Ofc its unfortunate. Especially in GebGabo were the whole village has 1 teacher for 130 plus students
Somalia should follow Somalilands model and give kids free education at least until Dugsiga sare(Highschool)
Ofc its unfortunate. Especially in GebGabo were the whole village has 1 teacher for 130 plus students
Where in Hargeysa and Burco and Borama have you seen free schools.Somalia should follow Somalilands model and give kids free education at least until Dugsiga sare(Highschool)
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https://hiiraan.com/news4/2019/May/...e_school_taking_classes_for_120_children.aspxSomalia should follow Somalilands model and give kids free education at least until Dugsiga sare(Highschool)
View attachment 73134
Where in Hargeysa and Burco and Borama have you seen free schools.
Real landers woupd even tell you there are school fees.
6 for primary and dhexe
10 to 15 for hs
As a fellow Omar mahamuud..I am a unofficial spokesman for my tribe as they are for me, truth is we are of the same nature there is nothing wrong with that , we dont hold grudges put that Into your head we fight and forgive , dont make it sound like we dwell over past incidents when we dont are you goin to teach me about my People??
I never said that we were ruled by anybody broAs a fellow Omar mahamuud..
I do agree with you on the part that we don't hold grudges.. But I disagree with you on Puntlanders being ruled by a central government from muqdisho.. I actually support an independent puntland state.
Read the link.First you said school wasn't free, I proved you wrong kid. It's been free since 2011. The government started this programme and rolled it out to most of the country. Just stop pulling shit out your ass to prove your point![]()
When did you last visit thereRead some bum tabloids on hiiraan vs what I already knew and the doc from UNCEF & other orgs. 68IQ![]()
When did you last visit there
I came back February. Hargeysa everyone paid school dues including my cousinsWinter break of course the programme has not reached every village. But major cities fully
I came back February. Hargeysa everyone paid school dues including my cousins
Nigga im Reer Waqooyi asal.Secondary they pay, not dugsiga hoose iyo dhexe
Why go to Somaliland if you hate the people and what they support![]()
Wth is 1 to 12, You just showed your ignorance of SL lying ass kidNigga im Reer Waqooyi asal.
I know it as Somalia they can call it whatever they want.
You act like im not from the North.
Second from 1 to 12 you have to pay. You dont know shit
1st grade to 12 grade.Wth is 1 to 12, You just showed your ignorance of SL lying ass kid
You should fly to Bosaaso instead of paying a Visa and using services of a place and people you dont like![]()
I have noticed that many Somalis are blind unionists. These people have all one common characteristic, which is to ignore the reality that exits.
First of all, we have to question, if union is always the solution for every problem ? Many Somalis use as an example Germany. It might be true that the German union in 1871 made them the strongest power in the world at that time. But what was the key for this union ? Before the German union, Germany existed as a confederation of Federal States (actually kingdoms). The two strongest States were Preußen and Austria-Ungarn and they were always competing with each other. The Bundeskanzler of Preußen Otto von Bismarck understood very quickly that there is no hope for a united Germany with both States, because of their rivalry. So what did he do ? He and his State Preußen provoked Austria and invaded it in a war. After the victory of Preußen over Austria Ungarn, Bismarck put the famous condition on Austria, that they are not allowed to join the new German country in the coming union. But he made clear Austria-Ungarn will be Germanys little brother and in both world wars they fought side on side. Bismarck is not a hero because of the German union. He is a hero because he managed to create a united Germany under a Hegemony of his state Preußen and he managed to keep Austria-Ungarn as loyal little brother. This is what you expect from a wise politician. So he analysed the situation and made the best of it.
What is the situation of Somalia today ? Somalia is mainly divided into three parts. The first part is Somaliland in the North, which has developed in the last 30 years every condition to become a country, but they are still not recognized. There is no hope that Somaliland comes back, the people and politicians are very strong in their cause. The second part is Puntland, a state, which want to be Part of a Federal system and has progressed the last 20 years with peace and statehood. Puntland will never accept a central state, because of what happened in the Mudug massacre. The third part of the country is lawless, unfortunately because of many years of wars. No where is anything near statehood and i refuse to call the other 4 states as states because they are actually not. The south has many thousands of foreign soldiers, terrorists and no structures at all. They south is not suitable for a federal system, because of the clan diversity and actually most southerners don't believe in Federalism, the most prominent one is The admin of Xamar, who spits on this law constantly. You see how much problems the Puntland has with the FGS since 2012. This status quo made it possible that we (all of us !!) are today the dogs and puppets of Arabs, Kenyans, Ethiopians.
In my humble opinion these fake unionists people are the real curse of Somalia. They never talk about what is reality in Somalia, but about their wishes and dreams. They always try to belittle Somaliland and Puntland and every community wich wanna destiny its own fate and they play down the actual problems we face. Some of them even wanna convince us that Farmaajo for example, who rules one street with foreign help, has developed the country so much that he needs another few years more to solve all our problems. They are not interested in facts and that every year the situation is getting worse and worse and the country is splitted mote than ever. Everyone else who tries to actually analyse the situation and looks for a solution for his community is a Somalidiid, Qarandumis, Qabyalist and many more. With Fake unionists i am not talking about certain tribes. You have Isaaq, Hawiye, Darood, Raxanweyn, Dir and every community, who are of them.
I have one question to yall. If you were asked to create a master plan for Somalia to solve our problems, like Otto von Bismarck did for Germany, what would be your plan ?
1st grade to 12 grade.
Hargeysa is my second capital. I live all over Somalia.
I fly to Bosaso or Hargeysa whichever is cheaper during the season
Who says i hat anyone.It's not even called grade 9 10, 11. That shows your ignorance kid
I wouldn't fly and stay in a city or place that I hate. That's weird![]()