White Man Has A Mental Breakdown Tariq Nasheed Gives His Critiques


The one and only 4head
This guy is definitely not an average person. No average person would ever self-harm like that by smashing his head on the monitor. :wtf:

This guy has mental problems and he is also an alcoholic. He admitted to drinking on the job and also drinking and driving.

That is true since they have stronger family units than blacks they are less prone to crime. About 70% of black kids are born into single-mother households. Truly sad.

Despite (just) making up 12% of the population.
He is a victim. That man who filmed him was an asshole who was looking for viral moment using race. Instead he pushed and pushed a mentally ill people. even after seeing his breakdown he didnt stop filming and was looking for more. No humanity. People dont like to watch mentally ill be abused


I was reading through the comments and it turns out apparently the guy was diagnosed with autism and has mental health problems and people want to act like this is a 'white' issue.

This is just simple bulling. Clearly the guy didn't even have the capacity to deal with stress and imagine having a camera shoved in your face?!
All you do you is defend white people and shit on blacks. The guy was acting crazy so he needs to record for his own safety in case the white guy says he was being harassed. The cooning here is so embarrassing
That’s the difference between you and me. Everything isn’t about race

I was reading through the comments and it turns out apparently the guy was diagnosed with autism and has mental health problems and people want to act like this is a 'white' issue.

This is just simple bulling. Clearly the guy didn't even have the capacity to deal with stress and imagine having a camera shoved in your face?!
Yep bullying a person really struggling that much ain’t hard and then to use race as defence is bullsh1t. Also this whole white people wouldn’t care is another lie as you don’t see a single white person talk against or didn’t protest for George floyd. Hell there was more whites than blacks in those protests. So the narrative they want to create every white person is ok with black injustice is simply a lie
All you do you is defend white people and shit on blacks. The guy was acting crazy so he needs to record for his own safety in case the white guy says he was being harassed. The cooning here is so embarrassing
what?? it has nothing to do with race first of all, the shizo guy could be black and i would think of it the same. stop twisting it
Yep bullying a person really struggling that much ain’t hard and then to use race as defence is bullsh1t. Also this whole white people wouldn’t care is another lie as you don’t see a single white person talk against or didn’t protest for George floyd. Hell there was more whites than blacks in those protests. So the narrative they want to create every white person is ok with black injustice is simply a lie

Tbh, for every white person that does care, there are plenty of whites that would love to see black people back to a position of inferiority. Why do you think Trump and the slogan 'make America great again' took off? When was America ever great? For the average cadaan screaming this, America was great in the 50s and 60s, when they had the free license to racially abuse black people.

In this situation, the black guy was clearly wrong, but we've seen far too many situations in which white people abuse black people and then act like victims when calling the police.
Tbh, for every white person that does care, there are plenty of whites that would love to see black people back to a position of inferiority. Why do you think Trump and the slogan 'make America great again' took off? When was America ever great? For the average cadaan screaming this, America was great in the 50s and 60s, when they had the free license to racially abuse black people.

In this situation, the black guy was clearly wrong, but we've seen far too many situations in which white people abuse black people and then act like victims when calling the police.
True. But even after he recorded it and seen the guys reaction. If he didn’t share none of this would happen. They raised 30k for the white guy now. So he basically made the white guy richer. I just don’t like this new trend people looking for a viral moment bringing up their phone every situation they don’t agree with. It’s lame
Cadaans are so unstable man. One minute they are normal next minute they are having a full-blown meltdown :wtf:

@Arma Now I understand why you say whites make terrible slaves :mjlol::dead:
You know people have zero empathy these days! Smh. You guys have no idea what’s going on with this guy and his life and whoever recorded him was taunting him and probably was for some time even before. He’s just trying to do his job and not only was he recorded but also publicly humiliated. Also why bring race into this? Don’t ever lol at someone’s else misery! Smh


The one and only 4head
Tbh, for every white person that does care, there are plenty of whites that would love to see black people back to a position of inferiority. Why do you think Trump and the slogan 'make America great again' took off? When was America ever great? For the average cadaan screaming this, America was great in the 50s and 60s, when they had the free license to racially abuse black people.

In this situation, the black guy was clearly wrong, but we've seen far too many situations in which white people abuse black people and then act like victims when calling the police.

Make America Great is a slogan taken by Ragean.
True. But even after he recorded it and seen the guys reaction. If he didn’t share none of this would happen. They raised 30k for the white guy now. So he basically made the white guy richer. I just don’t like this new trend people looking for a viral moment bringing up their phone every situation they don’t agree with. It’s lame

Honestly, he was disgusting for that. Imagine abusing a poor mentally unstable and drained man who probably has to deal with entitled customers on a daily basis. People seriously lack humanity. I'm glad money has been raised for him. Hopefully, its enough for him to leave that field because clearly he isn't able to cope with the idiots he probably has to interact with on a daily basis.
$30k in 10 hours cadaans really support their people

Alhamdulillah! Karma is B! You try to ruin someone’s life and break them down and guess what? Allah uplifts them! Kid was making minimum wage and just trying to do his job! I hope he gets 6 figure+ donation!


The one and only 4head
Yes, and Reagan doesn't say lets make it great, he says make it great 'again'. Clearly he thought America's bloody racial history was a 'great', because America was never great for Natives or Blacks who make up a large % of this nation. That saying is truly preposterous.

I think you're getting wrong here.
When they say "Make America Great Again", they are implying the Industrial Revolutions, in the mid and late 19th century, the roaring 20s, and the Baby-boom period (during Cold War, until the 70s), thus this slogan is the call of the "Good Ol'Time" when the Economy was prosperous, and that America was ahead of everyone. Because, in the 80s, the country was witnessing severe economical restrictions (many delocalizations of factories), and Trump (first Reagan) tried to bring back the Industrial Prosperity.
Nobody is implying to bring back Segregations, as they ended it in the 50s/60s. Way before the end of America's economical restrictions in the 70s/80s.

And to be fair, Trump wasn't racist. Not even the slightest. Being big-mouthed, he has said dumb shit, but stayed coherent in his politics to put Americans first. (An ancient american policy, before World War I, America was an Isolationist country. To be fair, according to famous Geopolitician and diplomat, Henry Kissinger, America's history was between isolationism and interventionism).

In my opinion, Trump wanted to align himself among the greatest presidents in the U.S, such like Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ronald Raegan. His personal beliefs for minorities didn't prevent him helping them; https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/a...s-economy-is-historically-good-for-minorities. But here's a more objective source: https://www.politifact.com/factchec.../fact-checking-trump-hiring-minorities-women/



undercover amhara in the zoo
Walaahi this black entitlement is getting to me too much. I am thinking of even stop watching CNN which is my favorite news source. I am so thankful i am not in the social media.

Being Black has suddenly become a priced commodity. Look at Tareeq describing himself on the tweet as "Black Customer"

Not just Customer. He had to put in that Black in there!

Walaahi--- i am going to make a special dua where I pray that the Power of White people be severely increased.

May Allaah swt guide the White race to continue to rule the world, and give them guidance to control the minority in a fair and balanced way.
I don't know if i should be scared of this special dua or make it with you

