and also drinking and driving.

White people don't commit crime at nearly the same rate.
That is true since they have stronger family units than blacks they are less prone to crime. About 50% of black kids are born into single-mother households. Truly sad.

About 70% of black kids are born out of wedlock :farmajoyaab:
No they wouldn’t. There are certain things that goes way past race when people see they react. Things like abuse against children, the elderly or abuse against the mentally ill people. So stop with the if he was black nonsense and have some naxariis
All you do you is defend white people and shit on blacks. The guy was acting crazy so he needs to record for his own safety in case the white guy says he was being harassed. The cooning here is so embarrassing

